Still reading.
I almost hesitate to offer any advise, but for what it is worth, I think, Sukie made great progress for the first few weeks and she kinda went into no more progress mode.
Tried all kinds of new toys, and really letting her/him have his own way.
Ah im just going to say she, I think she is from what I can read....the grey outline on the red thing, whatever it does not matter it is just hard to type without he/she.
I think after talking to the Arab hacks down at the market she is wild caught, they admit it. Get a boatload in from Africa on ships carting arms and what ever will make a buck, which explains why she makes monkey noises.
She has been very skittish after the great progress she made in the first three weeks
Any how now to the advise, I found she likes David Foster the Symphony sessions CD.
She calms down and purrs and falls to sleep quickly.
I am in it for the long run, all we have is time.
Please forgive me for giving advise as a newbie, but it isnt anything that can hurt your loved one, so what the heck LOL.
Take it for what it is worth.