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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. She misses you. And something changed with your environment. I’ll bet misses you is top of mind.
  2. I know this probably gets old, but I’m trying to give examples. He was in a bad mood tonight, and maybe you can use this. When your Grey is in a bad mood, they will let you know , and you can avoid flesh loss. Sukie won’t bow his head and makes a click noise when you try to scratch them. You should avoid being bitten. A lot of people post in the Parrot bit me thread. You can avoid being bitten by recognizing your Grey’s mood. I know Sukie That’s all I have. Have a good weekend.
  3. Maybe a little more time. Sukei seemed to enjoy her week of boarding. Made some new friends. :)
  4. I read the whole thread, but only advice I could give is time. I can now have Sukei on my lap and absolutely no more biting. He comes up and snuggles now with me and Kasey, my German shepherd. i have no reason why but time. It seems to me greys do what they want to when they’re good and ready. i hope your issue is resolved, mine seems to be. I really hope that people reading these things understand a grey is not a toy, but a life commitment.
  5. Hope all the Moms enjoy their day ! Mom’s are why we are all here ! 💌❤️
  6. Well another week has passed, I believe this is a done deal. inside and outside the cage, no flesh loss. And now he demands longer scratch time as long as mom is not around. I won't bore you anymore with this, unless he is playing the long game LOL. At the end of this month, Im going on vacation 7 glorious days in the South Pacific, first time since I got back from the Middle East, 7 years, doesn't seem like I have been home that long, Time flys. Waited till Kasey was spayed so I could board her. I bring this up only because, Sukei get's boarded too. I hope it doesn't screw up the progress made, and also to tell you if this place decides to take a dump between the 17th and the 28th, your on your own, Im not bringing a computer. I work in a box at my home, and it all stays Im sure it will be fine, I have only had two issues with the site in the last 7 years, you should be good to go. If not, just wait, it will come back when I do. See ya !
  7. I use all the stuff in the mail, I call it recycling lol. They chop down all those trees for something that no one reads 😀
  8. The peace still holds, if, it’s just me, Kasey (my GS) and him. I noticed the stink eye, if Mom is around. So I stay away 😀 This is the longest Détente, we have had in years. 😀
  9. Yea, Sukei can tear a soft wood block 6x6 inch, in about 45 min 😀 Not that expensive if you go to Home Depot, and cut it yourself.
  10. WOW, back in the day, I got a degree in Emergency Medical Sciences , and I had to google it lol. You learn something new everyday 😀
  11. You have no idea lol, I was almost out of flesh 😂
  12. In case anyone was wondering, the peace has held, I can now rub his head on the pearch, while cleaning the house. In fact when he climbs out, he bows his head. I really don’t understand, but I’m testing the limit LOL 😂 I really think he is learning from Kasey, he sees her getting love and attention.. He did nip one time, but it was soft. Like hey, I wasn’t done with the head scratch. Anyone having bite problems hang in there, I know it is rough, believe me. it’s been years to get here, but it’s rewarding. If your into instant gratification, Greys might not be for you lol
  13. Well, you know how you get brave after a few beers on a Friday night? LOL ? This time while he was on the perch whilst I was cleaning the cage, I said “Good Boy” and the head went down. Moment of truth, no bars. Head went down, I proceeded to scratch him on the head, and he just took it, not a flinch. He went back after cleaning and down went the head again for more scratches. I have a theory. I think he is learning from Kasey (My German Shepherd). I scratch her head and say good girl when we play ball. Might be wrong, but I still have all my flesh intact LOL
  14. Back when I was nursing him back to health in the Middle East, he used to ride on my shoulder, I could pick him up. Feed him. AND DEN. it went down hill. Folks that have been around probably remember the infomus eye picture I posted. Still have a small scar on my eye lid, along with the hands and fingers. I don't think Ill risk an eyeball again LOL. Kinda makes you wonder why we do it. I saved him from a dumpster at an open air market. You would think they would show a little appreciation. You mentioned stages. I think its age, hormone levels start falling off, maybe thats it. With him though, he got bagged right out of a tree in Africa, stuffed in a box and sent for a boat ride that one would not consider a Carnival Cruise., so I can imagine that would screw anyone up . I do however attrribute him having come from a large gene pool with being really smart, I think were around a 1K vocabulary at this point Maybe more, I havent really kept track, but he will conversate. I did learn very early on when you get the stink eye from them, best to walk away LOL.
  15. Well, this particular part of the war is over. Every night since I first posted, he goes in his cage no fight, bows his head so I can scratch his head through the bars. Hasn’t tried one time to bite. Stays there as long as I scratch. Any suggestions on what else I should chance some flesh on? LOL😂
  16. The wife is off today, and he is a moms bird, but I wanted to clean and put him up for another test, and again, no fight. Maybe age is mellowing him. Best as we can figure, he turned 8 last month. im still not convinced to let my guard down, but it is unusual.
  17. It was the only thing I could think of, probably has nothing to do with it, but thought I would mention it. Out of curiosity, I did some googling and found this article amoung MANY others. Like I said, it kinda boils down to "Who knows" Now a days everyone has an opinion on everything, and they are usually differing ones. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120710120229.htm
  18. I’m not sure about Greys in particular, but years ago, another lifetime actually, I worked in an office building. They put up some power lines a year after I was there, and birds started to crash into the windows. Did a little research at the time, and power lines generate magnetic fields. Some birds, maybe all birds navigate using the earth’s magnetic poles during migration. Some research has shown a mild causality between power lines and brain cancer in humans. Proved up or not, real estate next to power lines tend to be less expensive. They even have done studies about cell phones and cancer. Who knows 🤗 Might be worth some updated research if you can’t find a cause. Last time I looked was over 30 years ago. That was before google lol An easy way to check the pole you’re talking about would be to get a plain old compass and walk around it. If it’s active the compass will be erratic if it’s putting off anything.
  19. That’s twice, no bowed head this time. I detected a possible stink eye. LOL. I remain vigilant. 🤗
  20. Any strong magnetic fields or power lines close by? Just a thought 🤗
  21. I was cleaning Sukei’s cage and when I finished, I said go in……and he did, went to the back perch and bowed his head. Lol Normally it’s a fight, and a good chance of loosing flesh. I’ll let you know if this was a fluke or not tomorrow 😂
  22. Well I tried it, (Through the bars) and he seems to like it. I let him out and he followed them accross the carpet, right to the perch and up the dowel, and eventually get in the cage of his own volution. Good trick for avoiding loss of fingers
  23. For some reason, the title of this thread "Correct Response to Biting" light up in bold for me as unread. Obviously it was a cookie error, but the old joke came to mind is "OUCH !" Then some cursing, followed by some antibiotic, lol. After all it took to save Sukei, It's a wonder after the trying to rip my eye out incident, he didn't end up in a soup LOL. For me, I have tried everything. I have just had to embrace it, prepare counter measures and pray He is just a mommy Grey, Ive accepted it, like growing old. Try to do it with grace. One thing, I can get away with is scratching his head through the cage bars, he wil sit there all day for that, so I can maintain some physical contact with him. He is 8 now, im hoping as he grows older he will mellow. Add Ta
  24. "I'll need to look here on your website." I can't take the credit for the site, I just fixed it. The data is all the member's contributions. Thanks though
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