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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Here is a picture of the now treestand I bought at the Bird of Paradise Store I went to a few weeks ago. Although it's not home made, I did add my own decor to it. So far, Nilah and Talon are the only ones to frequent it. Rikki seems to think it's a monster! :pinch: :blink:
  2. Thanks you two! I need to try and catch a picture of her when she is showing off her wings. She has colors of red, blue and yellow in them. They are beautiful.
  3. Okay, here it is, by request only! Of course you have to picture almost every door in my house has one of these hanging from it. I have 10 so far...if she discovers the other doors that are not guarded by these birds....I'm back off to the store again! :pinch: :pinch: FIRST THE CULPRIT: RIKKI Next a few pictures: Keep in mind, that this is the latest in fashion for Bird Owners everywhere.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  4. Here is our newest picture of Nilah. She is doing great! She LOVES to sing, she is a big show-off! She seems to really enjoy eating with us. It takes her an hour at every meal to finish. Rikki & Talon are done in just 10 minutes! You can usually find Nilah taking her time finishing up. When she is done, she will try to fly, which ends up her going straight down, and then she will proceed to march to wherever she feels like going, like a bird on a mission! Here is a typical dinner..Nilah finds it a must to STAND on our plates and help herself. :blink:
  5. Okay, thought I would post an update. It has been 3 weeks since I brought Nilah home. Rikki obviously was very jealous, as I am HER spoken one, and Nilah prefers me as well. Things are finally settling in. They have all figured out their place. Although they are all out at the same time, they all get their own special time with me, as well as all 3 hanging out on me. One on my shoulder, one on my arm, and one usually resting on me or my laptop. I am very careful to ALWAYS single each one out when ever I am talking to them. I definitely feel like I am running a birdie day care!! But is is fun and I wouldn't trade it for the world! I also think Rikki is getting a bit hormonal. She is 4, she spends the first 2-3 hours in the am after breakfast at the table being disruptive, flying, being a little terror, but then she settles down and becomes that cute angel she can be. :blink: I have had to buy Fake feathered birds and taped them over all my doorways.....it keeps Rikki away...But the decor is hilarious!! I will post an update on Nilah in my other thread about her. B)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/11/14 16:35
  6. I would like to announce our newest member of our moderator team.......Congratulations to Jill/aka Jillybeanz!! I am sure you will all agree that Jill keeps us on our toes with her humor! Jill has proven herself to be a loyal, contributing member always ready to give advice, calm the rough waters, and keep us smiling with her stories and adventures. Her loyalty here and the time she spends with us is much appreciated. I don't know when she sleeps..she's always here! :silly: Congratulations Jill! I am sure you will do a wonderful job!! :) B)
  7. Both my greys went thru the terrible two's. You will survive it........just be patient and understand they are trying to learn how to assert themselves. Here are a couple of threads on it, I hope you find them helpful. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-grey-lounge/129267-anyone-going-through-the-terrible-twos.html#129333 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-grey-lounge/59405-terrible-twos.html#71850
  8. rbpittman, Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind words. Especially since this position is unpaid! :pinch: Karma for you.
  9. Brittany, I don't fault you for posting that video. I think it was done very tastefully in your title. I think you are a wonderful person in how you have handled all the responses to your video. You will be able to discourage Pepper to drop the word in question, it will take time, but Pepper IS YOUR bird. Seeing all you have posted, it is clear you love and adore her and am very proud of her. She sounds like a lucky bird to have such a devoted and loving parront. Since others seem to think I over reacted, which they would be wrong, I just wanted to clarify, although I didn't find the video amusing, that doesn't mean you are a bad person or bad parront.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/11/11 17:32
  10. Jaguar wrote: Jeez, you are touchy aren't you..... My only thought when I watched her video was exactly what I wrote. In MY OPINION, it was sad to see such a beautiful bird using in my mind a 'FOUL" word. IT IS MY OPINION, AND MINE ONLY. I, just like everyone else here, is entitled to my opinion, my thoughts, my advice. It is not a requirement of the admin to not post a reply if they have one. I DO HOLD AN AWFUL LOT BACK HERE IN THIS FORUM, you have no idea.....:blink: As for me hanging my hat up......DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH! B)
  11. Talon


    My daughter came down with it this summer, she went to the doctors and got a prescription for cream to put on it. It worked great! We did figure out, she got it from her horse....:blink:
  12. Seeing as you edited your first post and took your link out...... I got your message.....
  13. Well, this is turning into a very interesting debate. I speak for SOME of us here in the 'SNUBBY FORUM" as you so kindly put it. US "SNUBS" are older experienced owners. We have seen the enormous numbers of birds left in rescues, rehomed numerous stressful times only to be given back to who ever is willing to take that bird because of it's foul language. These poor birds never did anything wrong and sometimes they end up in terrible homes because no one wants a bird that uses such language. We are only trying to enlighten you as you are a bit young and seem to be proud of what Pepper is saying. We can't predict the future, and I hope and pray that Pepper will be with you forever and not have to be rehomed for any unforeseen reason. We here, also understand that you never taught your bird this word, but any bird owner knows, that your bird will pick up just about everything you say. That's why we are careful in the use of our colorful language around them. B)
  14. No Brittany. I won't close this thread. You can't expect to post something like this and not get many different responses. We have over 5000 members from all over the world with many different opinions and beliefs. I will be keeping this thread open and use it as a learning tool for others. It is an important lesson.
  15. How sad that such a beautiful classy bird has been taught to speak such a filthy word.
  16. Talon

    free fly time

    Jamal, I have 2 greys that I let fly freely through out my house when I am home as well. I find that they are most active in their flying in the morning, and then as the day goes on, they settle down and are content to just hang out with me or on their tree stands/ toys/ hanging stuff around the house. Do your birds behave in this manner as well? :huh:
  17. Thanks! I hope it's an okay size for her.....
  18. Gee, I hadn't heard that. 4 from my house had swine flu and spent time with all my birds. They seem fine. I thought I had heard it couldn't be passed on to any pets.
  19. What a star......can I get her autograph???? :laugh: :whistle:
  20. Well, I DID IT! I just ordered a new cage for Nilah. The cage she is in now is Rikki's old cage prior to me having her. It is too small for them, it is 22 x 24. Nilah has a hard time moving around. I bought the largest one I could fit in the only space she has 36 x 28. That should be better. I will post pictures when I get it and build it...
  22. THANK YOU TO THOSE MEMBERS THAT NOTIFIED ME ABOUT THIS PERSON AND HAVE REPORTED THEM. Unfortunately, we are unable to add a room for dating at this time.....perhaps in the future....:laugh: :laugh: but don't hold your breath! :laugh: :sick: This member has been banned and will continue to be banned if they decide to log in under a different name. I appreciate anyone letting me know when things like this happen. It takes everyone here to keep our WHOLE family together! Thank you!! :kiss:
  23. Dan, Now THAT I'd like to see on video....:lol:
  24. Talon

    Pippa Parrot.

    I added them too! B)
  25. Dee, that is great advice. I think you maybe right. Since everyone has been so helpful, I wanted to give you today's update. I waited to get Nilah up until I had the chance to feed Rikki and Talon their oatmeal and peanut butter toast like always. Then when they seemed satisfied, I went and got Nilah up and allowed her to join us. It went well, and Rikki seems to be better behaved this morning. I did buy things to put on the doorways, and will put them up today. I will keep you posted, but it is nice to have a good day, I needed the break! :silly:
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