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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Let me know how the foscam ones are. I have heard mixed reviews on those.
  2. WHat are you using? what's the setup? was it easy??
  3. Yeah... I finally get to add to this thread... Neytiri is 19 weeks old and on Sat she did two funny things... First we have a sound activated musical animated reindeer and she figured out what notes to hit to turn it on... then she "sings" along to it. Second she was standing on her tree stand and holding a nut in her foot... when she got to the point that she coulnd't get to the nut thru her toes anymore she stopped and looked at her foot. FIrst head tilted one way... and then the other. Back and forth she went like this even turning her foot. Eventually she looked down and dropped the nut... then she ate it. YOu could almost see the gears working in her little head to solve her problem. Sassy
  4. After my new mom worry wort stuff yesterday regarding Neytiri not really eating... I have been thinking about getting a video camera so I can watch her remotely... (And yes I know I'm nuts and probably going overbored) SOOOO..... my question is do any of you use remote video to montior your fids during the day or while you're away? If so what do you use and how do you like it? thanks Sassy
  5. She's doing great now. She totally back to herself and flying to follow me.
  6. thanks... I was more concerned that she wasn't eating... I can't wait to get home to check on her tonight. I did call the vet and they said that if after i get home and see her if I'm still concerned to give them a call.
  7. unfortunately i'm at work all day today... I will have to investigate what she ate when I get home... I plan on reweighing her too.
  8. thanks... just trying to figure out when I need to be concerned and whats normal. Didn't know it would be so hard...
  9. Hey everyone... Last night was Neytiri's initial vet visist. It went well... Even had her microchipped. it was late when we got home and i think she just went to sleep as I didn't see any evidence of her eating. This morning she was doing the feeding behavior and not showing interest in pellets or carrots (which she loves)... I was able to get her to eat a tiny bit of oatmeal but I couldn't leave it for her since I had to leave for work... I left her a few sunflower seeds, almonds, walnut, carrots, peas, kale and of course her pellets. When I weighed her this am she was down about 8g from yesterday. Could it just be the stress from last night and not feeling well from the injection of the chip? She felt well enough to fly across two rooms this am though. I plan on weighing her again tonight when I get home. So... Should I be concerned or wait and see what happens as I'm doing what I should be doing? thanks Sassy
  10. thanks.... I think she's ok and i'm just being a worry wort... going to vet for check up tonight so we will see what he says.
  11. I also have the Pack-o-bird and so far love it... straps in easy in the car and she can see out nicely.
  12. Things have been gowing great with Neytiri... She plays nicely by herself. SHe's eating great (Hubby's surprised how much she eats). In the am she plays nicely (and quietly) till we come down. She's even learned a new trick. LOL We have a sound activated motion reindeer that plays christmas music that sits on a speaker near her cage... well... she found that if she whistles a certain way that she activates it. NO surprise there... :rolleyes: she even sings along in her own way. The only things I have found so far that concern me is that she is sleeping on the metal cage that goes around her bowl instead of the perches. Wouldn't that bother her feet cause it's so small? Also she has fallen off the edge of the perches a couple times and hangs out on the floor of the cage for a while... but then goes back to what she was doing... Another thing that concerns me is how do I tell if shes drinking? I haven't seen her drinking anything. This am she was licking the water off my finger. I think i might have dripped a little close to her nare cause later she sneezed on me and I got wet... and there was wetness in her one nare. (Not too concerned cause we are already going to the vet tonight for a check up). SOrry this was so long. I really am amazed at everthing that she's doing... she is really awesome to have around. I love her dearly. Sassy
  13. Sassy


    Thanks. I do love her to death.
  14. Sassy


    Is it bad if she swallows a little of the wood she chewing up in her toys?
  15. Sassy


    Is it normal to not sleep a wink the first night your baby is home? Cause I sure didn't. :rolleyes: Heard her around 5:30 playing with her toys and eating. She's just chilling out so nice in her new cage. I love her soooo much.
  16. Thanks everyone. The only concern right now is why she slept on the small narrow part of the food dish holder. Wouldn't that hurt her feet?
  17. I believe I have the cpvc as it is rated for potable water. Just need to get it covered.
  18. Yeah! I got to bring Neytiri home today! She went right to her food dish. And surprisingly hubby was sitting talking to her alone for a half hour. (he's never been keen on the idea of getting her)
  19. I built a perch out of PVC. How do I keep her from sliding off? Thanks Sassy
  20. Sassy


    Nancy. She was flying for a few weeks (don't remember the exact number) and I had her trimmed on sat last week. I plan on encouraging her to fly when I bring her home in a couple days. My biggest concern is that she would fly up onto the light in our foyer (2nd floor level) and possibly fall to the tile below. The thought is if I could tone her flying down a little and get her trained as to where she is allowed to fly/land that I can try and prevent her from flying up there. I understand how important flying is but I need to weigh that with her safety too. Sassy
  21. Sassy


    thanks again everyone...
  22. Sassy


    Yup saterday is it (barring anything unexpected)... I can't wait... I've been so super patient this whole time... i'm nervous and excited all rolled into one.
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