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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. Always remember a Grey is a commitment for LIFE. I go over to my brother's house, and see 9 dogs cremated in lock boxes on his fireplace mantle. Fortunately, we as parrot people, we don't have to build that pyramid, but rather how we can pass on our loved ones after were gone. I have two nephews fighting who will get Sukie when I die LOL The ironic thing is, Sukie might outlive them too. And in the middle of the fight, they realized their own mortality. That sucks for young people LOL
  2. You know, sometimes, greys will test you out after changes made. They will let you know if they like it or not. I suspect that just the shear exposure, and Grey's inquisitive nature will make it a hit. There is a misnomer in the grey community that they hate change, but they like humans, will make a judgment when its all done I suspect that after the initial shock, yours will settle in fine, and realize you love and return the love.
  3. I would also like to add, that you folks here helped me get him back, and I thank each and everyone of you. You never know how you will make a difference, but yall did, and I thank you again for it.
  4. Sukei is a different Grey, he actually came from Africa, so sometimes I take that into account. Most greys are domesticated, this poor guy road the boat in a box, from Africa to the middle east, and was lucky to make it back to the US He does have some emotional issues LOL, but then again, I would too.
  5. Judy, we shower him everyday, that's why I'm concerned, believe me, this is the most spoiled grey on earth, my wife cooks for him everyday, fresh corn, carrots, apples, green peppers (raw not spicy deal), peanuts, crackers, AND she makes him eat the vitamin mix. He only gets some seeds as a treat.
  6. On a side note Sukie is flying again, his feather have grown back after they clipped him in quarantine, he seems very happy now.
  7. That's the funny thing, I have allergies out the ying yang, but it doesn't bother me, I just wanted to make sure its a natural thing, and not something I have been neglecting.
  8. Is it a bad thing? Are you supposed to try and do something about it? I mean Sukei is healthy X3. Is it just a natural thing?
  9. Ive never noticed this before, but sukei was in direct sunlight today behind him, and when he scratched his head, it looked like smoke was coming off his head, like a cloud. We spray him down everyday, his hygiene is excellent, what is that? Like a Bird dandruff?
  10. You know what, I think I just answered my own thought LOL
  11. Oh please don't think I would ever release Sukie into the wild again, what is done is done, and Ill care for him the rest of my life, but it was just a thought. Sukei would be long dead and gone had we not rescued him, I just was thinking......i dunno
  12. These birds were never meant to be captured or sit in our houses, they were born to fly the skies of Africa, although it would be a much shorter existence then they enjoy in captivity. They would never talk, because they would never hear the language, do you suppose we do them a disservice by keeping them and protecting them from an earlier death from predators in the wild at the expense of what we and they enjoy? I dunno , just a thought. I know it's some deep thought LOL
  13. KevinD


    Well MoM is the be cheapest insurance policy you will ever get Paid off for me 6 times. I imagine Ill graduate sooner or later LOL
  14. KevinD


    Just to add some levity to the situation....., when do I graduate from fledgling LOL, Im starting my re election now LOL
  15. KevinD


    Yea I did read that, however the system is what it is, and I choose to protect me and my family. Its just like the rules for the Grey's I've fought (To save Sukei), even though they were put in to protect them, sometimes they hurt them. Everyone has there own agenda, and usually it is the big fellow, keeping the small fellow down at the expense of everyone, except the people donating to their next election. Half the rules they have on the books in the US on Grey's that lobbied for the CITES rules were not about Greys, but rather how much money they could bring to their district on rider clauses to amendments. They get to look like their for Greys (Or whatever animal is in the news) and get relected. Ill tell you one thing, If Grey's were in charge, things would be different.
  16. KevinD


    Well, talk to someone that has had their identity ripped off, it sucks. Those are all valid links, you can google them yourself. $35 bucks is a cheap insurance policy, all though I agree the system sucks, but it is what it is.
  17. KevinD


    As you may or may not know Equifax was hacked, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/07/business/equifax-cyberattack.html?mcubz=0 and now there is a possibility your information is on the dark web. This has happened to me before, so I have some experience with it. The DOD database was hacked a few years ago, and all of our financial info was out there on the dark web to see and rip off or be sold. Protect yourself by locking up your credit reports (All 3), it costs about $35 total, and $35 to unlock. Upside is no one can open accounts in your name without you getting a phone call. The downside is, if you want to apply for credit, you have to unlock them again. In the 10 years I was in the middle east 6 attempts were made to open accounts in my name, all failed. Here are the links if you should wish to avail yourself of the advice. https://www.transunion.com/credit-freeze/place-credit-freeze https://www.freeze.equifax.com/ https://www.experian.com/freeze/center.html
  18. I agree, EXCEPT "short of" They ARE immediate family LOL
  19. I watched my wife chase Sukei down with a broom handle one day, and I swear she was going to kill him for biting her 4 times in a week, and at the last moment, she stopped. I would have stopped her BUT she stopped herself. Some folks don't understand these Greys are not like people, they ARE more people than most people are LOL
  20. I read through this pinned topic, like all 63 pages lol. I can sum up the whole thing for you. At some point your going to get bit, it just happens. Even domesticated Grey's are wild at heart. If the grey does not like what your doing, and he is in a bad mood, you will get bit. Its not personal, its just nature
  21. Kids never are, but thats part of growing up
  22. Oh and one more thing for those of you looking for the PERFECT grey, there are none. The Grey will be as perfect as you care for them, time, all it takes is time and love and understanding. They expect nothing more or less. In the end they are like your kids, a product of the time and love and care you put into them. If you ignore them, then you get what you get. You have to treat them as your children. Sounds crazy, but it is the truth. And you will get the same result.
  23. I treat Sukei like a person, and when he says daddy, apple, I give it to him. He does not ask for anything in return. He likes Red Delicious apples
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