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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. I order some things from drs foster and smith. They also sent me a tub of pellet berries parakeet food. Is this ok to give as an occasional treat to Neytiri? Thanks
  2. Sassy

    Proud momma

    It was totally awesome. Just like a child's first steps. The rush of emotions was pretty intense. I'm still beaming from ear to ear.
  3. Sassy

    Proud momma

    The past few times I've visited Neytiri she has been beating her wings pretty hard getting lift as you feel her get lighter when holding her. Yesterday she scooted across the floor like a hovercraft. It was pretty silly. A little later she did it. She took her first flight. she went from the floor across the room to an upper cage and grabbed on the side. I was in awe. I was so proud I wanted to cry. Unfortunately it means she's going to be in her cage more at the shop for her safety but I'm going to bring her flight suit and work with her on that sh she can be out in that. And not have to worry about her getting out the door. On a sad note though I found out the other baby grey that came in with mine died recently due to aspiration while feeding. Have a greyt day! Sassy
  4. Ok mine's silly. I choose Neytiri cause I'm a fan of avatar and I admire that characters spirit.
  5. Sassy


    I upload them to photobucket first then use the IMG link and make the post... I do this from my iphone and Ipad all the time... Sassy
  6. Neytiri is growing up. She was moved into her first cage tonight. She ended up huddled in the back corner and was growling. My poor baby.
  7. I was tested for allergies and wasn't allergic to anything. My asthma is mostly excersize induced and just want a little extra protection.
  8. Thanks. I love all the red on her too. She so wonderful.
  9. Neytiri has had a big week. Eating everything in site. Not hesitant at all. She just dives right in. Tonight there was a piece of strawberry on the counter that someone was trying to give to their bird but they didn't want anything to do with it. Neytiri spotted it on the counter ran over and devoured it! She has also learned to step up. I've been working with her to perch on my hand. When she would I made a big deal and told her I was proud that she stepped up. Tonight I could put my hand in front of her and say step up and she would. I was so proud of her. I can't get back over till sat so hopefully she still remembers. Also found out that she will be moved to her own cage in a week. Yeah!!!! Sassy
  10. Went to visit Neytiri again tonight. She has gotten sooo big. Here are some pics from this evening. Be sure to get my good side. Lol What did you say? Who left this strawberry here? Too bad it's mine now. Hey that's drafty!
  11. have to see if i can get more pics loaded... heading back over again tonight... they got lots of babies in... another grey... some baby too's and a baby B&G.... and i'm sure others too...
  12. That looks just like the cage I picked up for Neytiri. I don't have her home yet but I hope she likes it.
  13. I don't have kids. Neytiri will be my child. I have asthma. That's why I want an air filter.
  14. Lot more than just speckled legs. Belly, back of her head, down her back, and even flight feathers and underside of her wings are all red. It's amazing.
  15. WHat do you guys/gals think of this one?? http://www.target.com/p/advanced-pure-air-newport-9000-air-purifier/-/A-10514642 It puts out negative ions and i'm reading lots of mixed things... some reviews say they have birds and it works great... I like that it has multiple filter methods not just the HEPA filter... but also UV... thanks!! Sassy
  16. That is very risky... I have a 12 week old CAG that I'm letting be hand reared for me due to the danger. Please read these threads... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?73842-Associated-risk-s-of-Hand-feeding. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?73409-Handfeeding-a-Baby-Grey. Good luck.
  17. Sassy


    What insurance do you have and do you like it? What the cost?? Thanks
  18. Sassy


    Hey everyone. Need help figuring out how much bigger Neytiri will get. I'm looking at getting a carrier (probably a pak o bird) and some flight suits. I'm just not sure size wise what I need. She is 11 weeks old... I don't have her weight yet and will try to get that this weekend. Thanks for the help. Sassy
  19. Massage is also extremely beneficial in the treatment and management of anxiety and depression.
  20. I have no idea why she's doing this. Standing on the other baby.
  21. That's pretty neat. Where are you getting it?
  22. Sassy


    I would love to see pics. Sounds great.
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