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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. Genetics.... And genes. This is my own personal theory, take it or leave it lol. The gene pool in any one given area of a breeding population gets shallow at points. Lets just say were talking about the US. Domestic breeding leads to imbreading, over and over again. I have a medical degree (Human) but in talking with the avian doctors in the Middle East, they have told me, and it makes sense, that wild Greys have a deep genetic gene pool and contributes to the intelligence or in human terms the IQ of the Grey. Again, please dont take this as fact, its just what I have been told, and it makes the theory plausible. So in summation, I think the deeper the gene pool, the more intelligent the grey is. I am quite sure there are many other factors as to why some speak more then others, Im not sure anyone has ever done a real scientific study on the subject. I can tell you this, Im quite sure Sukei came from the Congo, based on the legal crap I went through with the CITES folks in Kuwait, and he talks in 4 different languages. Thats my two cents on the mater. I do want to say this, even if you grey does not talk, it doesn't make them any less of a friend, or special. They have the ability to talk, you just may have to work harder to get them to do so.
  2. Stay the course my friend, stay the course. You will have some disappointments, and you will have days that make it all worth it. I compare relationships with greys as I do with human beings. Depending on your relationship, it can be a parent / child relationship, OR it can be a husband / wife relationship. I heard one time, someone tell me bird people are strange people, just get a dog or a cat if your a normal person. I think if you subscribe to that, you are a lazy person, not that dogs and cats are bad or having one puts you into a certain category. I had a Golden retriever for years till she died and it took me a long time to get over it. Being a "Bird person" as they say, means you are a caring concerned human being, and you are willing to make he sacrifice to make a relationship work, same as a parent/child or husband/wife relationship. Working with these wonderful angels requires so much more of you as a person then a dog or a cat. My brother is a Dog person 100% and every 10 or 11 years he has them cremated and put into a box and stacks them on his fireplace mantle. Please dont misunderstand me, I think that is a beautiful memorial, but after I lost lacy, I wanted to have someone to outlive me. So, I rescued a grey, same as you did. Our Journey was long and will continue. Just remember, life with a grey is forever, as far as your lifespan goes, so make it a good one, and you are off to a great start. Thank you for rescuing one, instead of going to the pet shop. As the years go by, you both will comfort each other, probably do the equivalent of cry with each other, and in the end, who knows what will happen, Sukei surprises me everyday. Good luck and thank you again.
  3. I'm clear now, I told them, I caught the flu from my mother whom we were staying with until we moved into our new place, but they got there regulations....rules ...... You know it seems to me they got to many *** rules and regulations for everything. I have multiple degrees, so Im not just spouting off, you have to be careful with everything, country, region, law, and giving advice, and then having to give a disclaimer about NOT giving advice. The internet is really a bad situation in that, you have no idea whom you are talking to or what advice they are giving. Its the wild wild west. I think we here in America created a lot of the problems with liability tort and what not. I dunno, all I can say is this form was a great source of support for me, and made me think differently, that allowed me to to figure out the whole mess I went thru. Over the years I searched thousands of posts here, that allowed for this eventual out come. I want to give back a little, so if I can help let me know. Thanks Kevin/Sukei
  4. At my earliest possible time, I will set something up with you , I have a simple case of the flu which stopped me dead in my tracks, and the doctors here are trying to rule out middle east MIRS I think that the acronym. I wont forget. I promise.
  5. Please let me know, I can help you in ways you haven't even thought of yet. The biggest issue being Grey's have been moved to Appendix I, while over all I agree with the move to cut down on pouching, it makes it REALLY difficult to help rescue birds. Please feel free to contact me, as the agencies you will be dealing with is USFW, USAPHIS, and their counter parts to the nations you will be dealing with. The US would have you believe that if you follow everything in this link https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/bring-pet-into-the-united-states/pet-birds/pet-birds-non-us You will have no problems........ well if you take their advice, you would be WRONG, especially on time schedules and permit schedules. I will say this, if you bird is of US origin, your path will be about 76.2% easier (Calculation arrived at multiple levels LOL) Just let me know if you need help.
  6. "Show me your doo doo" In a certain dialect of Tagalog, it means basically means show me your boo boo, but its funny when Sukei sees some one and asks to see their doo doo LOL.
  7. Well, you can close this thread out, I wanted to say thank you all one last time. All is well. You see my sign up date, that's when the battle began, I had no idea it would be a Cinderella story. I would not have made it if not for the encouragement of everyone here. I submit the little things you say, you may not think makes any difference, I submit, let God decide, keep doing what you do. V/r Kevin
  8. We learn by doing, Even though I don't fall into the regular category of field soilder, I have found that I exhibit traits of PTSD, although if you told anyone I would deny it. I have had to eliminate certain threats, but also having medic skills have saved certain assets. Fortunately I made it back and so did Sukei. If you ask me if it made a difference to either one of us on a scientific/psychological level, I would say yes to a degree. The person and they grey still have to want to make it work, and spend the time to make the relationship work, same as between all of God's creatures. We and Greys all not really all that different, it the commitment we humans are in control of.
  9. One thing I have found as long as you KNOW, it is a safe environment, if you can keep them busy till you get back, they will be fine. Remember the old song "Every needs a little time away" from each other. Peter Cetara I believe. They are much Like us yet different. The difficulty is finding the balance.
  10. They are correct there are literally thousands of Greys out there that need help. I had to go on the other side of the planet to find that out. I'm not dissing any breeders at all, but if you think of it in human terms, look at all the so called problem children up for adoption. Do you realize some of the greatest minds in the world were adopted children? My rescued Sukei I would not trade for a baby. He is smart as the day is long. He also came from the hard life, and that which does not kill us, makes us stronger, greys included.
  11. Oh, I dont think she was fat-shaming, just pointing out the huge difference between when Sukei was rescued, and his current health.
  12. The avatar was from when he was about 8 months old, He is full size now, and overweight a few ounces according to the vet : - )
  13. I will probably take you up on it, need a break from the stress, but will give you PLENTY of notice : - )
  14. All I don’t have any of my photo resizing stuff yet, so I just put them in a PDF. (I apologize if you dont have adobe reader) You can down load here. https://www.adrive.com/public/MaNsNc/sukei.pdf Thanks so much again. This is his temporary home, till we move in a few weeks to the new place. Your encouragement helped get me through!
  15. Im sure we can work something out, we just have to get settled in, I've been away for 10 years, Im starting all over again lol.
  16. All, I just got back from DFW it is 11:40 PM here, and Sukei is home and doing just fine. I still a little jet lagged, so were all going to get some sleep. Im still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we all made it home. I sit here and think, what was the chance that a poor african grey pouched from a South African jungle tree from his nest put in a box with 15 or 20 other birds, smuggled into the middle east and then basically left for dead because no one wanted him (Thats the way I think it happened based on what I know) not only survive, but make it to Dallas Texas to live a good life. I think, I will go buy a lottery ticket for him, because I think he has a better chance of winning the lotto. When we wake up in the morning, and get settled, Ill shoot those pictures. Thank You all again. There really is a God, too many miracles, too many things that cannot be explained away.
  17. Well you know how it goes when someone asks where you live in Texas, you just say Dallas, because everyone knows where that is, on the other hand if you say I live in Collyville, they go "Say what" I dont know where that is lol. Right at the moment I am in Colleyille, until I find a place next to the next potential job.
  18. No far my friend, thank you ! The wife and I arrived from Dubai yesterday, and are catching up on some sleep. USFW has determined I am still in violation because of the Kuwait CITES permit, and are going to release him for shipment to Dallas tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM. There will be no fine, but I am required to write an apology letter to the agent, and I cant tell you how bad that sticks in my throat. Along with the letter Sukei will have a life travel ban on him. (Not able to leave the US for life. NOW, I have already talked to a lawyer, and he said eat my peas and do it, then after a period of time, with all my evidence and correspondence with that agency, I can appeal it, and he is 99% sure with the documentation I sent him, he can get the ruling over turned. In the mean time, dont rock the boat. As much as it sucks, you pick your battles when the time is right. The important thing is right now he is in. The only reason the travel ban is an issue for me, is we have two homes, one in the Philippines, and one in Texas. We plan on staying here for at least 6 or 7 years. Ill shoot plenty of pictures, and will post them. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I imagine its like "Home Alone 2" in New York for him. Im sure he will enjoy it.
  20. When I get home, I try and do a little helping around here, I've just been tied up trying to get out of here, and Sukei is home now. I know I dont do a lot of posting in other threads, just trying to get home. Thanks all of you again, and again. I talked to the quarantine center and Sukei is doing great, says he is out talking all the others, and the others are responding to him, funny lol. Happy New Years
  21. This new years eve Im looking at Sukie's empty cage before I break it down for shipment, you know its amazing how they are like a real human being (Probably the best of us), they dont just repeat things they communicate, and know what they are saying. I wish all of you a Happy New Year, Sukei probably is in the best place to be for New Year, New York. They said they have TV monitors there so he will get to see the ball drop. Happy New Year to everyone....especially to those in Israel, may you find better treatment, then you have found in the current US administration. Kevin
  22. Avian Quarantine Facility, The New York Animal Impact Center, Newburgh, New York. Well again thanks for the support, I made a statement in reply to my so called violation of the importation act. Im trying the carrot first, if that doesn't work, Ill bring a baseball bat not a stick. I advised the Kuwait CITES division that the US basically said they dont know what they are doing and not following the rules of the convention. (They were real happy to hear that) Have you ever seen a pissed off Arab? They reiterated, thats all there going to get, and it is legal. I am just happy Sukei is home, and I can fight on home turf. It is difficult to fight a war on the other side of the planet, as the US has learned the hard way. I talked with all the agencies involved, and they are all standing behind me, but I dont know if that is going to be good enough. The lady that cut the WBCA permit says Ill probably end up paying a fine, and that will be that, however if they really want to be schmucks they can confiscate Sukei. I just got to wait and see how it plays out. It also turns out it was good that I started that video website years ago documenting ownership of Sukei over the years, that may come into play if I have to lawyer up and go to court. More to come.....
  23. Well, he made it. Thats the good news. The bad news is some bean counter over at Fish and Wildlife doesn't like the way the CITES permit was filled out by the Kuwaitis, even though they already saw it, and issued all the import permits. Not sure what is going to happen. I may end up standing tall before the man. But the important part, is Sukei is home. I can fade any heat they bring down. Sukei will be out of quarantine in 30 days, Ill be out of here and home in 26 days. Thanks guys again, Ill post pictures when its over.
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