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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Thanks Wingy I will do that.
  2. Sassy


    I didn't want to totally keep her from flying just tone it down a little. Yesterday when I visited her she was very cuddly and not nippy at all (except when I ran out of broccoli) LOL She also is not attacking one of the girls who cleans her cage. Come on Saturday. You can't get here fast enough. Sassy
  3. All cookware is safe. Windows have blinds on them. Yeah trying to bird proof what I can. I also have a pack o bird carrier is I'm set that way.
  4. thanks... guess i'm just nervous/anxious/excited all balled into one. I sooo don't want to mess this up.
  5. SHe is almost 18 weeks old. I have lots of toys and gathing shredables for her. I have lots of cleaner and disinfectant. I have 4 ceramic bowls that came with her cage. A hard chair mat under the cage to improve cleanup.
  6. yeah I would love it too... I do most of my posting/viewing on the ipad.
  7. oh yeah... I have a bulb for that...
  8. Sassy


    I know what you mean... the shop owner (and previous owner that still works there) were insistent upon clipping... I would have a conversation with them about pro's and cons and it was civil though... she would of course encourage me to have her clipped but respected that I didn't want it. SHould have seen her face when she came in Sat and saw that she was lightly trimmed... I told her why I changed my mind and she told me that she is now reconsidering her views on clipping too... so it all works out. Once I have neytiri home and she's settled in... I will work on training her to come to me... after that I may let them grow out fully. Time will tell.
  9. It's t-5 days till Neytiri comes home... I'm trying to get everything ready at home... Cage: set up and redy to go including extra toys Playtop: need perch yet Food: Get that Sat but always have fresh veggies around Vet apt scheduled House: throughly cleaned (all little stuff put away) Newspapers: getting from my parents house table top tree stand purchased I feel like I'm missing something... ugh.. I hate that feeling. any other suggestions or things I need to think about?? thanks Sassy
  10. Sassy


    Thanks again everyone... I'm feeling better about my descision. Now the long wait till Sat till I can bring her home.
  11. Sassy


    Thanks everyone. I feel better now. Whew. Now the nerves of her homecoming.
  12. Sassy


    Ok so I didn't want to clip Neytiri's wings but after a few flights at the bird shop that made it difficult to retrieve her I caved. I had them do a very light clip though... Just enough that she can't go up but can fly level. With her coming home next week I didn't want her to fly up to the the light in the foyer where I couldn't get her down. Does this make me a bad person? Sassy
  13. Sassy

    1 week!!!!!

    Probably. But I should get to see her a few more times before I bring her home so shouldn't be too bad.
  14. Sassy

    1 week!!!!!

    If all goes well and Neytiri keeps eating the way she is I should be able to bring her home next weekend!!!! I'm so stoked :cool: :cool: :cool: I can't wait!!!! So much to do and so little time. Where to begin? Sassy
  15. Sassy


    they watch the temp and even if the temp is good she still does this... ahh well... hopefully it's just a sign she's weaning and will be coming home soon...
  16. Sassy


    Hey everyone... Neytiri is 16 weeks now... and flying like a champ... (even thought the shop owners are nervous about it) So she's eating a bit more and I bring her things like fruit, carrots, and pistachios. She's still getting one feeding a day though. Lately though when she's fed she will spit it back up and then eat it... Not sure why though. The shop owner sometimes let her eat it off a spoon and said she will try giving it to her in a bowl. Anyone ever see this happen? Any suggestions? I was thinking of maybe introducing other warm foods like oatmeal, eggs, sweet potato... any thoughts? thanks!! Sassy
  17. yeah i remember that... best for me was one day there were tiny little red dots for the tail and the next day poof there they were... it was amazing... I am lucky that I get to see my baby 3-4 times a week. They sure do grow fast. RIght now they have a baby B&G that's only 6 weeks old and bigger than my Neytiri... scary fast growers...
  18. no problem... just hate to see anyone get in over thier head... would hate to see anyone lose a baby due to inexperience... Congrats again!! they grow SOOOO fast.
  19. COngrats... On a serious side. Do you have hand feeding experience? This thread may be useful: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?73409-Handfeeding-a-Baby-Grey. THese are things you also need to be aware of: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?73842-Associated-risk-s-of-Hand-feeding. I hope it goes well for you. Even experienced hand feeders can lose babies during feeding. My baby is 15 weeks old tomorrow and I'm letting the bird shop/breeder finishing the weaning process. Sassy
  20. Sassy


    Thanks. I really like that idea. Sassy
  21. Sassy


    Since I bought a used cage I'm replacing the perches. I'm having trouble though finding wood perches that are the right size. I need 33 in and 32 in perches. Any suggestions? Thanks Sassy
  22. Sassy

    Odd behavior??

    Thanks Ray. You are correct and Neytiri is not home yet. Wish she was though. But I am being patient and won't rush the weaning process. I will try distracting her when she tries to bite. Sassy
  23. Is this normal? Neytiri learned to fly on sat and she seems nippier than ever now. She's now 14 weeks. She's even biting the girl that cleans her cage in the mornings. She just seems really moody. Not totally sure what to do. If she continues to bite me after saying no bite I put her in her cage for a couple minutes and turn my back. Then she's nice for a while. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks Sassy
  24. Sassy

    Proud momma

    Soon I hope. They don't want her flying in the store as ther is too much she can get hurt on. I hold her toes when she flaps like crazy and tell her it's ok and I'm holding her toes so she doesn't fall. Not sure if she understands but worth a try.
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