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Everything posted by Talon

  1. That is hilarious!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  2. Rikki is not sick in any way. This just showed up on her well bird check-up. It only says that her yeast level is high. The Lacto is actually Lactobacillus that you put in water and it is a probotic, good bacteria. Dave, I have done this routine with Talon many times as she came to us with a bacterial infection. They do drink it, especially if you mix a little juice with it for flavoring.
  3. Talon


    Don't waste your time. You can teach your bird all you want on your own. They are that smart. B)
  4. Hello Mandy, and Welcome to our Family. I love your pictures! She's a beautiful grey. I look forward to hearing more from you. B) I wouldn't worry about finding a feather on the floor. They will fall out, especially when they molt. If she was plucking, you would see it, she would be chewing it in a way much more than just preening.
  5. Welcome to our Family Dave. You are one lucky man with a very thoughtful family! I look forward to following your quest to find that special bird that is waiting for his forever home with you. B)
  6. Talon


    Thank you Casper for this well needed reminder. I have seen what's going on with the karma. I too, have had karma taken away recently for no apparent reason. I have seen nothing but positive posts from most of our members here, there is no reason to decrease their karma except maybe someone here thinks their smart and playing a game. I am fixing anyone's karma that I have seen start to decrease. I keep track. So......to whoever thinks they can beat me at the karma game....TRY ME! B)
  7. Thanks Dave for all your advice. I only give apple daily, sometimes I will add one other type of fruit with it. Rikki won't eat anything unless I eat it first. That being said, I HATE yogurt!! :evil: I am ashamed to admit that I am a HUGE fan of cheese, especially cheddar, and she does get a piece of that at least 3-4 times a week. The lacto routine that my vet likes all bird owners to follow is listed below, but since I moved 1 year ago, I haven't followed it, as it is difficult to keep up on, and Talon was never fond of the apple cider vinegar in the water. I usually would double the recipe and then mix it in with juice. I'd be interested to hear what your thoughts are on this subject, and your recommendations. :huh: My avian vet highly recommends lacto plus anytime our grey is ill. You put in a tsp. to 1 pint of water and use it as their drinking water for 2 weeks, followed by 1 tsp. to 1 pint of water of organic apple cider vinegar for 2 weeks. He advises all his avian patients to do this every 3 months, to keep their systems healthy from bacteria. He will use this method instead of antibiotics as much as possible.
  8. I have been trying to research what causes too much yeast in African Greys. So, far, I have found that too much fruit causes too much yeast, and the symptoms of too much yeast are them appearing somewhat listless and possibly sickly. Dies anyone here have any more knowledge of this? Rikki gets apple pieces almost every morning, sometimes mixed with plums, grapes or banana's. Very little juice, maybe 3 or 4 times a week, and then only about 4-5 sips once a day. I ask, as Rikki's gram stains came back perfect for bacterial infections, but the vet said she had too much yeast. I was at work and not able to take his call, my daughter did, and that is all the information she got. The course of treatment he wants us to do is the same one I did when Talon had a bacterial infection. (Lacto and organic apple cider vinegar routine for a month) Also, is the crop at risk for infection as well? I'd love any input and advice you guys might have. Thanks, Penny<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/31 01:51
  9. OMG! How moving...{Feel-bad-0002006A} Thank you so much Dan for sharing this TRUTH with us.
  10. {Feel-good-0002006E} lessons? Thanks guys!
  11. Wow, I really took a chance when I bought Talon. I live in Massachusetts, Talon came from Florida from a girl who was just breeding African Greys. She shipped Talon to me in the winter (watching the temps of course) when she was 9 1/2 weeks old, and she was weaned. I sent her money, and she shipped her by Delta. I was always concerned whether or not I would have a bird when I went to the airport to pick Talon up. But I was VERY lucky. I also had her home address and telephone number, but still I took a huge chance.
  12. UPDATE~~~~~~ Rikki went to the vet for her checkup and to have her band removed. She weighed 394 grams, and had 2 gram tests done. He said she was very healthy looking and had great muscle tone. When he toweled her, she even opened her beak up and waited for him to check her mouth. It was so cute!! Then he took out the cutting pliers and cut her band off. She didn't move a muscle, and never once made a peep the entire time we were there! I was very proud of her. :woohoo: :woohoo: (not like Talon who yells and screams as soon as you towel her...):blink: The vet thought her leg band was much too big for her, and was surprised to know that it hadn't gone up her leg and gotten stuck when she goes upside down. :huh: He also said: NO PEANUTS!!!! This I already knew, but I occasionally let her have them, that will stop now for good. Almonds, walnuts, and especially red palm nuts if I can find them is what he would like to see her have.
  13. That is absolutely adorable!! :cheer: I love the music too. :woohoo: Isn't it amazing at how smart he is, and tried to get his beak to open the seam of the 2 colored ball? WOW! Karma coming your way...B)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/28 23:11
  14. Maviarab: I went through a rough patch with my, at the time 2 1/2 year old grey Talon. She REFUSED to go in her cage by me. I had never had any problems with her before this. Then just one day, I accidently thought she was my other grey as I was busy talking on the phone, and tried to put her in the wrong cage. :ohmy: She was quite upset, since that one day, she decided I was not allowed to put her in her play cage when I had to leave any more. She would let my daughter put her in, but NOT ME! I was allowed to put her in her sleep cage to bed, but when it came time to put her in her play cage by me, she would fly all over the hose to escape it if I was trying to get her in there. We had quite the fights.....:pinch: I would chase her around the house, it would take me about 30-45 minutes before I would finally corner her, towel her and get her in her cage. Most of my house is very open, so I would have to close what doors I could, and then thumbtack sheets up to block her access to getting out of the room. Then I would have to wait until she lands, try to quickly towel her, and usually get bitten when I did manage to get her in her cage. This lasted about one month, then finally she settled down, and went back to her old ways in happily allowing me to put her in her cage. I ALWAYS have praised her and given her a reward when she does go in her cage. So, don't give up hope, sometimes they just get stubborn. You will over come this.....:dry:
  15. We are having technical trouble posting videos here. Most members just post on u-tube and then post a link here for us to see.
  16. Jessica, I am so sorry for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You did all you could, plus gave all the love and comfort you could.
  17. Here are detailed instructions as well from Our moderator Talonsis of the Photography Room. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-photography-room/89533-how-to-post-picturesphoto-tuturial.html
  18. Well Carolyn, Rikki or Talon are not chipped, but I will not worry as much when I leave Rikki alone. She doesn't play when I am home, but when I leave, she climbs all over her cage and plays the entire time. That's when I worry about her band getting caught on something. I will feel better after Monday when it will be removed. I think you made the right choice too!
  19. Not to be disrespectful or anything to anyone, but I am just wondering, as we see this kind of thread all too often here.......Don't people that get a grey, stop and think that someday, they may be adding to their families, and then do the what-if-test before they bring home a bird and it bonds to them. :huh:
  20. Goralka08 I did talk to my vet, there will be no anesthesia. Just a quick snip snip while she will be toweled.
  21. I agree with the others. You don't get rid of one child just because you have another time consuming one coming. You made that commitment with your grey, and they really are like your child. Please re-think, don't give up so easily, and take your time. You may find that it won't be as difficult as you imagine. After all, you have never been a parent to a "human" baby, so you don't really know first hand what you are able to handle or not handle. Don't let others (family, friends) who aren't in your shoes, dictate what you should do with your grey. Wait until your child is here, give it plenty of time, and you might just be surprised to see that it really won't be so difficult after all. B)
  22. Those are wonderful pictures. I am glas they seem to get along now. B)
  23. Guess What everyone? I just got back from Target store, and they were all sold out of Lego's..who would have thought? :blink:
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