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Everything posted by Talon

  1. I agree with you lovethatgrey. I think best not to upset anyone for the time being. :unsure:
  2. Tigerlily, I would love to see pictures. Sounds like a great idea!! Thanks everyone for all your great advice. I was at my wits end this am. Hopefully this is just a stage she is going thru. :dry:
  3. Thanks Judy. I do have these fake black birds I bought at the Dollar store taped to some of the doorways. IT looks bizarre, but seems to be working..... I wonder...could it be hormonal....she will be 4 next month. :huh:
  4. Ooh, that's a good idea Jane! I am not used to this behavior, and many I know don't experience this with their greys, so I am quite frustrated and upset... This was me this morning: {Feel-bad-0002006A}
  5. I'm thinking with all the changes in my house with Nilah, I should wait for a while I guess.....But Iam leaning towards a new cage. :pinch: :unsure: :unsure:
  6. That's good advice Jane. Although my house if filled with hanging gyms, treestands/playstands, toys.. Dan, I do all of that with Talon, and she is just like Dayo. But Rikki just gets worse and worse.
  7. I am desperate to get help with her behavior. It has gotten so bad, i had to put her back in her cage. It doesn't help that we have a new addition to our family, but I have made a point of giving her just as much attention and one on one time as before. :huh:
  8. I agree with you. I do consistently take her off and put her elsewhere, but the behavior has gotten worse. She spends the first 2-3 hours of her day doing this, then she is fine. She has ruined my woodwork in a matter of a few minutes....
  9. Rikki my cag who will be 4 in Dec. has become a bully! Now that she can fly with such precision, she is becoming a bully. She knocks everything onto the floor from the counter, tables etc. Recently he has taken to flying onto the door frames and chewing my woodwork. I am so frustrated, I want to clip her wings, but as you may know, I am very against wing clipping.....Talon flies freely, and is well behaved. I wonder how the sudden loss of her flight will do to her physiologically. Any advice, I would love to hear! :dry:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/11/14 19:38
  10. Hi everyone, I am in need of advice. as most of you know, I have a new family member, a yellow nape amazon. She is in Rikki's old cage that came with Rikki. It is much too small for her. Talon has a sleep cage that is bigger that she has had since she was 9 weeks old. I am wondering how upsetting it would be to switch cages for Talon. She has had quite an adjustment with the third bird already. Don't want her to feel put out anymore than she already does..... What do you guys think, should I switch cages or just buy Nilah a bigger one?
  11. What a look of awe on her face! I love it, thanks for sharing that with us. You made me smile today!
  12. Welcome and Congratulations! I AM SO HAPPY YOU RESCUED THIS PRECIOUS BIRD. B)
  13. Thanks. I hadn't planned on ever getting an amazon, you hear such horror stories about them, but Nilah is sooo sweet! So different than my greys, she repeats what you say after only hearing it 2 or 3 times! She's scared of nothing, new toys, new places, nothing phases her. The best part is...SHE DOESN'T BITE!!! :woohoo: She is very loving and a happy bird.
  14. WOW! Sounds like fun! Pictures please.....
  15. Thanks everyone. She is a dear. She's trying hard to figure out her new environment. She went from NO CAGE to going in a cage at night to sleep. She's slowly getting used to our schedule and all of our house. I bring her into the shower with me on a perch every day. Yesterday I sprayed her with the water. She was great about it. My other 2 greys would run for their lives if I tried that with them anymore...
  16. Jill is correct. The number on the ring refers to the breeder, not the hatch date. That info, the breeder and/or the pet store should have.
  17. Jeez....sorry, with such a long trip, you'd expect the vet to be better than yours. I personally don't think the collar will do the trick and stop her from chewing, I hate collars on any animal. My dog had to wear one, and he HATED it, as did I. :pinch: I'm curious, what does your regular vet say about her chewing?
  18. ............................................................................................................................................??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I can't imagine......:pinch:
  19. She may be a little quiet when you get home, but I expect very soon after she will be happy she is home and back to her own routine with your tlc. If you are too worried about the visit and how she will be, she will sense that and pick up on it before hand and will become nervous.....:huh:
  20. I'm sure all will go well today. Poor Josey, she has never had the chance to fly??? I expect a full report asap as soon as you are able...:huh:
  21. Thanks everyone for such lovely compliments to Nilah! She is a beauty, and she is exceptionally smart! She hears you say something or sing a line from a song only twice, and she is repeating it. She loves to talk to you in conversation. Of course you can't always tell what she is saying, but she continues on anyways. She already says, Heelllllooooo! Pretty Bird, Your a Good bird, and my favorite..."Rikki talks alot". :laugh: :laugh: What a different personality she has as compared to my greys. NOTHING Phases her, she likes everything I feed her the first try, (I don't even have to eat it first), loves every toy the first time she sees it. I took her in the shower which my greys think was designed to kill them, and she loved it! The bird store unfortunately cut her nails so short, she can't grasp anything! I have had to cover everything with vet wrap to help her get some traction. She can't balance herself when standing on you, so we really can't walk with her perched on our arm or shoulder. She walks onto you like she is walking on glare ice. Poor thing Her wings are also clipped so she can't fly even the least little bit. She doesn't know what step up means, but yesterday, she was catching onto that! She's fun and I have a lot of research to do on amazons since she is my first one. Rikki and Talon aren't wuite sure where their place is with her yet. Rikki has been trying to make friends, (Nilah seems to like her) but she's very cautious because she is bigger than her. Talon doesn't seemed phased by her at all. They are still all settling in, but in time I am sure things will be fine. The best thing of all is SHE DOESN'T AND WON'T BITE!!!!!!!! I'M LOVING IT!! :woohoo: I'll keep you updated. Time to go get them up for their oatmeal and whole grain toast! :side: :silly:
  22. I wouldn't worry about it. There is not enough caffeine in it to hurt them from a tiny sip or two.
  23. {Feel-good-000200A2} Yea, I'm just an old softeee. My family thinks I've lost my mind!! :blink:
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