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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Yes, we all hate to see her go, she was a fun and caring member of this family, as well as a good moderator. But it is HER choice to leave. I have seen this many times...a valued member getting their feathers ruffled and flying off. We have all at one time or another felt attacked or hurt by another member and have made the snap decision to leave, myself included a few times. But after clearing your mind, you come to your senses and hold your head even higher, and don't let such fools chase you off!
  2. FredGrey, I would like to Thank you for responding to this thread and telling your side of it. It takes a good man to stand up and come back so calmly after all that transpired. This thread could have taken a nasty turn if you decided to do otherwise. I have seen it happen before. I hope NOW, we can all put this mess behind us and move on. We need to get back to business, and that is talking, sharing and offering help to those in need in this Family. I welcome you back and I look forward to hearing more from you. We would love to see any pictures you may have of your feathered friends.
  3. Oh no! She is in my prayers.....please keep us posted.
  4. I would like to for once, have the opportunity to voice my "own" opinion about a recent event that took place here on the forum. So be WARNED: I am going to vent and not worry for once about who's feelings I hurt. I do APOLOGIZE in advance for any one I offend. Sometimes even us ADMIN have to get things off our chest. Some of the members here know exactly what I am going to talk about, others won't have a clue as I deleted out the threads pertaining to this. I, along with some of my very close friends, became a member of this forum over 3 years ago. At that time, there was 1 admin, NO moderators, 3 rooms, no photo's & 1200 members, most of which were inactive. One of us Ceasarsdad, quickly became an admin, and soon after he started adding a few moderators. After some time, I also became an admin. Ceasarsdad & I worked tirelessly to clean up the forum, add rooms, run contests (in which he used his own money to pay for contest winnings), post video's, air a forum address for the members, we paid out of our pockets for conference calls to the moderators, and most importantly worked very hard to create a FAMILY FEELING. A FAMILY FEELING in which everyone was to be treated with care, respect & dignity. We share in our members milestones both in their personal lives and their birds lives, we love and care for every bird as though it was our own. We show the deepest concern for every member of our family here. We except others differences, their ethnic backgrounds, their language barriers, their different opinions, we may not agree, in fact, we may feel very strongly that they are WRONG & we are RIGHT, however, we have always managed to share our feelings in a kind & nice way. We ACCEPT and WELCOME everyone regardless. We have always been a family that could debate in a healthy way. Recently, that has not been happening. Our FAMILY FEELING is gone. We seem to have lost our way. We all come here for advice, help, answers to questions, to share stories, events and thoughts that non-bird owners just don't understand. We worked so hard over the last 3 years to build this forum up from the small forum it was. It is now one of the biggest and well known forums for African Greys. We have the highest of standards for a forum because of the way we have always made EVERYONE feel so special and welcome. NONE OF US (MODS OR ADMIN) OWN THIS FORUM, NOR DO ANY OF US GET PAID FOR THE COUNTLESS HOURS WE SPEND HERE) We built this forum to what it is now: 3 admin, 1 super moderator, 8 moderators, thousands of photo's, and over 5000 members. I will not let that Family Feeling, that Family Forum go away. Ceasarsdad & I have worked too hard. The recent flaming that went on here in the 2 days I was away was appalling to me. I will not tolerate that from any member or moderator again. I am as Jayd recently posted, "Ashamed" of our members behavior. I wished that our Moderators had been doing their job..... Some of you may feel I am 'reprimanding' you, as a member recently complained, but I REALLY don't care if you feel that way or not. My advice to any member, is if you don't want to agree to our code of ethics, then LEAVE and find some other forum where you can have your fun. This member that was verbally abused is FredGrey. FredGrey recently joined after being a 'lurker' for a long time. He has over 20 years experience with birds. He owns a conure and was lurking here to learn as much as he could about greys which he wants to adopt. He finally decides to join our FAMILY. He saw the thread where a member complained about a company and not receiving their order, (more on this to come later) he was only trying to help that member in explaining that 'Processing" can take time......well that member went off the deep end, and decided that FredGrey was the owner of that company. Other members jumped on that band wagon and took off with insults and accusations aimed solely at FredGrey. No where did FredGrey EVER say he was connected with the company. I had read that thread numerous times. I never could understand WHY members would think that. You sided with a member who had 244 posts without even using your own mind to decide if FredGrey was or was not the owner of the company. Why? Because it was his first post and didn't post in the Welcome Room first??? Well, I will tell you, that that is a HORRIBLE way to Welcome a new member! Just because he didn't post in the Welcome Room?....well BIG DEAL....SO WHAT??? Many don't post there first, or at all. IT IS NOT A REQUIREMENT TO POST IN THE WELCOME ROOM WHEN YOU JOIN!!! :mad: Now you chased away a member that had years of experience that he could share with us. I am sure he has much to offer in helping us based on his years of owning birds. What a GREAT asset he would have been to this family. Of course, you can only imagine how upset and hurt he feels. His first impression of us is one, in which he feels that if your opinions or beliefs don't match ours, then your not welcome. I don't blame him, that's how he was made to feel. How do I know all this? Because I have been in contact with him. I have had to apologize to him numerous times for YOUR behavior. I am trying hard to convince him to reconsider us as his family, but unfortunately he has reservations at this time. If you bothered to read this post in it's entirety, then I thank you. But this type of treatment on this forum as long as I am admin is unexceptable.... Sincerely, Talon/ Penny
  5. I have taught Talon my phone number...just in case.....
  6. Tell your husband to Whistle when he screams, birds LOVE to mimic whistling. It may take some time, but if he keeps it up, it might replace the screaming instead of offering the reinforcement of attention your bird is getting from your husband. Good or bad attention, your bird will take whatever attention he can get when he screams, thus encouraging it.
  7. I am so happy he's doing so well! Thanks for this update!
  8. Welcome & Happy Birthday! :)

  9. Happy Birthday! :)

  10. I agree with the others, wider would be better. Like we said, once you fill it with perches, toys, etc. It will be small for an all day cage....
  11. Correction: .......the forum rankings are not connected to te Reputation (green dots) that are above your name. The forum rankings are connected to your post count. The Green dots show your points that are received when another member clicks on your reputation icon, and they do have their own sayings depending on the number of green dots. Hope this clears it up.
  12. Happy Birthday to you! 5 Years old, WOW! Hope you got cake and lots of toys and treats!!
  13. Remember..........I do.....
  14. Seems small as Judy says. 24 inches isn't big enough in my opinion. Your options with this cage would be very limited.
  15. Skippy lightly spread on 12 grain toast every morning for breakfast.
  16. Happy Birthday!!

  17. Where are all these lost and found birds coming from? I'm obviously missing something here. I mean, they are posted by the same member, but not clear as to what she is doing. Are these for other people? Perhaps, you can clarify, whose bird it is, what city, state and country? As much info as possible would be quite helpful when posting in this room. That way, we can help match up from others that have lost their birds recently... I will publish some guidelines later, but for now, I am making this a sticky...
  18. luvparrots, I have the exact same cage for Talon as her sleep cage since she has always slept in my bedroom....it is nice, but I bought her a bigger play cage for the downstairs. I know....spoiled!
  19. Posted the link of Facebook. Thanks Jay!!
  20. I think we should all have a skype conference call and see how many different accents we can muster up!!
  21. Buy the BIGGEST you can afford. Once you fill it with perches and toys it will seem small. All my birds have been upgraded to enormous cages after I bought what everyone said was the "recommended" size for a grey or amazon, only to wish I had bought bigger ones...
  22. HAPPY HATCHDAY JOSEY.........Gosh, I've known you since you were just a baby! My how time flies!! You make your momma spoil you rotten! And forget that sliver of cheese......how about 4 since your now 4???
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