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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Welcome Gypsy!! Woo hoo, you are an official member now!
  2. welcome to our family! I would highly recommend buying your grey from Bird of Paradise in New Jersey! All their birds are vet checked, hand raised and handled daily. They come fronm the best of breeders and they are very careful as to who they allow to buy their birds. Great care is given to their birds and they are the best! I have 2 greys, a TAg and a CAG. Both are females. I have found and heard from others as well, that a TAG is less timid and nervous. Although my cag is always willing to venture to a guest after she chooses to, my tag won't. But my tag isn't scared of anything. My tag isn't as loud as my cag, but talks and is much smarter in learning words. Alot is just personality in a bird, not necessarily a difference in breed, but my cag is a nervous bird by nature, my tag isn't. Both are females. Sorry for the quick answer, have to go off to work. Hope some of that helps.
  3. Welcome to our family Andy. Great job doing research first. That will only prepare you for what will be a lifetime commitment and life adjustments. I have 2 greys, one from a breeder and one that was purchased from a pet store. I adopted her from a couple who had her for 5 weeks and had no idea how noisy they could be and came here to learn how to shut her up! Needless to say, she has found her forever home with me. I am her 4th home in her first year and half. She has been with me 2 years tomorrow. I LOVE the noise!!! I look forward to hearing more from you, ask anything you like here! We are happy to add our two cents in!
  4. Angel Judy, she is a beautiful bird!!! Love the pics!
  5. Angel is my favorite....as she was found by an angel.....Judy....
  6. That's great! i so enjoy reading your new threads...
  7. Very nice! I have the same one for my amazon, although I am saving for a bigger one for her.....she needs it, she's all over it and needs more space.
  8. Talon

    sick friend

    Prayers for Hotshot...
  9. I have the very same cage for my timneh. It's nice, but she uses it in my bedroom as a sleep cage. Spoiled, I know..
  10. I have seen the fright and uneasiness in Talon's eye when I had a toy that resembled a snake....I would NEVER want her to have to live in a home where there is a snake. There senses are beyond what we notice. It's too scary for them. My opinion...
  11. Thanks Fatzon! This is a very informative post!
  12. Very nice piece of trivia. I don't knw how you find all this cool stuff, but your filling my head with facts and I'm lovin it!!
  13. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE ???? Can't you just allow others to voice their thoughts and keep your huffy opinions to yourself? What good is attacking others here?? THIS HAS TO STOP!!!! Listen everyone, I understand that many, many of us have loved ones putting their lives on the line everyday so that we can live in peace. They fight every day in horrible conditions, FOR US! WHY? Because they chose to, they chose to do whatever was asked of them for their country. THOSE Are true heroes! Why can't everyone see that we are all deeply upset and feel very passionate when it comes to these type of subjects? It doesn't mean that we have to debate it here in such a way that it upsets others with vicious attacks? We ALL have strong feelings, sometimes it's best to keep them to our selves ESPECIALLY when we really don't know the other person as a true friend in person, they are only members from ALL over the world. I AM REALLY SICK OF COMING HERE DAILY AND SEEING THESE TYPES OF THINGS. WE USED TO BE A FAMILY, BUT YOU GUYS ARE TURNING THIS INTO A PLACE THAT I, AND MANY, NO LONGER WISH TO COME. AS ADMIN, I AM ASHAMED THAT I CAN'T KEEP THESE TYPES OF PERSONAL ATTACKS FROM HAPPENING.... THIS IS A BIRD FORUM! IF THIS CONTINUES IN THE DIRECTION THIS FORUM HAS BEEN GOING, I WILL LOCK AND REMOVE ALL ROOMS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH BIRDS!!!!
  14. Talon


    Welcome. She's beautiful...
  15. I use the ant cups under all my birds cages as I have problems with the ants also. Vacume, vacume vacume....especially the nooks and crannies of the cage to help keep them out.
  16. Thank you for starting this thread. Welcome to our family, I am happy you are here. I look forward to hearing more!
  17. She, I sent you a pm regarding your statement here....not airing our business here as it will not benefit others. . Thank you.
  18. How sad..... I hope and pray that doesn't happen here in the US, but I am afraid that one day it will......
  19. I wouldn't worry about it. My birds have done the same thing. If it becomes a habit and you see it happening a lot, then you may have other issues. But my guess is your fine.
  20. Hi George, Talon started very young also, so I'm not sure of the answer...
  21. Nilah is 8 months old... Her favorite thing to say is....."I WANT TO GO TO STARBUCKS!!! "
  22. Judy, she did get a picture of it, I will have her post it. Yesterday, I was gone for the day visiting my sister and my father for fathers day, and my kids were gone visiting their dad. The birds were alone in their cages from 12pm until I got home around 7 om. When I walked in the house, Nilah was screaming 'BIRD!, HI BIRD!!" over and over, louder and louder...she wouldn't shut-up! So I went into my living room to look in the den at them. Well....................Nilah had somehow unlatched her snack bowl door, climbed out thru it, up to the top of her cage, across the top...onto the window pane, which was hanging off the window balancing...and she was hanging off. Wood chewed everywhere.........she had knocked the wireless modem onto the floor, chewed up the wooden window pane also. Wood was all over the love seat which is next to her cage!! What a mess... Boy, was she proud of herself!!!
  23. Below is a picture of 2 items that Nilah got herself into trouble with. The ring she managed to get stuck around her neck one day when I was at work and Nilah was on her tree stand in the living room while my daughter was watching tv. She called me at work, told me not to panic, but that Nilah had this ring around her neck under her feathers and wouldn't let my daughter get it off. (the latest fashion in amazons ya know) My daughter was afraid that Nilah would get caught on something until I got home. So, I instructed her to get a straw and try and give it to Nilah, but play a little game of tug-o-war with her while she snuck up her other hand and quickly pulled it over her head and off of her. Well, it worked!! The small bead was one of many in a toy that she managed to get loose and didn't want to let go. I was afraid she would swallow it....so I removed the toy..
  24. Welcome to the club! Talon & Rikki have been doing that for a couple of years... What fun!!!!
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