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Everything posted by Talon

  1. That's so cute! I love all the photo's you post. :cheer:
  2. I LOVE THEM!!!!VV:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  3. Wonderful news!! Let's keep the prayers and well wishes coming everyone! :cheer:
  4. Thanks Jill for sharing that. I LOVE how they fan their tails out to chase the other amazons away.....just like Nilah does to me when I tell her it's time for bed! She also does it to try and play with my other 2 greys, but they aren't interested in her invitation. :blink:
  5. That is really cool!! My birds love theirs too. Looks like it is close to the ground?
  6. Just another thought and observation, when a grey bites and means it, they cut the skin and draw blood. Amazons seem to bite hard, latch on and press down like a vise grip trying to break bones, not skin. The skin doesn't get broken when nilah bites, just sore bones :-( :-( I know this because if nilah is up past her bed time, she decides she's NOT sleeping in her cage, she Will sleep on her playground!!! Well eventually she always loses, I have a cat and dog, so she must sleep in her cage for safety.
  7. OMG! That's Nilah in that picture!! :woohoo: :woohoo: My advice to you is this............do it, do it, do it! I LOVE amazons, they are incredibly entertaining, fun, love to play. Boy, can they talk! Rikki my grey is talking way more than she ever did before. She tries to compete with Nilah. I am still in the cute baby stage, Nilah is not quite tow yet, but I expect we will have our moments in a couple of years. Best of luck and keep us posted. Amazons LOVE water and showers. Nilah showers with me daily. They do need a different diet, much less fat than other birds, you have to watch their diet more than greys. But they are such fun to have around, they love guests, but will bond with one family member, but will also enjoy being with the others also. That's my very quick opinion. My birds are getting grouchy, they want to go to bed....:unsure: I can't wait to see what you decide......also, they LOVE climbing and are very good at it! B)
  8. JillyBeanz wrote: Jill, Dan & I are here as admin, we are able to pick up the slack if need be (although Jay is doing a fantastic job!). Also, I am in touch with Jay & Maggie every day. We have things under control, but Thank you for the "unofficial offer". If we need your help, your only a few rooms away.... I think I know the way>
  9. Jill, that was great! Thanks for sharing that with us...see how smart those amazons are?? :woohoo:
  10. pattertwig wrote: Thanks for replying! Did you get to pick out your baby? Or were you just given a baby at random since it was so far away? Did you go down there to see them? Yes, I did find a few in the Springfield area, but there are some near the south shore/north shore areas I think. Not all have contacted me yet. A few have contacted me, but some no longer breed, and some have changed their contact info (so I never got in contact with them). I really don't mind waiting until next year if I decide a Grey is for me, even if I can't find any or don't find a good match. That's funny you mention rescues..one breeder said she no longer breeds, but she has two surrenders she was willing to have me come visit (females). I will probably stop by to see them, at the very least just to spend more time with Greys and ask her questions. I'm open to whatever may happen though I've read that introducing things like harnesses and traveling can prove to be impossible, or at the very least challenging. If a rescue I click with turns up, and we mesh well, I would consider it, but I think I'm gearing more towards a baby due to my specific needs and so I can know it's history. Then again, and adult bird has more of a set personality compared to a baby... I di not pick out my baby. I was sent many pictures and updates about her. I was actually buying her for my 16 year old son who had researched greys and had been asking for 3 years. I was pretty desperate to find him one for xmas and I had done very little research on them. My son now is 20 and lives with his father. I kept the bird I did rescue another grey that was 2 1/2 years old. I am her third and final home. She has adapted very well to us and has taken to our family as well. I know you want to see if you "click" with the bird before you purchase one, but with greys, that will be almost impossible to tell in just a few visits I think. They are very reserved and don't allow just anyone to see their true personality until you have bonded with them and earned their trust. That takes time, even with a baby......just something to think about. Best of luck to you! Please keep us updated, we are happy to help anyway you can. Too bad you didn't post a few months ago,....I have a bird lady nearby who had a grey from another person who was looking for a forever home......she didn't care about $$ only a good safe home.
  11. Okay, Okay.....I've been extremely busy with work....and trying to repair the damage done to my woodwork that Rikki did when Nilah arrived. Rikki seems to have settled in, she was SO jealous of Nilah that she went on a rampage....and RUINED my doors and woodwork. I will get back here to this room this evening and have some videos of Nilah to post.
  12. Well....bad news for me......I went to a sports doctor today for my shin splints that I have had since last June. I had cut back on my running and even taken a few weeks off, but it didn't help, so off to the Dr. I went finally. She took many xrays and after an exam told me to stop running for 4 weeks :ohmy: :ohmy: and I have to go to physical therapy twice a week for the next 4 weeks, then back to the doctor 2 weeks after that. The good news is, she believes I will recover 100% IF I do as she says....that's the hard part! So I will need your hel in keeping me from running...I LOVE to and don't want to losr that cardio I have built up. SHe said I could bike instead if it doesn't hurt. I will do that I guess, but it's not the same...even tho I ran this am,I already miss running...
  13. OMG.......this makes me sick....I can't look at the link....I am heartbroken and in tears for these poor poor birds...... :( :( :(
  14. Jay & Maggie, I am so sorry for you loss. It has been a trying time for you and my heart goes out to you.
  15. IT does take your body 2-4 weeks to really see the effects of your hard, new life style modification on exercising. So, hang in there, it WILL happen!! I took today off from running.....:ohmy: Will get up at 4:30 am and go to the gym to run there since it's 7 degrees out here.....
  16. pattertwig, I live in Western MA You won't find any breeders in New England. I have done the research a few years ago. I bought my first grey from a breeder in Florida and had her shipped to me. You might find one in the Springfield area, they were one or two, but usually their birds were sold before they hatched. Best of luck to you, and if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to pm me. Have you considered a rescue? There are many out their who need their forever homes. In the meantime, please read all you can here so you know what you are in for in owning a grey. Welcome to our family!
  17. Welcome, what kind of parrot do you have? We would love to see pictures and here more about him. How old is he? B)
  18. Many of you members may remember the debts that ramsabi and his wife went to for Rishi when he was first sick. I remember the incredibly long drive, the sneaking past customs with a bird and the fear of being jailed to mention just a few. True dedicated grey owners would go to extremes like that....I am proud to have heard their story, and have them in our family here. Rishi is still very sick, His mom & dad have done a marvelous job of giving him the best possible care, love and life they can. Please lets pray for Rishi as well as Spock. These 2 birds are members of our family and need all the love, prayers and best wishes we can send daily. It only take a few seconds of our busy days to say a quick prayer for them. Regardless of your faith, positive thoughts will do wonders as well. Get well soon Spock and Rishi, Love and prayers to you all. Talon, Rikki, Nilah & Penny
  20. As some of you have read...today is Spock's first Bird-day...but it is met with sadness as Spock is very sick. We know that Jayd & Maggie are doing all humanly possible to nurse him back to health, but they need our prayers too. Please say many prayers for Spock on this day and each day coming. Keep those positive thoughts going their way. Maggie & jayd, you are the most amazing people I have ever met. You have opened your hearts and home to rescue so many birds that would otherwise be lost forever.....Bless you and all you do. Don't worry about things here, you have quite the support system, we will keep the Amazon Room going in your absence as needed. You worry about Spock and the rest of your flock....we've got your back. Get well soon Spock....Love, Talon, Rikki, Nilah & Penny :kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2010/02/01 14:52
  21. WOW! The pounds are starting to fall like the leaves on a tree!! WOO HOO! I'm so excited!! It's Monday soon, let's all try to go one day being good, and then we'll reward ourselves with by haring our accomplishment Tuesday morning!!! Remember to keep drinking lots of water through out the day....:cheer:
  22. Newspaper.....its free and with 5 birds, it helps.
  23. danmcq wrote: WOW......is all I can say. I am so moved, I'm speechless....Love you Dan :kiss: {Love-000200BF}
  24. How adorable!!! My amazon does the very same thing..:silly:
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