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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy


    Thanks... Yeah Neytiri was hatched 4/11/12... she seems to be doing good this afternoon based on hubby's reports so we'll see tongit when i get home....
  2. Sassy


    Dave... I do mean chipped... She had a microchip inserted at the vet visit. as for clipping she has a very light clip to limit her ability to climb (although as she is getting stronger she was starting to get a little lift) otherwise she is flying fantastic...
  3. Sassy


    She was too the vet on the 20th... good a clean bill of health... it seems that the stress of the visit caused her to regress. I'm not giving her a lot of formula... about 1 tbsp. out of a bowl. Hubby said that today she's not making the baby cry and is happily chirping around while playing. SHe was also eating her veggies and had nuts this am after her formula... Trying to only give her enough to provide a comfort feeling and to entice her to eat again.
  4. Sassy


    thanks... I appreciate it.. Hard to know if I'm doing the right things sometimes.. this is all so new to me.
  5. Sassy


    unfortunately though Neytiri was loosing weight and getting thin... I needed to intervene...
  6. I use a food scale and put one of Neytiri's empty bowls on it and zero it out. She happily steps up on her bowl.
  7. Sassy


    After Neytiri's first vet appointment where they chipped her it has been difficult to get her to eat. After a week and a half I stopped back at the shop with her to talk to the owners. They reassured me that it wasn't my fault and that it happens sometimes. They also gave me some formula and said to mix it in a bowl for her a couple times a day. They said it will probably take a week or so and she will wean off it again. Has this happened to your baby and how did you handle it? Any other suggestions to help her eat right again? Thanks Sassy
  8. yup... but she loves the individual peas even more...
  9. Thanks everyone. I have a very smart little girl to work with. She keeps flying after me when I leave the room so why not capitalize on that.
  10. I am so proud. Recall training is top on my list because I want to keep her flighted.
  11. I have found that Neytiri goes nuts for peas. So I used that today. I had her on a tperch in the kitchen and would move a few steps away and call her to me and hold up a pea. She was hesitant but would eventually fly right to my hand. It was an awesome experience. I kept moving further away. I am smiling from ear to ear. Sassy
  12. Neytiri will do this excited little chirp and dance if she's excited... she will also blush. if she doesn't like something she fluffs and growls at it.
  13. Yeah she did (from what I can tell). She would make nice little chirps occasionally and no screams at any thing. There were other people passing by on foot or on bikes. I would give her little treats occasionally too.
  14. Thanks! I just don't want to mess this up.
  15. Thanks. She's 19 weeks old. I was trying the oatmeal cause she keeps making baby sounds and doing the feeding head bob. She's been doing that since took her to the vet a week a go. She was eating pellets really well then all of a sudden stopped and only wants fresh.
  16. Neytiri doesn't seem to be eating any pellets now. Is it possible i gave her too much fresh stuff? How do I make sure she gets the balance she needs? Can I crush pellets into oatmeal? Thanks Sassy Update*** I put a couple drops of a low sugar oj on the pellets and she seems to be munching on them now. Is that bad to do?
  17. True. Start talking parrot and you'll be crazier then they are. Lol
  18. I thought about the issue of looking goofy with the shoulder pack on. But the thought of loosing her to a hawk scares me so I will look goofy.
  19. Some sleep that way but usually when I see that they are preening thier feathers....
  20. I know mine would.... he already thinks I'm nuts...
  21. SHe did great... of course i was feeding her almonds occasionally... it is from the makers of the pack o bird... http://www.celltei.com/birdiepouch.html does take a little getting used to and they need to learn to hold on using the beak railing but she liked that she could see me and was right next to me.
  22. Yeah she will be spoiled. Lol. As for the wing nuts poking in the eye. They actually sit really far forward so they won't get me. Kids in the neighborhood actually got a kick out of it.
  23. Took Neytiri out for a walk in her harness and shoulder carrier today. Pics below.
  24. My hubby is certainly changing. He's talking to her and sending pictures and videos off YouTube.
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