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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Awww.... Dave.........you PROMISED to never share my secret with anyone.........GREAT..............now EVERYONE here will know why my tempers flares on occasion and I howl.........:ohmy:
  2. Welcome back! It's great to have you here. Too hard to catch up on facebook!!! B)
  3. He is beautiful! I am so proud of you for rescuing him. His life is forever changed thanks to you. He is so lucky. You did a wonderful thing! Bless you!!
  4. Hi Brittany, The tree stand was $300, plus I got a 30% discount on it. It is real kava wood. I have another tree stand in my kitchen, I paid MORE for it, and it is nowhere near as nice, although it is made out of real wood. :blink:
  5. Talon


    I agree with Dave. That cage is much too small for a grey! You will end up with a plucker if you confine him to such a small cage. Please read thru the many posts here regarding cages. You will see that bigger is always best! I have 6 cages in my house, and none of them are anywhere near that small. Even my parakeets have a bigger cage! B)
  6. I Let all my birds on my shoulders most of the time, but only if they behave. I have for the last 4 years. But certainly I wouldn't allow it until they stepped up. If you don't assert your authority by first getting your bird to step up, she will feel superior to you by being on your shoulder only. I recently bought an amazon who didn't know how to step up, and I am just starting to allow her on my shoulder a few times as she is mastering step up. As for your wife's hair. Birds love to preen your hair! Take it as a complement!
  7. Just for the record. I allow my birds a bite o two or three of ice cream. They take some sips of milk from my cereal, and have bites of cheese most days with me. They will have yogurt as well. Anything in moderation is okay, with the exceptions of the various foods that are without a doubt toxic to them. B)
  8. Rikki & Talon LOVE being able to fly around as they please. They have a late afternoon/early evening session where they fly and chase each other all over the house, yelling as they go! It is a wonderful thing to watch!
  9. I just bought a play top cage for my amazon from Avian Adventures. But my 2 greys each have a dome top cage. My amazon loves to play on top, but the others don't.
  10. Well, my FAB decorator is none other than myself! But so far, as crazy as it looks, it is working!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  11. Dan, sorry to disappoint you, but after 4 kids, my bikini days are over. :pinch: :(
  12. Wow, if you could make those, you could make a pretty penny here by selling them on the forum!
  13. Well, I have a different story. Talon my tag, had weaned herself at 8 weeks of age, and was shipped to me at 8 1/2 weeks. I agree that she was very young compared to others. She was eating everything you gave her, continued gaining weight and did very well though.
  14. Thank you everyone! She is the most sweetest bird ever! She just loves to hang out on my arm and so far, NO BITES! It's a nice break, as Rikki can be wuite the biter!! :blink: :pinch: :unsure:
  15. Pat, he is the most beautiful bird! You must be so excited!
  16. Jill, I think it is still early. After all, some are late bloomers! Give it time, keep talking to him, and I bet you'll be surprised when one day, his first words will be an entire sentence. I started Talon out with peek a boo! That seemed to excite her, the sound and the inflection in my voice. :side:
  17. WOW! I am so impressed!! That's a great idea to have a shower cage. My greys will have nothing to do with a shower. I mist them with a mister, but they run all around their cages like I'm trying to kill them. Needless to say, they rarely get wet by my attempts. It's on their own terms in a water bowl. Yesterday, I found Talon on the floor perched on my dogs water bowl giving herself a bath. :pinch:
  18. Today like every other day, I took Nilah in the shower and put her on her perch while I was showering myself. When I was done, I took the shower head as I have been doing, and started to put it on the bottom half of her feet and body. She started doing what amazons do with their body language, and started moving her head and body all around in a figure 8 type movement and talking to it. She then took her wings, spread them out and covered her head so her eyes would not get wet! I thought it was just to be funny, but everytime I went up towards her head, she ducked her head down and covered her face with both her winds spread out!! I couldn't stop laughing, it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Needless to say, we did this for such a long time, I think it was the longest shower in history!! :laugh:
  19. Oh, he's beautiful! I would definitely say..DO IT!! Amazons love attention, they are show offs and desire to be. He probably plucked himself due to the fact he had no attention. I am sure in your loving home, his desire to pluck with diminish for the most part if not totally. That is a great price as well. Having just purchased an amazon...I speak from experience about price.
  20. Well said everyone. Time to close this thread and give this one a rest.
  21. Judy, that's what credit cards are for...:blink: :S Jooles, it is 4 1/2 hours away, but worth the trip! I've only been there once, but would love to go again. Maybe we can all meet up there! :woohoo:
  22. I bought this also at the Bird of Paradise Store. I think it's the coolest toy ever. You can carry it with you as a perch for your desk, table, counter, etc., and there are lots of cool chewing things on it. I definitely will buy another when this one is worn out. They had many different sizes for different birds, from parakeets to macaws! This looks small here, but it's actually much bigger. Nilah plays on it, and my cat likes to lay under it and climb thru it. :pinch:
  23. Here are a few better pictures.
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