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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Go Jill!! Nuts are good, drink water and eat some nuts to fill you up when the munchies hit....or just log on here, and we will entertain you so you forget about the munchies!!:woohoo: :woohoo:
  2. whg. I echo your feelings on free flight wholeheartedly. I too, am very much for allowing my 5 birds to fly freely through out my house anytime they choose, however, please reconsider your desire to try outdoors free flight. I have read numerous stories from members here who have tried outdoor flights, only to have their birds fly away never to be found again..... As bird owners, it is our responsibility to give our birds the best possible life we can and especially to do everything in our power to keep them as safe as possible. They do not know what "outdoors" is, they don't know how to survive, they don't know how to search and find their own food and water, that it doesn't just appear in a bowl in front of them, the dangers of predators in their area, the cold, rain to mention a few. The bird will not understand that you are his owner and will return to you because of love and devotion, especially as a they are put into an outdoor world that is all new and scary to them. They panic, and their instinct is to fly as far away as possible. Pet birds rely on YOU to keep them safe from the dangers they may face as they can't possibly comprehend those unforseen dangerous. If you decide to outdoor flight your bird, you will loose your bird and in MY opinion will have done a disservice to your bird. Please, no disrespect to you and your decision, I just feel very strongly about outdoor flight without a harness. This is only MY opinion, you are entitled to yours as well. No hard feelings. I would like to welcome you to our family, and I look forward to hearing more about your flock. I am sure you have much to share with us. Please go to the Welcome Room and tell us more about you and your flock. Pictures are always welcome...we LOVE them! B)
  3. Dan & Dayo, I don't know what to say. You have put the biggest smile on my face and tears welled up in my eyes. What an honor to bestow upon me. :kiss: THANK YOU for being here, for all YOU do to contribute to this forum. We can always count on you to give us a pat on the back, a shoulder to cry on, advice when we need it and a laugh when we're sad. This forum is what it is because of the wonderful, caring members we have here. Dan, most of all, thank you for being my friend. I feel lucky that I have had the opportunity to have you in my life. Dayo, as a dance teacher that I am, you my friend have TALENT!! Keep it up, YOU ARE A STAR and you make your parents proud as am I. LOVED THE VIDEO AND LOVED THE SONG! (But you already knew that Dan) Love to you both, :kiss:
  4. I bring the snow INSIDE to my birds. I scoop up some clean snow in a bowl and bring it inside. Talon LOVES to eat it. The others don't like the coldness of it....
  5. Talon


    I don't want to know what I spend for 5 birds, so I don't keep track........ :pinch:
  6. YAY!!! Jill!!!!!!! I am SO VERY PROUD of you!!! That is one tough choice, but you made it!! Great job! Karma for you instead of cake! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  7. I think not! We LOVE photo's!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  8. Great job everyone. Taking a day off is okay, in fact it is recommended, just don't let it turn into 2 or 3....:angry:
  9. WOW! Such progress has been made so quickly!! I'm so proud. Let's keep up on the progress as much as you can!
  10. Here is a short debut of Nilah done by my youngest son. http://www.youtube.com/user/motocross282828#p/a/u/2/PtpOPJY_NS0
  11. Great Job everyone!! I'm so proud of you!!!!! :woohoo: Keep up on the biking! It's great exercise and doing it in front of the tv is even better! You will find that in 2 weeks, you will start to feel more energy than you ever dreamed of. Don't give up......I'll be watching.......:cheer: :lol: :angry: :angry:
  12. Deb, I am so sorry you are going thru this, but it sounds to me that if you came to us asking what to do, then deep down inside your heart, you KNOW the answer to that....It's time to take YOUR life back. Let him go, you will be doing him a favor. He needs to stand up on his own two feet and get professional help outside of this dysfunctional life he has built with you. He has you entangled in his drug addiction and made it your problem, but it is not.....move on and focus on YOUR life. As others have said, you deserve better. We are here for you...my thoughts and prayers are coming your way. Erika, You should be proud of yourself for having the courage and strength you did to finally leave your husband. Don't beat yourself up about could have, should have, everything happens for a reason, you may never know why. You tried your best for the sake of your son at the time to make it work. One day, he will understand this and he will be a stronger person for it. An the BEST years of your life are NOW, not when you were living with some drug addict....
  13. Happy Bird day!! Hope you got lots of new toys!
  14. Yes, Kitty has a great idea! You would be shocked if you realy new how many steps you walk in a day. What a great way to exercise without even knowing it. Good work everyone, let' keep going!! Jill, I'm proud of you watching the food you eat. I decide in the am what I will eat for the day and then stick with it. Fill in those hungry bout with nuts as a snack. B)
  15. Kevin, just checking.....all is working now? B)
  16. Okay members....let's get to work. Dust off the treadmill and get on it for 15 minutes, walk at a comfortable pace to start. Eat your carbs, drink water, eat 5-6 times through out the day. I'll be checking this daily.....let's all check in. Even if you don't dust off the treadmill today.....but if your too lazy to dust it, just run on it, the dust will fly off!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. WOW! How cool are these blue amazons? B) :)
  18. Okay, Judy and Bernie......STOP DERAILING THOSE OF US IN THIS GROUP!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: First of all, NO ONE should ever diet....you should only modify your life style into a healthier one, and in doing so, you will lose any excess weight, build your immune system, and feel better and healthier than you could imagine. Encouragement is why we have this group. :cheer:
  19. You need to take your bird to a vet asap!!! Don't wait, there could be an infection.
  20. WOW! I would love to ave one for my birds. IS there a way David would explain what it is made out of....:huh:
  21. Welcome to our family. The forum can be a bit intimidating at first, but after a while, it will seem easy to you. Please feel free to ask if you need any help finding your way around. I look forward to hearing more from you and am anxious to see and hear about your flock at home! B)
  22. Pearl, that is a great bed. Did you make it? Talon would love it!! She has a hut right now, but she' too big for it so she sleeps on the top of it...:blink:
  23. We have a "How much does your grey weigh" thread in the Grey Lounge. Amazons can be so much bigger, I would like to know how much Your Amazon Weighs. Nilah at 8 months weighed 390 grams
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