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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. You just posted the exact situation I have minus one Grey. LOL
  2. I was just curious about folks not thinking before they get a Grey. Kinda like the puppy in the window. I'm going to phrase this in general terms, as it has nothing to do with any registered member here, but who knows who reads here. This is the first time I have run into this. Folks get a grey, and when the novelty wears off, all kinds of excuses are made to offload said puppy/grey. Has anyone run into a person that saw they owned a grey and just thought it was the coolest thing in the world, and was warned its a till death do we part kind of thing, and a relationship that takes years to cultivate, and said relationship may change often and you don't bail at the first sign of trouble. Excuses could be "after two years we found out everyone in the family is allergic to said puppy/grey" The excuse is kinda lame as you would have known this BEFORE two years. I'm kinda feeling some guilt for showing Sukei to them in the first place as they went overboard and got two greys. If this was a close friend, would you have any thoughts for said person? They already knew Sukei and I have our ups and downs, but the commitment is always there, and we work through issues, no matter what. I tried love is not always a feeling, but rather a constant commitment to a relationship, sometimes the feeling is there, sometimes it is not, but you work through it and the feelings return for both you and your grey(s) They are almost more human then we are. I dunno, I hope this makes sense. I re read it twice, and it barley makes sense to me, maybe you folks are more in touch with your inner self LOL
  3. Sukei coughs and does the "Im sick" routine, but never has gone after a pill bottle. LOL, and from the looks of it he wants in that bottle very badly. LOL, too funny.
  4. So as you know, I have been having a biting war with Sukei. I was doing the usual nightly routine (Sukei on perch, me cleaning cage) and I brought the perch over to the cage, and he stands on the door and waits for me to get the cage cover from the other room. He proceeds to get off the door and climbs in the cage, (usual). I go in the other room to put up the vacume, (usual) I cover the cage as normal leaving the round hole open in the front, say good night and sit down start watching TV, and Sukei starts with his usual "Gooood Night Daddy" "Sukei loves Daddy" And my reply is usual, "Then why do you keep biting me?" LOL About ten min later, I look up and see him with his head bowed and smashed up against the bars. (UNusual) Walked up to the cage, and Im thinking, because this bird is smart......he is baiting me in for a try through the bars LOL. I chance it, started petting the top of his head with one finger, and he just sits there like that letting me pet the top of his head through the bars LOL for like 2 or 3 min. He backs up and says "Gooood Night Daddy" "Sukei loves Daddy" You never know what these birds are going to do or when, still amazes me. I think we will leave it at that for a while, all my flesh has healed
  5. Click on the grey box, takes you to the video module.
  6. Just click on it, it will take you to the video module
  7. Just click on it, it will take you to the video module.
  8. I know change is difficult and people just read the forums, so Im starting this new section to post documentaries that are readily available anywhere but you can have them here. Just click on the grey box and it will take you to the module. I paid a bunch for the module, and just hope someone gets some use out of it.
  9. These days I only run when chased
  10. You are correct, but the logistics is a nightmare, and there are still politics in play. Your no more older then I am LOL, you have wisdom and common sense, that which is sorely lacking in these times.
  11. I have a PLEX server with over 700 movies and current TV series. I cant trouble shoot everyone's issues with it, but if you are computer inclined and can figure it out for your self, if you send a request to kevin@maildeploy.com with your email addy, Ill add it to the server and you can get hooked up for free. The server will send you an email to authentic you. I will say this, if you have a gmail account, it will go easier on you.
  12. Having been around death all my life, I think this one is hitting home because we haven't seen this kind of fear since the 1918 Spanish Flu. In the end I believe a bunch of folks will die, same as from the every year influenza, probably more but not by much. I think often times, folks don't think about there own mortality very often, because well.... Its a taboo subject, who wants to think about their death, not many I know of. The truth is we all have that appointment, we just don't know when. Every person owes a debt, and it will be paid if your thinking about it or not, at some point. After all the death I've seen, I would rather like to think it is our mortality that defines us, not to be feared, but rather to remind us to live everyday as it was your last. Take care of those that can't take care of themselves, and do the right things, instead of the wrongs. Were all human, after all.
  13. You know the old saying, things in motion tend to stay in motion, things at rest tend to stay at rest. It was on my mind, and thought it would be a good topic to get folks talking again There are no right or wrong answers, just thoughts.
  14. That gets to the heart of it. They are not dogs or cats. Well, just hope Nick at Night and sponge bob square pants are a small token anyways. They don't exactly have cable in the jungle. Thank you for your candid thoughts, I appreciate you taking the time to comment and reply.
  15. I did not see that coming, at all, I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about it. I suppose what is done is done. But I wonder sometimes if I wouldn't have done better by Sukei by just leaving him go in the Middle East. Quite sure he would be dead, and would that have been the kinder thing to do. Like he said, no haters, it is a valid subject. Not one of us would ever mistreat our fine friends. Just a thought for someone that hasn't spilled the milk yet, so to speak.
  16. I know at some point this has been discussed, but recent events cause me to revisit it, and get some fresh thoughts. A lot of you, this wont pertain to as your Grey's were domestically born, (That is a whole other discussion) But for wild Greys bought, smuggled or rescued from the the eventuality that black market brings, I have a question, and maybe get some thoughts from you guys. A small disclaimer here, I will always keep Sukei until he dies or I do, I'm betting on me. That being said... Do you suppose people make the right choice to rescue these birds rather then let them die? What is their quality of life? I suppose it applies to humans too. I was sitting watching some TV and Sukei said, "Bored, i'm bored" Well of course he his, he would have been flying around the jungles of Africa, on Elephant's backs. Do we do them any favors saving them to a domesticated life of watching "Sponge Bob Square Pants" his favorite show? Granted, he does get Nick at night LOL, but I digress. I think getting this site back to an active status, might just be people asking stupid questions like this
  17. KevinD


    Judy, Thank You for your thoughts and response, I have been around here a while and thought about the cage aggression deal. No it isn't location specific, or person specific. Ill tell you what though, I used to do do a lot of diving, and shark meddling with the chain mail suits, and the sharks tried to take a few chops out of you, and decided it wasnt worth the effort and moved on. So I figured, I would employ the same logic, and it seems to have mitigated the problem. He is not trying to bite near as much anymore. He got his beak into those gloves a few times, and decided it wasn't worth the effort, and I imagine some pain on his part. He begrudgingly lets me change and clean his bowl and cage with no gloves on, but he does a head fake now and then LOL. But every night he says, Sukei loves Daddy and Momma good night
  18. KevinD


    Update, as I was siting here working on the site and making a few replies, Sukei is in the other room shouting, Sukei loves daddy, no more doo doo to daddy. Doo Doo is not poop, its Filipino for injury LOL, yes I have a bi lingual grey He said, please give me sweet kiss, Maybe the argument is over, or he is baiting me in for other chomp LOL Never gets boring around here. That is for sure.
  19. Just be glad he is not trying to make a neoow burger out of your fingers and hands....LOL Always remember, it could be worse, I'm starting to think after 8 years with Sukei, relationships have their ups and downs. There not like dogs and cats, did you know that parrots have a completely different chromosome structure then dogs and cats, and humans for that matter. They are unique in and of themselves. I think maybe its the fact they were never meant to be domesticated, they are free spirits that get fed up with our BS from time to time. Truth is, I wouldn't have taken Sukei on were it not for his imminent death. No I rather think they are much more suited to being in the wild, we just try to bend them to what we want, and sometimes they wont be bended. Not without a fight any ways In my case, you let them die, or try to give them a life...... I dunno, that is a question that will be debated for a long time. Relationships are strange, I have 4 kids in my family including me, and as children, we always had a bet, who would get married first. I came in 1st 3rd and 5th LOL, I'm no saint and don't pretend to be. These poor guys dont get a choice, free will is out the door. So I imagine sometimes, they act out with the only free will they can. I imagine he loves you, I would not take it personally. Next week, he may decide that you are better then the invention of sliced cheese Its the commitment we make, and they loose sight of it, or don't understand it. You will be ok I promise, all things pass.
  20. KevinD


    Well it's better then loosing a pound of flesh every time I go near the cage LOL. I dunno what has got into him. Its not chunks of my hands anymore He grabbed a hold this morning and I just looked at him and didn't flinch, he had clamp down on the left hand and wouldn't let go. I said is that all you got? I gave him the sponge bob square pants thing back. (His favorite show) I said "NOW who lives in the pineapple under the sea" I swear he said "No more crabby patties" Probably meant no more daddy patties. Has to get his pound of flesh elsewhere LOL
  21. KevinD


    This bird is killing me LOL, he worked over my right hand, permanent scars, now he is starting on the left hand. I was just replacing his water bowl, and BANG the left hand got it. So I got some gloves from amazon that will withstand a Falcon bite, I wear them when cleaning and changing bowls. The second I go to clean the cage or replace his water or food bowl, you know what he says? BullShit! What is that? Bullshit he cant take a chunk out of me? LMAO. I love him to death, but i'm not loosing flesh every time I'm trying to clean the cage or change a water bowl. So we got in a fight, I said no you bullshit, biting me, and he says "I call Bull Shit" I said on what? What do you call bullshit on? He said Sponge Bob Square Pants. LOL He has no fair sense of play as it seems to be a game for him. If he only knew what the Kuwaitis would of done to him, or probably the fact he would be dead. Or it cost $7000 dollars to keep his narrow butt alive, LOL I got a plan. I'm going to use the gloves every time and see what affect that has. We will see who calls bullshit last LOL. Place your bets LOL
  22. KevinD


    You know the funny thing, is they are so like us, and even though they have the ability to speak, its like most humans, a lot of times even though it appears they are listening, there not understanding and vice versa We don't hear what there trying to say either.
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