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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Dan said it well. I agree, my 2 greys came to me clipped, but are now free flighted in my home. My amazon also was clipped and after 8 months, now has 3 flight feathers on each wing and can't wait to fly like she sees the others do! I am a firm believer in NOT clipping, (although it is nice to put your bird down and know that it will be in the same spot when you return to the room... , but that is a huge price the bird pays for our selfishness.)
  2. Happy Birthday! :)

  3. Is your vet an Avian vet? There sounds like there is something else wrong. Please be persistent and push to find out what may be causing her to be so quiet. Sounds like she is sick in some way. Please keep us posted.
  4. If you don't check the box under your name that says: 'Remember me' then it will time you out. If you check the box, it will keep you logged in until you yourself logs out. Hope that helps!
  5. Jeez, you scared the daylights out of me with that title...
  6. "No Daddy! It's this way!!
  7. Great idea Judy! "No...come back....!!"
  8. This girl riding the horse is in her 20's - her dad just died 24 days before this performance. You can hear the announcer read her dedication to him just before her performance so turn up your speakers a bit. (Also Tim McGraw is singing "Live like you were dying".) Notice that it is just her and the horse - no bit, no saddle. She just uses signals and verbal cues, she's mute. Oh yeah, this isn't even her horse. She is training it for someone else, although she obviously has a relationship with this one. It should be her horse, because she is definitely one with this animal. If you know anything about riding horses, you will know that to stay on a horse bareback is in itself a feat, never mind how hard it is to train a horse without a bit or bridle, or to do the things that she has trained this horse to do...amazing....what a woman... This young woman is an excellent rider. Notice that her bum never leaves the horse, even when it's running and making those sudden stops. All I can say is WOW!
  9. Awwww.......come on Judy, you know all we need is some cute men to play with here... Any volunteers guys??? :) P. S> not trying to scare anyone off, it's all in good clean fun!
  10. Judy wrote::: I could liven it up some for ya if you like, heh heh heh!!:cool:;) GO GUYS GO!!!!!! WOO HOO! This is going to be fffuuuuuuunnnn!!!!!!! :cool:
  11. Hi, things do slow down here in the summer, with vacations, kids home from school etc. Many members don't have time to log in and post, but do come and lurk for a daily update. I know myself, I have 4 kids home, am working 3 jobs and have little time to post, but DO come here several times a day and read the latest and do daily watches...
  12. Sorry, I can't help, I am from the other side of the United States... I had my bird shipped to me.
  13. Yes Jay! That info coincides with the info I have been researching for my family and myself. Thus the higher alkaline/ph water that the hexagonal machine will produce.
  14. I have a tag I had shipped from Florida to MA when she was 8 1/2 weeks old fully weaned..... her wings were clipped so she couldn't fly. Her weight holds steady at 316 grams. She is just 2 months shy of 5 years old. Smart as can be!! She said her first words at 10 weeks old.
  15. Yup, I get that Dan, they drink wherever they can find water in the wild.. But my concern is this: Being in captivity, we have the tools to give them the best that we can to keep them as healthy as possible and give them a long life. I was curious if a higher ph (more alkalinity) than we drink now would be harmful to them and their life span....
  16. Rikki will be 5 years old in December...
  17. Great pics! Love them, thank you for sharing them!!
  18. Hi & Welcome to our family. I am happy you kept her in the family. I am sorry for your loss, but look forward to hearing more from you and seeing pics!
  19. Thanks Jay, but are you aware that almost ALL of the various kinds of bottled water I have tested the last few weeks has a very Acid ph reading? Bottled. natural spring water is not ph balanced, thus my question....but you did give me the answer I wanted. the range of ph that is considered safe. Thank you Jay
  20. Maybe you don't know that a 7 week old bird is NOT yet weaned. You should not take a bird in unless you have years of experience with this type of bird AND handfeeding with a huge success rate. Please reconsider as others have suggested.....
  21. Hi, I have recently purchased a hexagonal water machine for health reasons for my family. Basically it will raise the ph of our water to 9.5 making it more alkaline for drinking purposes. I know that is is recommended for our "pets" as well, but not sure due to the delicate bodies our birds have. Does anyone here know if that range is okay for my birds? I have been trying to research this, but only can find out info for poultry for eating...
  22. WOW, Jay, Thank you for taking the time to organize this valuable resource. I know you poured your heart & soul into these weekly chapters. I for one am thrilled with all the hard work you have done in this room! Your the best!!
  23. That's adorable!!! So smart!
  24. OOPS! Now my scaredy cat Rikki heard something in it that startled her...she stood up tall, then ran up my arm onto my shoulder with huge eyes!!!
  25. Wow! I clicked on the link, the music started, and my birds were frozen, eyes wide listening. They seem to LOVE it!! How soothing and peaceful....Thank you for sharing this. I am still playing it in the background and they are enjoying the sounds.
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