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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. Well, that did not take too long, seems all she needed was a welcome wagon basket LOL. I am very amazed after reading alot how quickly she adapts to new things. I have been out of town on.......business, and the wife does not like the whole posting business, although she loves to read. While I was gone Sukei has learned to fly short distances 15 or 20 feet or so. I think the bigger living area will help boost her confidence and make her feel a little more secure.......but what do I know.....you try something if it works, go with it
  2. Yes, she never spent anytime in the old cage, 90% of the time she stayed on the perch, thats why as you suggested, I left the perch next to the new one. I dunno, if I was stuck in a cracker box and someone said here is a big ole house, Id be happy LOL. While by nature you are correct they are phobic, it never takes her long to get used to new things. Give her a few more hours she is starting to make her familiar noise effects.... See what happens
  3. So I was thinking the house Sukei came with was too small, so we went and got her a bigger house. She seems freaked out, wont come off the roof, been 4 hours now.......just sitting there....:confused: Maybe she just needs more time, but I figure she will have to come down to eat after a while :confused:
  4. Yea, she will turn a block that size into pile of splinters in a few days. We go through more wood than food LOL
  5. Does she have a favorite snack? If she does I would load a bunch of whatever it is on top of the cage and pray... that is as far as my thoughts take me. Wish I could help, I can only imagine
  6. While Sukei is destroying this wood, you can see a pretty decent example of eye pinning. If you go full screen, you can see it even better. She is molting, so excuse the bad hair day Watch "Sukei Destroying A Block Of Wood"
  7. This is such a cool picture I wanted the High Definition original. If anyone wants the HD shot you can download it here.... just right click the picture and save as. http://greyvid.com/addons/pictures/greys_and_elephants_HD.jpg It makes for fantastic PC wallpaper!
  8. I will, but it is going to be at least a 6 month story
  9. Sweating to the oldies LOL
  10. I appreciate the sentiments, however I too am a cog in the "Government Machine" I can not really do anything beyond research at the moment for a work around. I do not know how much longer I will be required to stay here. Unlike the actual military, we do not have a set time. It will happen, one way or another.
  11. Hmmm, does sunlight through a UV filtered window count? I cant really put her outside during the summer, it is over 138 degrees out on some days, but never goes below 111 or 112 while the sun is shining.
  12. Wow, Wing clipping, contracts, fees, passion all around.... I guess there is more politics in this then I thought. But I guess it goes back to the opinion thing..... everyone has one
  13. Avian Flu. SARS now you got MERS that kills 60% of those infected. That is over here and it does not have anything to do with birds. I say the US should stop importing people (Tongue in Cheek) What are they going to do next, stop all international travel? Or domestic travel for that matter.
  14. Id bet she starts talking real soon, they kinda of have a will of their own
  15. I love this line, but it applies. "What we require now is a feat of linguistic legerdemain and a degree of intrepidity" And some luck wouldn't hurt either
  16. Well, that matter is somewhat subjective, splitting hairs if you will. While I do not condone the practice, the fact of the matter is that I really do not know if she is wild caught or not. I know she was in distress, and I pulled her out. She is banded and in this corner of the world, if you throw enough money at a problem, the problem goes away. Sukei WILL be coming home one way or another because the alternative is not something I am willing to consider. Thanks for the input. When she gets back to the states she will have a whole family to be with for good. All responsible adults and visiting grandkids. In my mind I am balancing what she will have to go through to get there, I think the short period of discomfort balanced against the potential 40 + years of a reliable home, care and comfort is something I can do for her, and in the end, she will be better off.
  17. Thank you for the replies, I just did not want to support a below board operation.
  18. Thanks, Ill have a look. We have a home in the Philippines, probably start looking into that. We will be splitting time between the States and the Philippines, but I really wanted to get her state side.
  19. Well, I am still 6 month out, hopefully they will lift it in the mean time. If not may be able to go through the Philippines. I know one thing, I AM NOT leaving her here.
  20. No, I more or less rescued her from some &^%^$%'s here in Kuwait.
  21. I am really depressed, do not know what to do. I was planning to come home at the end of the year. I was told by both Expat Americans and local Kuwait's that there was no problem bringing your parrot home. I am pretty early planner, so I started doing some research on permits and shots and what not and found this. ADVISORY: Until further notice, live avian commodities (including eggs for hatching) from the following countries or regions have been prohibited entry to the United States due to the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza: Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cambodia, Djibouti, Egypt, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Autonomous Territories, People's Republic of China, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Sudan, Taipei Chinese/Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, and Vietnam. Does anyone have any idea how long this will be in effect? I have not been able to find any answers on the web. Hoping someone here has some experience .......so depressed argh...
  22. The Gabriel Foundation Can anyone shed some life on them? I looked the website over, and it looks legit. Has anyone had any experience dealing with them? I wanted to sponsor a parrot, but C.A.R.E. doesn't seem have a program, just a one time shot donation.
  23. I got a mental image reading this WOW!
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