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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Nilah was able to talk when I got her at 6 months old. they are soooo smart!! As for the duet......be careful what you wish for....:laugh:
  2. I err on the side of caution, and am very vigilant about NOT letting my birds have the seeds. It is a personal choice. B)
  3. I LOVE this thread!!! Nilah just turned 9 months yesterday, and she says many things, but my most favorite is, "Want a cup of coffee?" in a Brooklyn, New York accent. I am from New England, not New York, but I taught it to her in a NY accent as I have a dear friend from there and he loves coffee. :laugh:
  4. 2 of my 3 birds can fly, but they do loves to walk around on the floor and explore as well. B)
  5. How exciting!! Can't wait for pictures!! :woohoo:
  6. Nilah being 9 months old is still young, but she loves to sing thew scales in La la la la la la laaaaaaaaa. WHe I pretend (yes, it's pretty bad) to sing an opera scale, she LOVES it and copies me. :laugh:
  7. I put the tv on....Nick Jr. But twice a week, I put the Bird Sitter dvd in for them. I like them to learn the other bird sounds. B)
  8. Although we all know how dangerous and deadly this could be, not to mention how lethal a cats saliva is to a bird. I thought this was cute and wanted to share it. http://video.yahoo.com/watch/5737286?fr=yvmtf
  9. Owen is adorable! Thank you for sharing his story with us.
  10. Uh oh...I dropped it! I LOVE it!!:woohoo:
  11. Cooper is so cute!! That's an adorable video. Thank you for sharing....
  12. WOW! 28 species.....I am amazed at this breed of parrots. Thank you everyone for sharing all this information. B)
  13. Talon


    I couldn't agree more with everything you all said!
  14. Beautiful photo's Dave!!! If you haven't figured it out by now... I love Amazon's!! :woohoo: :woohoo: But my vote is that each bird is unique in it's own personality. You really can't predict who will get along with who....alot depends on the owner and how they handle the birds.
  15. WOW! I too, love the plexi-glass idea for the top of the cage. I took my tray out because it was dark. What a great idea!!
  16. She's famous!!! How exciting!!!!! Congratulations!!!
  17. Morning update! Just got Rilli up for breakfast. She ate some oatmeal, a little peanut butter toast. She prefers to just stay on my shoulder and preen. She is somewhat quieter than usual. Just wants her mommy... I haven't put anything on her foot, I can't see anywhere that it might hurt her, and I know she would just lick off whatever I put on it. It seems to be the bottom since she holds it up sometimes. Also what ever I put on it would come off as soon as she perches somewhere...:huh:
  18. Greys can cost anywhere from $600-$1600. You will find a variety of prices depending on what part of the US you are in. I had my bird shipped from FL to MA. There are many possibilities. More important than price, is where the bird comes from. Is the breeder a reputable one, etc. Many things to think about when you get a grey. Is it a rescue and if so, are you prepared to handle it's needs if it has any, do you want a baby? You have lots of time, read thru the many topics here, research and know what you can handle. Best of luck to you. We will help you anyway we can. Just ask away!! Welcome to our family!
  19. I personally would wait if I were you. You will have to prove that your bird is not wild caught and it will have to have a health certificat from your vet. You will have to put your bird in a US quarantine for 3 months. That means for 3 months, your bird will not be living with you. After only having it for a short time before going thru all this, I think it would cause a lot of stress and confusion for your bird. Others will have more advice. This is my opinion, too wait and aquire a bird in the US. One final note, you will pay for the quarantine and I don't think its cheap.
  20. I never knew how Salsa got her name. Thanks for sharing that with us. I LOVE this topic idea!! When we were driving the 5 hour ride home from the bird store with Nilah. We were talking about what we would name Nilah. I have 2 greys, and my son named Talon and Rikki came to me already named. I wanted to be the one who named Nilah since my kids just recently named our new kitten. Our dog came with a name already too... My daighter was on her ipod looking for ideas, I wanted something exotic like in the rain forest. She was suggesting names, Nilah was one of them, it means "one who succeeds and acquires. I LOVED the sound of it, it sounded pretty and sweet for such an exotic and sweet bird. So the decision was made!! Nilah it was!!
  21. This is a very important topic. One that as grey owners, we tend to forget the importance of when allowing our birds to snack on our food through-out the day. Thank you for starting this thread as an important reminder. Nilah is 9 months old and weighs 384 grams as of 12/19. She is due to be weighed again. You are right, they will eat anything!!:pinch:
  22. What great pictures!!! Thank you for sharing them with us. (Although, I think crazed is the word!!!):silly:
  23. Hi everyone. Sorry for not updating sooner. It was a long work day. When I got Rikki up this morning, she seemed happy. She really wasn't too hungry tho...she was talking. When I held her, the bottom of her Left foot felt really hot, that's the one she keeps holding up. I felt bad I had to go to work and couldn't stay come with her. when my daughter got home from school, I called to check on her, she thought Rikki seemed ok. When I got home from work, she was glued to me. She kept on my shoulder and when I would sit still, she would go to sleep. She ate dinner with us and she continually kept fluffing up her feathers, I knew she was uncomfortable. I just put her to bed early as she was so tired. I feel so bad for her, she really seems to not be feeling too well tonight....I will see how she is in the am. Her left wing has some messed up feathers from where it went into the water.... :( Thank you to all for your kind words and concern. It really is nice to have this family to share our ups and downs with. Others who understand.....:huh: I will update again tomorrow. Unfortunately, Monday and Tuesdays are my long work days.....:angry:
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