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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Culture came back normal. She's still sneezing though. She is eating a bit better too. Meds continue. Fingers crossed.
  2. I know where that is. Used to ride my motorcycle up that way all the time.
  3. The bird shop was able to get me a good price on the cage. It should arrive Monday barring any issues with the hurricane. (I'm in the line of fire)
  4. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Yeah I'm feeling better thankfully. Still makes me nervous though. After I take the towel off her she jump/flys to my shoulder looking for cuddles. So hopefully she's not holding this against me.
  5. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Webcam back up. Yeah. Thanks to hubby. Well we are making progress. Meds this am we're a little easier. And she was up 5 grams! She's also eating like crazy right now. Fingers crossed.
  6. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Thanks everyone for your support with this. This is hard on me as its the first time dealing with something like this. I don't have any kids of my own and my stepson was older when he lived with us. Definitely treading on new ground.
  7. Sassy

    Poor baby

    I wondered the same thing. Want to make sure I didn't do something to cause it. I'm also sick so I hope I didn't give it to her. I will ask when I take her in 2 weeks for a recheck. Driving me nuts today that I can't peek in on her as my web cam is down today. Arghhhh
  8. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Yeah. She seems more interested in food today. Hopefully this is a good sign. This ams medicine dance wasn't too bad. Have to see how the evening rounds go.
  9. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Thanks I appreciate it. The probiotics were hard cause she knew it was coming. It was also very thick so it was hard to get her to take it. I've also never toweled her before so that was nerve wracking.
  10. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Will do. The vet said we caught it really early so shouldn't be anything to worry about.
  11. Sassy

    Poor baby

    Well back to vet today. Neytiri dropped more weight and was still sneezing. And I thought she ate part of her bell. They did an X-ray looking for the bell piece and found her air sacs looked hazy so now I have to give her meds. That is not an easy task for a beginner. Both mommy and baby have colds.
  12. I wish I could get her to eat. Very frustrating. She'll take a couple bites and leave it alone. This am however she is devouring an entire egg. Shell and all. Guess its a start. I can't give her eggs everyday though.
  13. Gram stain came back good. Now waiting on culture.
  14. Well decided to take Neytiri to the vet today. She hasn't been eating well and dropped 15-20g and now had wet sneezes. Vet wasn't too concerned over the sneezes. Did do a culture and gram stain. Have to wait for the results. Keep fingers crossed. Sassy
  15. Sassy

    Help rust

    i've decided to purcahse a new cage. waiting to find out when it will be in.
  16. Neytiri makes kissing noises then gently beaks my finger. I taught her "be gentle". I remind her be gentle and praise her as she's being gentle.
  17. Yeah I'm worried about her not liking it so iplan on getting the same color to min issues that way. She's only been home about 6 weeks and before that she was moved from cage to cage so it's prb my best shot to move her with few issues. I'm waiting on pricing from the shop by me before I make my final decision.
  18. I'm probably not going to open the dome part (at least not often) I like that there are 2 doors on the front so that should help to change the papers... What i really like is that the playtop is lower than when we have now so that should be better... I just have to convince hubby that this bigger cage is a good thing. It's 8" wider and a couple inches deeper.
  19. What do you guys and gals think of this cage? http://www.largebirdcages4u.com/split-level-house-cage-with-divider-42x26-pc-4226d# Thanks Sassy
  20. Sassy

    Help rust

    Hmm guess I have to go cage shopping. Good thing it's bonus week.
  21. Sassy

    Help rust

    So I bought Neytiri's cage used didn't see any rust or issues. However now there is rust on the bars ( when you slide the bars up there is a little rust on the part that is normally hidden by the thicker horizontal bar) and what worries me more is there is rust on the bottom grate. Any suggestions? I'm not sure what to do. Thanks Sassy
  22. What you may be hearing is the pre talking mumblings. My 6 mo makes lots of cool garbled/mumbling sounds and I can't wait door the first word to pop out.
  23. I think it should be up to the person. But with that said I think they need to be educated on both the pros and cons of both clipping and not clipping so they can make an educated choice. I know that it's just wishful thinking but it's my 2cents.
  24. Sassy


    I pray that my motorcycle sells soon so that I can make the plans for the next chapter of my life. When it does I can plan my exit from my current job to start my own business.
  25. Sassy


    Thanks. I was just a Little frustrated. Been rough at work the past week. Working late etc. maybe she's mad I'm not here. Soon as I take her out she runs up my arm to snuggle.
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