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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Talon

    I is back

    harmonicaman68, That is such a cool idea! I too work in an office in my hoem, I would love to be in a cage with my computer where my 2 greys couldn't chew my cords and keyboard....!!:blink:
  2. Where did you read this article? I think it's (in Judy's words) :laugh: a bunch of bull! I am sure others here will have other opinions.
  3. One other note, most greys will expect to eat when you eat, regardless of their own food. But you will find that when they are in their cage and your not around, they will indulge themselves. IT takes time to establish a routine with them, especially when it's a bird that has been passed around so to speak. Rikki is still learning and adapting to us, even after all this time we are still learning from each other! So, be patient, and enjoy these times!!
  4. amerrie: I adopted a 2 year old grey named Rikki, a little over a year ago. She tried to do the very same thing to me, especially if I drank anything. I contacted her first owner (I am her third and last) and she told me she would put water in her mouth and let Rikki drink out of her mouth!! :ohmy: :ohmy: The previous owner thought it was a pretty neat and okay to do! I had problems with Rikki diving into my mouth when ever I put anything into it. After I realized what she was trying to do, I watched her like a hawk every time I would eat or drink, and always turn away from her, and make a hmph sound, or put my hand up over my mouth and tell her NO! Then I would give her what ever I had out of my hand and praise her. Sometimes I would give her a bite first or second so she had no reason to try and get some from me. It's been a year and a half, and it is rare when she tries this, mostly when I try to drink out of a glass or bottle, so I put her down and turn away from her. It took a many many times, and being very consistent about it, but she no seems to understand and not try it.
  5. This will be interesting...I have 2 greys both 4 years old, and so far, other than the terrible two's, they are just as active, but I realize that are still quite young. B)
  6. B) I agree Jayd, 2 are great! But it is two times the work, attention, love...but you get back MORE than two times in return from the enjoyment they give you!
  7. Didn't you find someone previously, that traded your Pomeranians for an African Grey....that's what you posted....In fact you said it happened here by one of our members within in just a few hours.....Please set the record straight. What happened to that bird?<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/08/19 15:25
  8. What a wonderful idea Char! Karma for you!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  9. I agree with Char, to be on the safe side, I don't give them to my birds either. B)
  10. THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!! My vet charged me $10, took out some heavy duty snippers, had the nurse hold my bird gently in a towel, and in the blink of any eye, made 2 snips and it was off. Rikki never knew what happened. painless and harmless. Get a new vet! This one doesn't know what they are talking about. I have heard that some say you have to put the bird under.....if your vet says it's harmful, then they don't have any avian experience.
  11. Talon

    Wheat Grass

    Doesn't playing in soil increase the risk of ASPERGILLOSIS for our birds? :huh:
  12. My vet removed Rikki's solid band and kept her info in tact. He also said he has heard and seen many tragic accidents where the bird was injured because of the bands. Even tho I was very careful, there are always those freak accidents that you can't for see. Imagine what could happen if your bird did manage to escape outside and got his band caught on a branch or something else.....:ohmy:
  13. Oh yea,he still loves you, and is hoping to win you back. I have been separated for 2 years, and divorced, but he still keeps trying...even tho I am happier than I have ever been. In my case, and I feel all men are this way, there are underlying strings attached no matter what. Keep it, don't wear it, and use it when you need to.
  14. WOW! What a list Dan! I wouldn't be concerned that they won't be able to say their names. My first grey, Talon refused to say her name for the first 2 years, now BOTH my greys say their names all the time, in fact, they say each others names, their own names, my dog's name, and my new kitten whose name is Dominic, and both birds can say it clear as day! B)
  15. I'm curious....Why would you want to band your greys leg. Most owners have it removed for safety reasons. Many birds have lost a foot due to the band getting caught on a toy, etc. I had my grey's band removed when she was 2 for those reasons.
  16. Aww. I am so sorry to hear this Char. My sympathy to you and your family.
  17. Phew...thanks Judy! Stupid me.....:pinch:
  18. It is 21-23 degrees IN your house? :ohmy: Doesn't the water etc. freeze.....I think I'm missing something...:pinch:
  19. Welcome Back! WE have missed you! I can't wait to hear more from you. B)
  20. NO TEFLON IS SAFE!!! As Judy says, and I agree...why would you take the chance and risk your birds life. It can kill them very quickly before you even know it's a problem. 20 minutes....dead. Research it more, both here and elsewhere, you will see for yourself. It's even dangerous to us humans long term.
  21. I have always used heavy baskets for my birds to perch on. I have found that I have had to put a 5 lb weight inside the basket to keep them from falling over. I then cut up a puppy pad inside them, and that is their potty baskets! But I would be very careful, as they do tend to chew them, and the handles fall apart at the base. I have had my birds almost 4 years, and I have had to replace the baskets numerous times. Mine just sit on my counter. :silly:
  22. Thank you luvparrots for calming the waters, and putting everyone's perspective into a clear picture where everyone can understand . Karma for you!
  23. I have some days that I am gone all day and my 2 birds are in their cages all day. And other days when they are out of their cages all day when I am home. It's different every week. They are just as happy and easy going about either one. B) ;)
  24. You are so clever. Would you be willing to make one to sell....:huh:
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