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Everything posted by Talon

  1. WOW! I am upset that you seem to think there are "clicks" here. I have NEVER found that. Yes, it is true there are many here that seem to be the most popular in replying to posts, but they are the ones most experienced. Many members don't post if they feel they have nothing to offer, I am one of those, and am also busy and unable to post as much as I'd like to. Also some members are so busy, they know that others have experience and the time to post if they can be helpful, so they leave it to them...I am guilty of that as well.... I have never heard of any bird as "talented" as your that is like Houdini!! I did read your thread, but had no suggestions as my 3 birds never have attempted to play with the locks on their cages and that is why I didn't reply. My only suggestion would be a combination lock, or perhaps put his very own "bird safe" chain and lock in his cage for him to play with. Maybe that distraction will keep him away from the one on the outside of the cage. Please keep us posted, and when you find a solution that works, let us know, so we can enhance our knowledge!
  2. Yes Greywings, it is as it is. Talon's eye that was next to her eye, was burned by the light. It would flare up and become red and swollen whenever she was put in her cage for an hour or so. When she was taken out, it went down, but remained red. This was happened the first day I put the new light on that side of her cage, however it took 3 weeks (medication that lasted a week) before I was able to figure out WHY her eye (the skin surrounding it) was so red. The vet never found any infection in her eye, but treated it for one because he couldn't determine WHY it was red. Better safe than sorry he thought. It was I that figured out it was the new lite. When I took it away, the eye very quickly went back to normal. So it is possible that being too close to a bulb CAN have some affect on the sensitive part of their skin. I posted a thread about this at the time it happened. Perhaps you didn't see it. Chezron: I am so very happy to hear that the sunlight has helped with the plucking! What a great thing to know. Thanks for sharing this!!
  3. That is true Greywings, however it is the responsibility of the breeder to ensure that the birds are healthy and ready to go to their forever home. They should not be putting MONEY ahead of a life, after all their lives are at stake. Lucky for this baby, that it went to a person who has the resources at home to properly care for it. Of course My concern is for this baby, as is all of us. I am however free to voice my opinion concerning breeders who put $$ ahead of any thing else. I have great faith that this baby will prosper in the care it seems to be getting and the advice others here are offering.
  4. That breeder should NOT be allowed to breed birds and sell like that.....:mad::mad::mad::mad: No offense to you, but this breeder gets no respect from me. :mad::mad:
  5. Be careful with a brighter reptile light. Talon repeatedly got sunburned around her eye from me using an avian light bulb from a well known company. It tokk 3 vet visits and terrible times for me having to put drops and ointment in her eye as our vet thought she had an eye infection. I finally figured out it was the lite. I bought her a new one and no problems since. Bottom line, there was no infection, just swelling from the burn.
  6. I have both a timneh and a congo. Both are the same age, females and only 2 months apart. I have found that the timneh is much more layed back regarding new things, toys, changes, etc. She seems to understand and interact more, however, my congo is scared of anything new, feels a need to be more destructive, but much more interested in the visitors that come to my house. She stays close by me, but tries very hard to befriend them. My tag isn't the least bit interested in visitors.
  7. Welcome to our world... You sound like your doing great! I'm very happy for you. Your wife is a very lucky lady...
  8. Yay! All that means is you'll be asking us girls here how to stay on the forum while you have a bird on your shoulder, a baby in your arms, spit up all over you, laundry to do food to clean up and cook, etc... Oh, this is going to be fun......pics please!! Seriously though, this will be the best time of your life with your baby. Enjoy every minute, they grow up in a blink of an eye. My 4 babies are now 21, 17, 15, 11...
  9. OMG! How adorable!!!! What a love you have there, thanks for putting a smile on my face today.
  10. Talon

    Baby Bird Book

    Thanks Dusty, I'll have to check it out!
  11. SPOCK..........Have you been into Daddy's secret stash again? If not, I think I need it after reading your post and before trying to figure out how to fill your request! :)
  12. LOL!! :D:D:D:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p I miss the large smiley faces.....think I'll work on that this week.
  13. I don't walk away too often, only if I see the signs of biting. I have a stubborn amazon that NEVER wants to sleep in her cage at night. I put two fingers behind her and 2 in front and close in as I tell her to Step up, Come on, step up, let's go, step up. (which she repeats through out the day under her breath when she thinks I don't hear her mimicking me) She has no choice, then I praise her and give her head scritches before I put her to bed.
  14. WOW! hHat a beautiful amazon! I can't believe how much I hsave learned thanks to you Jay. Like many others, I didn't know there were more than just a few species of amazons...
  15. I live right near the Yankee Candle factory, and know many people that work there. DO NOT USE any of their products around your birds. They are highly toxic for your birds lungs.
  16. Talon

    Broken back?

    Yes, thank you for the update! I hope he continues on his road to recovery and he seems to adapting well.
  17. WOW! Nilah is already beautiful. I can't imagine how much prettier her coloring will be. Thank you again Jayd.
  18. I have to take some first :rolleyes: ......I'm not very good with that....you know, the camera is always put away in my bedroom so my 3 crazies won't chew it up!
  19. WELL.......Come on everyone......Let's share......don't be shy! After all, it's not like it's the worldwide internet...........it's just our own little Family Forum! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  20. Congratulations! I'm so excited and happy for you. I can't wait to hear more and see some pics........ How old is he? Where did you get him? What does he say?
  21. I am so sorry to hear this. But it sounds like you hae a good handle on it. How about Hard boiled eggs? You could cut them up, he would enjoy having something soft, yet chewable. I would stay away from anything messy, my birds wipe their beaks on whatever( table, chair backs, perches etc.). He could rub too hard and hurt his beak again. Please keep us updated on his progress.
  22. OMG!!!! I've never seen anything like that! Those wings are holding him up! I LOVED these, so did my kids! keep em coming. Spock is the cutest baby I've ever seen.
  23. What a great story!! Joey is brilliant!!
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