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Everything posted by Talon

  1. The old posts are still here, you just have to use advanced search and make sure your settings are correct. :cool:
  2. Yesterday, I spoke with the Bird of Paradise store that I bought Nilah from, and was telling them how impressed I was by her talking abilities at such a young age and what a wonderful bird she is. The woman I spoke with asked me if she was a VAT or BAT...........:confused: I said, " she's a yellow crowned amazon". She giggled and said, "NO, what does her band say?" I quickly looked at her paperwork and said, "oh, it says "VAT". She said, "OH, that's my good friend Vicki, she has really nice birds". I said I agreed and then she told me Nilah is from Mississippi! I was so excited to have her birthplace and a little history from her hatch day! I HIGHLY recommend anyone looking to bring a bird into their family to go to the Bird of Paradise store in New Jersey. All their birds are hand raised, handled all day by many different people and customers. They are all from chosen breeders that they hand pick to do business with. Most birds are never caged, they are out in the open for you to pick up and play with. They even have a sitting room set up like a large living room with many comfy chairs and couches, perches, tables, toys for you to spend hours with your bird until the day you are able to take it home. All birds are vet checked and tested for disease before they are brought out into the living portion of their store. Others are kept in the Hospital. They have a nursery, a huge boarding room, rooms and rooms of toys, perches, food, cages, swings, etc. Everyone wanting to purchase a bird is scrutinized, and questioned about many things, family, living conditions etc. They explain the needs and care of each individual bird, if they are known to bite, get aggressive, talk, their attention requirements. They are not out to SELL you a bird, they want to be certain that YOU will be their FOREVER home. After purchasing your bird, they are weighed and you are required, ( or they will call you) to call them 3 days later with their weight once you are home. If the bird drops too much weight, they want you to bring the bird back for a day or two to up their weight again. This store is enormous! Many employees work there, but all are bird lovers, they are kind, will answer all questions, and truly care about the hundreds of birds they have there. You are treated with the utmost respect as a customer. It is worth the trip just to see their facility. When I went there, I was overwhelmed, it was like walking into Disney World for the first time. Rooms and rooms of birds, toys, etc. It was a 5 hour trip for me one way, I will definitely be going there again. But walking out of there without a bird is sooooo difficult, that is what has kept me away for now.....:rolleyes: Here is the link for their store, check it out and see just some of what they are about! even Irene Pepperburg among others has given lectures there. http://bird-paradise.biz/
  3. WOW! Jayd, You've outdone yourself! I apologize for taking so long to read this, but I wanted to wait until I had the time to really absorb it. You have described Nilah to a tee! She has the red and blue on her wings and it is beautiful! I wonder, will her eyes change at all as she gets older, I see the first picture you have of a yellow crowned has a reddish ring around its eyes. Thank you for taking the time away from your flock to teach us all you do. What an honor to have you as a valued family member here. We are all very lucky!
  4. WOW.....I LOVE this topic!!! This is going to be fun to follow! :) I was "bred" to be a dance instructor...as per my mommy so I never had the opportunity to have a choice. I have had a variety of jobs as well on the side. I think my most favorite I have done so far is bookkeeping for businesses. I wish I could retire at age 50, but unfortunately, after divorcing 2 1/2 years age, having 3 kids under 18 and having purchased my own house......retiring is way out of reach for me.
  5. WOW!!! Jooles...thanks for finding this!!!
  6. Talon

    Baby Bird Book

    Is your blog here? And I LOVE your sig line Dusty!
  7. How adorable. He is so precious !! I too, love how he responds when you speak to him. That is a priceless video!
  8. I feed my birds this mix made daily and auto shipped to me monthly. http://www.mybirdstore.com/product.cgi?group=232972&product=232973 They also get Kaytee Fortified Parrot mix in another bowl. Plus fruit 2-3 times a week, and veggie/pasta/bird mix in squares that I make up and freeze and use on the other days.
  9. Brittany, I found this link. It's a fair distance, but not impossible for a grey to fly to depending on wind and where it was lost. It's worth looking into if I were the owners. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?186859-LOST-African-Grey
  10. I can't find it......maybe it got lost in the transfer.....
  11. I do remember a member here from Virginia who recently lost the Ag. I don't remember the name, but will search back and see if I can find the thread...... Come on everyone.....think hard....who was it????
  12. Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more!
  13. JJsHoney.....how adorable!!! Your so clever!!!
  14. Welcome to our family! I look forward to hearing more from you. I have 2 greys also, both almost 5 years old. Two can be interesting....
  15. Welcome Back! I look forward to hearing more from you.
  16. Awww. How adorable! Just like our children, they grow up so fast! Wow! 3 years old! Dayo has brought you and Kim such joy and love. He is very special! I hope you shower him with new toys, I know you already shower him with love and attention....just don't forget the toys and special treats! HAPPY HATCHDAY TO DAYO!!! Much love from Talon, Rikki, Nilah and lil ole me.
  17. This is so thought provoking, but I believe we have all given these difficult decisions lots of thought already. I have willed 2 of my birds individually to 2 of my 4 children based on how they have bonded with the different ones at this point. I also have a life ins. policy to be divided upon my children so they will have the finances to take care of my birds needs. I still have to add Nilah to my will.....but have yet to do so......my kids are ages 11-21, so things can change, but for the time being, this is the way it is.
  18. Hi & Welcome. I look forward to seeing and hearing more...")
  19. Okay...... Jeez Jill, you don't miss a thing...do you???? Here's the explanation: I will post an announcement when I have this feature adjusted properly and up and running....however..... .JILL can't seem to wait!! It is a reputation bar......Every member gets one green bar, after xx amount of posts, or after another member clicks on the reputation icon on the bottom left of your post, you have the option to approve or dissaprove and leave a comment. Eventually, the comments can be viewed on your profile page. Your reputation will go up, it's kind of like karma. A better explanation is coming here soon. If you look at Pearlyn's post, you will see that she has 2 green bars, that's because I have been testing my settings and adjustments on her profile. As I get everything working properly, I will post a tutorial on how the system works in it's entirety. It takes many reputation clicks to add to the green bar. There is a limitation, you will see that as you go. SO...PLEASE BE PATIENT, I HAVE RUN INTO SOME PROBLEMS AND AM TRYING TO TROUBLESHOOT THEM IN BETWEEN MY REAL JOB...
  20. Thanks, and I will help you anyway I can I'm glad your here in our family too!
  21. I have posted photo's of Nilah, but I will repost them. I do know for a fact that she is a Yellow Crown Amazon, well all her paperwork from the breeder and various other breeders and owners have said they agree. She is an incredible talker, but I think that is due to her breeder and care as a baby. She was bred from the best and never caged, and was hand handled from the day she was born by various people. Well, that's my reasoning anyways....
  22. i know.... i sent this request to the tech guys..........their reply.........................we will get to it when the more important issues are fixed.................well, it takes time to fix those more important things i guess..........
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