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Everything posted by Talon

  1. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL WHO CELEBRATE IT TODAY!! I just love the artwork you guys find!! :woohoo: {Holidays-000200AB}
  2. Ya Dan, if you hang toys on it, it kind of looks like art! :lol: Talon went on it for a very short time the other day. They don't seem to like it. I tied all the frayed ends together like ponytails, and it helped. I think she was scared of it.
  3. Judy, We have emailed back and forth. She only sends me one sentence answers, so I'm waiting still.....
  4. Very nice! I love the perch over the sink idea~!
  5. I live in Massachusetts, and my daughter and I continue to search for any signs of greys for sale. My thoughts and prayers are with you and these birds that they will be returned to their flock and their home.
  6. Not a stupid question by the way....no questions are stupid. B)
  7. How about enticing him with a treat? And when you get him to step onto your fingers, hold his talon tightly so he can't fly away. He won't like it, but be persistent and tell him it's okay, you will be back soon. Then praise him when he gets in his cage repeatedly, tell him what a good boy he is! Reward him with a treat thru the bars. If you really have a problem, then you will have to towel him to catch him, put him in his cage, reward him with praise and a treat. Good luck!
  8. Here, Here! I agree! Yes, you have EVERY right to voice your opinion.
  9. Hmmm. Rikki would be the smaller congo, with the feather stuck on the top of her beak between her eyes, it's chipped and keeps catching a down feather or two. She also would be the one with the biggest feet! And she loves to yell..."HAAAYYLOOOOO! She can't fly either, she would lift her wings and lean towards me for me to come get her. Talon would be the one that was the trickster! She loves to play tricks on you and then laughs at us! She would also be the best flier there! She can maneuver anywhere she wants, fast, smoothly, never a mistake! AND SHE TALKS NONSTOP! She would also be the one bird saying, "Sorry Talon, be back soon okay?" ( I say this to her when I have to put her in her cage to go to work). She also would be the one to bite you and then laugh! :laugh: This is a great idea for a thread! Karma coming for you!! B)
  10. Stephanie, I too watched 2 complete strangers, a grown middle aged man and his wife cry terribly as they said Good-bye and left Rikki with me after driving 3 hours to bring her to me. And these lovely people only had her for 5 weeks, but were devastated at having to give her to me. We continue to communicate via email, as they miss her so much. Her first owner and I email as well, as she misses her so much also. I send updates and pictures for them about every month or so. I agree with everyone that it is hard to understand why this woman is choosing the dog over the bird, but I also feel she is doing what she feels is in the best interest of Rocky. After all, she says, her husband doesn't really like the bird......who knows what that really means.
  11. Whoa Dave, Please remember that you are dealing with mostly "BIRD" people first, and "DOG" people second. I am sure most of us would agree that we don't know enough details to "pass judgment" on this situation, but also understand that given the choice most of us members would choose to keep our bird that we have had, bonded to, loved, cared for, lived with for 4 years, over a dog that we recently adopted just to keep our other dog company. But like I always say, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that's all these replies are.....opinions. We all have Rocky's best interest at heart. Call us CRAZY BIRD PEOPLE if you will! :laugh: The person who started this thread is NOT the person that is adopting out Rocky.
  12. OMG! Judy, I must be nuts...another grey? My kids will kill me. Why do I feel so compelled to rescue every grey close to my home? I will need a room as an aviary.
  13. My tag started talking at 4 months, and she is brilliant in my opinion!! She at 3 years old, is starting to interact verbally with me. :cheer:
  14. I sent her an email. If Rocky is a boy.....I'll have to go get him......I can't leave him there in a cage. OMG! I must be nuts!!! :pinch:
  15. Supposed to be at work right now....I'm stalling. It's 40 here, 50 mile an hour winds and it's pouring buckets of rain!! :angry: I have to work at both jobs today, but will be able to come home in between to play here! :woohoo: Have a good day everyone! B)
  16. Yea, kind of needed deleting.......:unsure:
  17. Interesting.....Talon has a sleeping cage. But that happened by accident. It wasn't something we planned on doing, but it is in my bedroom, and she only goes in it too sleep at night. She does have the option of playing on it and in it when I am on my computer in the day time, but she rarely does. She has toys, food, water and a sleep hut which she loves. ON the other hand, Rikki does not have a sleep cage. She sleeps in her mansion downstairs which I cover at night. I cover all my birds at night.
  18. I have the adventure pack, and Talon loves to go outside in it. :woohoo: Rikki is a little large for it, and has yet to want to have anything to do with it. But she would fit in it just fine. She's just chicken.....:blink:
  19. This is sooo sad....I live about 3 hours away. I wish I could help......but I have 2 already.....plus 2 parakeets......plus one dog.......plus 3 horses.......please someone adopt this bird. Why such a cheap adoption price, I wonder....:huh:
  20. I live in MA, and am only 35 minutes from CT, NH, VT. I will keep my eyes and ears open.
  21. I have sent out a system message. These birds need our help, my heart breaks for them and their flock members. :(
  22. I LOVE PINK FLOYD!!! My daughter's boyfriend and I send Pink Floyd songs back and forth on Facebook. He is a huge fan like I am. Great taste Dan!! :woohoo:
  23. Dave speaks correctly. I, as administrator, may be a lot of things here on this forum, ANNMARIE, but the etiquette police is not one of them when it comes to decorum. Most of us here lead very busy lives, and are in a hurry and don't have the time to pick and choose our words so carefully. I agree with Judy, that "common sense" would dictate that you don't leave a bird to his own supervision loose in the house when you are not home. These are our opinions based on our experience, research, and we like to warn new bird owners of ALL the possible dangers that can lurk. IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE..... we are here to help and voice our concerns when we feel it is needed. As far as the "two year old" comment, no you wouldn't "cage" a two year old, I don't see where Judy said you would, BUT you would make sure that they were supervised at ALL times, for their safety as well.
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