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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Go to the advanced tab and you should have that option there...
  2. If you read the announcements at the top of the rooms, all that is explained there. Basically there is no "Karma" button, but there is a "reputation" button AND a "thank you" button.
  3. How beautiful! I have learned so much coming to this room and seeing all the many amazons I never knew existed. Jay, you have outdone yourself week after week. I personally don't know how you find the time, especially since SPOCK seems to like to steal the computer!!! But thank you for giving us all you do here! P.S. Talon would like to suggest we start a fund raiser for Spock so he can have his very own computer.....she wants to start a forum together....go figure...must run in the family.......whaddya think????
  4. I am working more now than I did when I first got my 3. They used to be out all day every day. I am fortunate to be able to give them about 2 hours every morning, I prepare their breakfast, clean up, shower, get dressed, get their cages ready for the day while they fly around and play. They go in their cages with a special treat, I say, "I have to go to work, be back soon, okay?" They say it back to me! I put the kids tv shows on, or the Bird Sitter dvd and say I love you and off I go until I get home later around 6 or 7. The first thing I do is let them out and spend time with them while I'm on my laptop or watching tv, then off to bed around 8:30-9pm. My schedule is different every day, some days they are out all day, some half, some all day. They just go with the flow........you don't need to be rigid about their schedules as long as you have enough toys, treats, food in their cages and interact with them. They will do fine!
  5. Love it! Just like my three birds every morning!
  6. I love how you can bring their cages outside, do you have a big door that you can wheel them thru?
  7. Okay, what am I missing here....24 degrees???
  8. We now have a Greyforum Facebook page in the making. Feel free to add to it and spice it up if you like! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=129053023771553
  9. Thank you for this reminder Jill! Nice to know your on top of things and keeping us all in line...
  10. Enough nonsense here. I gave Laker4life24 every opportunity to come here and clarify and answer many of the questions that were asked to better try and help him. Instead, he chose to give us another age excuse and sarcastic remark. If he really wanted our help, he would have responded differently. Thus this thread will remain locked.
  11. TO THE BEST, MOST CARING, LOVING, GIVING MEMBERS WE HAVE, You all know who you are, I needn't mention names. I want to personally Thank you all for your care and concern here. Although many of us believed from the beginning that this was a hoax, you found it in your hearts to try and help just in case there really was a baby in need of help. Your love for all feathered friends overtook you as I would have expected from such wonderful people that are part of our family. You pushed your doubts and anger for such a thread aside, and did everything in your power to try and help just in case....I am SO VERY PROUD of the family we have here...my heart is beaming with pride. Thank you for all the time that you have put into this troll, I am sorry he wasted your time. I believe if there really was a baby, he would have jumped at the chance to get all the advice and help that was unselfishly offered. I believe his day will come, what goes around comes around......Thank you for being the kind of members you are, and I know you will continue to offer the same help to every bird we are lucky enough to have join our family. Lots of love to you all, Penny I will leave this thread open for a few hours, then I am locking it. The only purpose it has served, is to show what wonderful members we have, and how you treat EVERYONE with respect & dignity.
  12. Photobucket is incredibly fast and easy to upload any photo you have.....seems to be some doubt here as to the legitimacy of your thread here since the beginning...... There are many caring members here only looking out for your best interest and that of your bird.......please don't take advantage of these GOOD people...
  13. Nilah left me a little present the other day. She has such beautiful feathers, I wanted to share them. If I keep posting feathers, eventually there maybe enough to make a Nilah and you'll actually see some updated photo's!! ;);) You have to Double-Click on it to enlarge it......
  14. Hi everyone, Just wanted to share my daughter's prom picture....her boyfriend wanted to wear purple, so she found a purple dress to match! My baby girl is now 17 1/2
  15. I agree totally, I did the very same thing.
  16. I have my 2 parrakeets in the corner near a window next to our Dining area. My 2 african greys and amazon are in the den by the windows. We cover them when they go to bed between 8:30 and pm., and are able to close the french doors connecting the den and living room. My birds are out of their cage most of the day and I have trees/ playstands, hanging gyms all over my house. They fly to wherever we are and hang out. One of my greys has a sleep only cage in my bedroom (spoiled)
  17. You may want to check out this link to a thread already started about Show Us Your Cage... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?143481-Show-Us-Your-Cage!
  18. Very nice Dave! Did you add to those playstands? Or did you make them or buy them?
  19. I would NEVER post a sign letting anyone who comes to my door that I have birds inside.... I keep my front door locked, when the door bell rings, if I don't know who it is, I either don't answer it, or I quickly step outside and close the door behind me. If I know who it is, I open the door about 2 inches and tell them to hurry in as I have birds flying around my house, and then I close the door and check to see where my birds are, if they are close by, I tell them to wait while I put my birds in a safe spot or have my kids watch them. People have broken into homes to steal their expensive birds....that won't happen on my watch! I even have a house alarm.
  20. Judy is right you should have stayed with her and tried to get her to you, there is no telling where she went during the night........I hope you find her again.
  21. Thanks for the Salsa update and the great photo's!! She sounds like quite a character! What a great personality.......
  22. we need help!!!!! How to coax him down????? He's in a tree........
  23. I have sent an email to Marion and will be the go-between as needed. We have to be sure this is legit......I hope and pray for a happy ending.
  24. Who in the world finds time to iron?? :confused: And why would you, after all, US bird owners usually leave the house with dander, feathers, and somewhere where we can't see it POTTY on our clothes!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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