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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. You just need something more interesting then the perch to chew on... I know I posted this before, but here is the vid again.... Suk used to chew on the perch, but no more......the wood blocks are the ticket, he can destroy these inside of a week.now, its like a few days... Even after the block is destroyed, it seems he is satisfied for a while and leaves the perch alone. Watch "Sukei Destroying A Block Of Wood"
  2. Just my two cents, and the Avian vet I have talked to. I know there is ALOT of feather plucking info here on this board, and different publications by notable folks that deal with this kind of thing. In my opinion, as stated here before , parrots do not pluck in the wild unless it is a damaged feather. So you have to figure out what is different from the domestic situation then the wild in your particular environment. For us a humidifier, Avian light and spending more quality time fixed the problem. The Vet said he could prescribe a drug to relax him and make it stop, however, it would start again when the drug was stopped. In my previous career, I hold a degree in Emergency medical sciences, besides chronic illnesses, drugs are only good when, if not used in the situation of issues dealing with incompatibility with the life function are not going to do any good. You have to find the cause.... in humans you have nail biting, and hair twisting and all sorts of nervous habits.....when under stress. I cant imagine Parrots are that much different. Hope I did not offend. K
  3. After I found out Sukei was a he and not a she, I thought about trying to change his name, and after much thought, I figured parrots do not know if a name is male or female, so just decided to go with it. However in your case the name might be offensive to you, or for other reasons, I can understand that. In our case though, Sukei was so screwed up emotionally when we got him, I just couldn't see adding to the confusion. Im sure how ever you work it out it will be just fine, : )
  4. These kinds of threads bring life into perspective, what is important, what is not so important. Everyday any of God's creations take a breath is a blessing. Live is a gift, enjoy it, and don't waste a minute. We are lucky people to have found such intelligent, passionate and loving friends with our greys and other animal friends. They are the best of us.
  5. Its funny you say that.....because at the moment that picture was snapped I was thinking.... What if he gets angry for some reason and took my eye out LOL, then I would need the patch! LOL
  6. It really has not been that much of a wait , only 4 months and some change, and from what Ive read of wild caught greys it is warp speed. Even some of the domestic hatched have more problems then I have. I spend three or 4 hours a day with him, and he is out of his cage all the time except for bedtime, maybe that helped a little bit, but I think most of it is him. You kind of inspired me to try a few different tactics when I saw yours sitting on top of your knee eating popsicles LOL. This entire board is full of helpful, healthy constructive ideas and encouragement. Want to say thanks to everyone!
  7. Yea I was surprised....I was talking to him doing the Argh Matie we be pirates! and I held out my hand and he scampered right up my arm and on to the shoulder......I just stood there, and he nudged me in the ear like GO!, and I walked around and stopped, and he nudged me again untill I would go LOL.
  8. I'm glad you took one in that needs you, patience the key...... Ive been at it since April and think the progress we made is probably on the speedy side, but it does take trust and time. Good luck to you and your new family member!
  9. Success!! Argh were pirates, he rides around the house on the shoulder now
  10. I suppose if he really is wild caught, you cant really blame him after some of the horror videos I saw...... there is plenty of time, but thanks for the reply, everything here encourages me
  11. Tried different spots just above the Talons, behind the Talons, front of the Talons, lower tummy....
  12. I do, that's why i waited till he looked comfortable and not nervous That took 2 months to get that far.
  13. Well, I have been trying to get Sukei to step up for about 4 months. I had one success early on after a shower for about 30 seconds.....an den........... nothing. I waited and tried and waited and tried.......nothing worked. He did not seem nervous at the attempts, no shaking, no biting so we tried a different tactic. I got the old wood perch from the old cage, got him to step up on that (I was surprised) then he walked over and got on my hand, climbed on to my arm, beaked my arm (Not bite) climbed up sat on my shoulder, beaked my ear lobe and flew back to his cage LOL. Guess Ill give him a break for a day and let that settle in a bit...
  14. I know sometimes it is easy to read posts of good will and hope, but sometimes deep inside you wonder, will things ever get better? It will, take all these posts to heart, they are not just typing on a screen. Time DOES heal all wounds if we let it. All humans go through a process of grief in a situation of loss, hopefully you make it to number 5 quickly. 1. Denial and Isolation 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
  15. Well, thanks for the input, there is not much I can do about the temperature but think I will go get a humidifier, the humidity is ALWAYS low..... But if Dave is right and he is too hot, then why would he try to stay as close to the light as possible.......and a small up date, guess he is getting used to the light, he does not barrel roll to it so much anymore.
  16. I particularly enjoyed the second link, thanks for the resource !
  17. Here is a "What IF" question, what if it was fertile......then what do you do? Ive never read anything on the subject Birds and bees stuff I guess....literally
  18. I work full time, and the wife is at home so Sukei stays out of the cage almost all day free to come and go as he pleases. He knows exactly what time I leave and exactly what time I come home LOL, when I leave he stands on top of the cage and lets off a shrill sound. When I come home he goes right to the same place and makes a purring noise Wife says right about the time I come home she goes to spot and waits On thing I found though as luvparrots noted, they do like their alone time sometimes. As he is free to come and go as he pleases, sometimes, he will go inside the cage and close the door behind him..........funniest thing to watch. He will sit there for a few hours open the door come out and start yapping up a storm, like ok here I am
  19. My Grandmother lived to be 105 and was active to the end, so in that scenario you got 35 years to go.... You can plan, but stay positive..... Positive people live longer !
  20. Sukei did the same thing when we got him, after the vet visit to make sure there were no medical problems, we got him to eat pellets by softening them up with a "LITTLE" warm water, and got him eating a lot of apples and grapes. Then the vet suggested putting a "LITTLE" white viniger in the spray bottle. If he starts scratching and trying to pluck we mist him down, and he stops for a few hours. But over all with the diet change and making sure he isn't to dry, he has almost stopped. He gets one shower in the morning, and misted through the day.....
  21. No name conflict , I had a small one, but we got around it Congratulations !
  22. It is a constant 76 to 78 degrees in the whole flat.... Because of the temperature out side being 130 degrees at the high point and 110 at the low point, they try to maintain the entire building at that temp range. Is that to cold? I know it is not too hot..????
  23. Yes, the directions say 12 inches from the perch, but everyone has said to move it up, so now I have it as far up as it will go about 10 inches from the top of the head instead of 12 inches from the perch. He is still doing the roll, its like he wants the light on his chest. Ooops didn't quote, that was an answer for Misty&Steve And Dave007 all I could think about reading your post was Toy Story......"Don't GO Into The Light!" LOL
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