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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. This is it, time for Sukei to go, all the permits filed/approved, the FW agents notified, quarantine ready to except, and my pet company in US on stand by to pick up. I thought you guys might like to see what we rigged up to send him in. I had to follow some CITES and IATA requirements and specifications. AGAIN they make it difficult because there are no "APPROVED" travel cages, just specifications to follow. The next 48 hours are going to be hard on him and us, and again I thank you guys for your support. Kevin
  2. I did think about that, and in keeping with there are no hard fast rules or a handbook or SOP for an operation such as this, this is all I have to go on. http://www.qrcargo.com/qrlive I hope they live up to their advertising. I believe I am emotionally spent lol, I was apologizing to Sukei all last night for what I was about to put him through, but I think his chances are better this way then leaving him here...... Hope I made the right decision.
  3. Well, this is it, down to the wire. The story is so long, I would have to write a book. I finally got the WBC permit, with a note that Sukie would have to be in the states no later then 12-31-2016 because all the permits are for Schedule II and Greys go to Schedule I CITES January 1 and my permits would become void. We spent all day building what I call the premier Parrot mobile transportation unit lol, IATA approved specs, now I just have to hope that I can get the vet in time with the cargo company. He has to go cargo now, because I am not scheduled out till Jan 31st. I guess all in all the timing was just right, as he never would have left the country under a schedule I, I would have had to leave him. Its the 4th quarter 4th down and inches, I just got to jump over a big defensive line and get the touchdown. Ill let you know when I do...... everything is in flux but the game is up on the 31st. Thanks again folks for the encouragement and support. K
  4. One step forward, and two steps back......Argh, well it turns out, he has to have an RFID tag, SO, here is Sukei for his final checkup and RFID insertion procedure. As you can see he is of decent weight, vet said he was on the higher end of the weight scale for his make and model LOL. The procedure went well, I was lucky enough to have a very proficient avian vet to do it. Thanks Dr Jill. She is a traveling Vet that goes to many of these less then desirable places in the world to help birds/people in a bad spot. I was surprised at how quickly and non traumatic it was for him. They gas them which knock them out for about two min, put it in, and poof. Done. He woke up a little freaked out, but has been fine, no bleeding or anything. SO, were back to the same problem, I need the WB permit, and then Dr Jill can write the heath permit. Problem is she leaves in the middle of December, so I have to have the permit in hand by then. Will be a long two weeks. Thanks Again for everyone's kind words and support.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, wanted to give you an update. First for anyone trying to do What I am trying to do, this is the government link it might help someone. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/bring-pet-into-the-united-states/pet-birds/pet-birds-non-us This has proved to be almost an impossible task, no matter what hoops I jump through, they find another. One must have serious conviction to get this done. In my case all the avian vets left the Popsicle stand in Kuwait. Now if your lucky enough to have a Falcon in the middle east your good to go...... The Falcon vet simply said my Falcon would eat your African grey for lunch and still be hungry. Obviously there is some prejudice there. I was stuck on the 21 day quarantine in country before shipping. I got lucky and a British avian vet was lured back into this hell hole, because the Royal Animal Hospital here in Kuwait was backed up on avian cases that she came back for a month to clear the back log. She is going to help me get that done. God bless her. Im now just stuck on the US fish and wildlife import permit. I was finally able to contact her yesterday, and she said she would move my permit to the top of the stack, (Professional courtesy) we both work for the US government. Its not over yet, but I see a path, where there was none before. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. There is a whole lot more to the story, but i dont think there is enough hard drive space on your host's server LOL. Have a blessed day.
  6. It means some of us are above the law and some of us are not. Dont want to make this a political thread, it is what it is.... were coming home, thats all that is important... As I look through the years, even as much influence as I have it amazes me that just a few bucks gets you what you need. As long as you know who to call. So in reference to the other CITES thread.......its a lost cause. Fortunately for Sukei, he gets to come home. Again thank you all for the support.
  7. Unfortunately i will not be retired till the middle of January. I wish I could say....but I cant, however Hilliray can tell you anything she wants to..... Myself id be in jail with Sukei
  8. Thanks again everyone. If all goes well Sukei should go to quarantine on December 15th or 16th. There are still some final preparations to be made, but I think we will be home for Christmas. All though it sucks being jail for the holidays, at least there will be many more.!!!
  9. Thank you for your kind note. If anything these magnificent creatures will teach us is patience. Never give up, just wait ............
  10. Its good news.......EXCEPT if you are trying to save one's life, it makes it all the more difficult. I guess in the big picture it is best for all of them, but its a HUGE pain in the back end to rescue one from garbage heap in a third world country. That being said, its like you say hard to enforce, and sometimes in certain situations it can mean there death instead of protection. I guess im not really sure where I fall on the argument. Maybe, they should build into the law where you can bring your individual case before court or something. All I know is if your not into trafficking and the black market, it makes it all the more harder to rescue one. Its like the war on drugs, you will never win it.
  11. I must apologize on the time estimate, after re reading the post this morning, it has only been 4 years for Sukei, been 10 years for me in the hole, I guess between the joy of seeing the CITES certificate and my impending retirement, I got too excited lol. Again I cant thank you guys enough, I don't know a single one of you, but you guys have been a source of support and I really appreciate it.
  12. I have one bit of advice, don't force him to do anything, let him come to you, give him time. These loving creatures have a life span more then you and me put together, let him come to you. When he is ready
  13. I'm sorry it has been so long, but Sukie is coming home. I secured the CITES permits, You might find that there is no problem an appropriate amount of money cant fix. This is not a plug for the website, but I have kept a record for sukui. Parrotfiles.com Now let me tell you outbout CITES, in any given country.....they really dont give a rats behind as long as they get there money. The problem is with fish and wildlife department in the US, If someone faces the same problem as I have, please let me know, I will help you. Its been years, but I got it figured out.. Thank all of you for your encouragement over the years. When you work for the government, you dont have a whole lot of time to do any thing else. Thank you again...... were coming home. On Luftansa. Sukie has to do his 30 days in Miami quarantine, but at least he wont die in this hell hole. Again thank alll of you!!!!!!!
  14. All the pictures are on the website......out of respect for the owners here im not going to promote it...currently im in the Philippines with HORRIBLE internet, so best I can do is post messages..........he is SO smart though....I almost think the wild parrots have a special understanding...... He always asks me Dad do you love me? And I say yes I love you and he says thank you LOL Merry Christmas to all of you and your grey angels.
  15. I wanted to say Merry Christmas......Sukei is doing well, he has about 300 word vocabulary.... He is full flighted he walks around sometimes and just talks. I'm still trying to get him home, haven't given up. He is so special......thanks guys for being here. Merry Christmas
  16. Im sending him site traffic reports, if they are high enough, he wants to put a Kuwait Zoo banner on the site. Apparently, the zoo needs some traffic too. It came up in conversation, when I was asking about getting some CITES paperwork from him. Very strange, first guy I ever met in the middle east that wouldn't take a bribe lol.
  17. Id like to travel with my bird lol....
  18. It could only happen if you logged in with that pc to facbook. Im so sorry. Im not a big fan of facebook, but every one else is. So I put the tie in to the site. I deleted the reference from the face book page itself, so you should be ok. Again Im sorry. and thanks for trying to help Sukei.
  19. Always a problem.... Ill delete it
  20. The website for the video hosting has got me some traction, I promised the Kuwait Zoo ministry guy I would feature them on the site. He said he would get me the papers...if he sees some traffic. Please take this in the manner intended, its not a pimp for the site, there are no advertisements or money making things for me.... I just want to get Sukei home. Ive done a lont of work on it, and I think its ready for what ever some one throws at it..... Im about to start a save Sukei campaign. Please just have a look, and tell me if you have suggestions..... http://parrotfiles.com Ive spent a bunch, and its not for profit, and never will be..... I hope the Kuwait zoo guy thinks it is enough. Thanks Kevin
  21. You know the part I am having the hardest time with, is the Kuwait Government turns a blind eye to all the black market smuggling in of thousands of these parrots, but you cant rescue one and get him out. I will find a way. Again thanks for all the help.
  22. Thank All of you so much, sometimes I get tunnel vision, and a lot of sets of eyes on a problem, are better one. I will keep you updated. In the mean time if there is anything I can do for anyone here, please let me know.
  23. You know I even went as far as to use that useless website where you can sent the President an email.....Yea Right LOL, and asked if he could pardon a turkey on thanksgiving, maybe he could pardon my parrot LOL... I pointed out my last 7 years of service to the country, and as bad as his ratings are, it might be a good will photo op LOL! Ill probably just get audited by the IRS LOL Got to try and keep a sense of humor about it. It does have maybe a slight chance it will catch someone's eye because I have a .mil email address. I think I have a better shot at winning the lotto LOL
  24. Sukei is chipped and has a clean bill of health from the animal ministry here.....I see loop holes here, and will investigate further. Thank you for your time in researching this for me. There is still the absolute ban on all parrots from certain areas. http://nvap.aphis.usda.gov/import_export/animals/nonus_pet_bird.shtml All I need to do is get him out of Kuwait to the Philippines where there are no bans. To get him out of Kuwait, I need the CITES permit. You have given me some good resource material to study and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  25. Thanks Timber... not what I need but thank you I've almost resigned myself taking the 16 week trip on the boat......but I don't care at this point.... God has given me the resources to do it, so I can.....some may say im crazy ...its just a bird, but to me he is family
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