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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy


    How do you give it to your grey? I'm clueless about this one. Thanks. Sassy
  2. Neytiri is 9 mo and I have fluffs everywhere too. It's normal.
  3. Sassy

    Now what?

    I got red palm oil. Not really sure what to do with it. A little help please.
  4. She's not new to flying. But this was definitely the fastest she flew. I think she overshot where she wanted to land after the spook.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. Neytiri is almost 9 mo old. At times there are lots of fluffs around. And occasionally a grey feather or two appears. From what I know this is normal and they are prob just feather that got knocked out during play. Probably nothing to be worried about.
  6. This am Neytiri was on her perch by the kitchen windows that she loves to hang out on. Something spooked her and she flew (really fast!!!) through the living room and den. She missed landing on her cage and crashed into the wall and fell behind the couch (at least that's what it sounded like) the sounds she was making were very frightening. When I got to the room I couldn't find her I started to panic. I had to lure her out. She has a couple marks by her eye but otherwise seems unhurt. She was obviously shaken though. Sassy
  7. Sassy

    My new house

    It's the a&e version. I got a good price from bird mania. You should check them out when in the area. They are a couple blocks off Lehigh street off 78.
  8. Anyone give their grey craft blocks from michaels or hobby lobby? They are marked as plain wood. Thoughts??
  9. Sassy

    Cute video

    All of a sudden she's turned into a little piggy. 3 days in a row she has eaten all her food given to her. I just can't believe it. I'm so proud of her.
  10. Yeah it is but I don't think she would have offered it to me if she didn't think I could handle it... she knows i'm still a noob at this... but i have lots of help form the people at the shop and from sites like this...
  11. Not for Neytiri but for hubby. It actually started yesterday when he was calling her an awesome bird and that she was his second favorite bird. Not sure what the first is but hey I'll take it. Anyway tonight he was having some Cheetos and Neytiri flew over to his arm. She was eating the Cheetos and hubby actually pet her head. He has never pet her or any other bird for that matter. I'm sooo excited. He's also still contemplating taking in the one from the lady at the bird shop she has to rehome. (Triton) sulphur crested too that should prove to be interesting. Sassy:D
  12. Sassy


    Ok thanks. Figured out last night why she's been scratching her ears and head so much. Found a bunch of pin feathers. I sat and pet her head and rubbed them gently and she about melted in my lap. It was so sweet. I just wanted to cry.
  13. Sassy


    The feathers I'm finding from Neytiri have the ends of the shaft flattened. Should I be concerned or is it possible she just grabbing them too hard while preening? I'm finding only 1-2 feathers a week. Am I a panicking new mom? Thanks. Sassy
  14. Medium and large should work. That's what I order for my CAG.
  15. Enjoy Neytiri stealing a Cheetos.
  16. Hubby was home for 2 weeks after a surgery. During that time Neytiri learned the iPhone tweet sound that my texts make when I send them to hubby. She does it about a dozen times though. Drives hubby nuts.
  17. May have a sulphur crested too to take in. I need info to know if this is a good choice. Her owner is sick and needs to rehome many birds. Things I need to know include screaming info. When do they scream? What's a normal amount of screaming? Please I need to know what I may be getting into. I know this bird is friendly to men and I think hubby would love that as I have Neytiri. Thanks. Sassy
  18. Hope not. I already spoil her. She's getting a new stand on sat. Lol
  19. Sassy

    Potty training

    That's what I'm doing now. I don't like that's she's not really going much in her cage while I'm at work though. I accept that it comes with having a bird. Hubby not so much.
  20. Sassy

    Potty training

    Talon. I wish I could. We're having issues and I'm trying not to upset the balance too much. Putting a sheet over the couch was an idea but hubby was against it. Right now I'm praising her when she poops where she is supposed to. I've tried getting her to poop before I take her out but that doesn't always work either.
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