I know the feeling. Just found out Neytiri is talking. She says birdie birdie birdie really fast. And I think she says work, out, love you, and whatcha doing.
Vet said she's molting and the wet cere this am is prob due to irritation from dust (we've been moving lots stuff around the house) and a combination with the fact she sleeps with her head down leaning on the cage wall. Doing bloodwork just as double check and since she's never had it done.
face to face... well Neytiri did try to taste the caique's entire head... but they are out together every night... at one point I had both on the arm of the couch getting scritches at the same time...
My poor little one... not only is she possibly starting a molt but now she might also be sick... she woke up with a wet nose this am and was flushed... her poops also looked a little off too.. ARGHHH... At least she still has an awesome appetite...
On top of it having work done in the house so have to board her and the caique for 2 days and then a day later neytiri needs to bo boarded again while i'm on a business trip because hubby's not quite ready to handle her on his own for a few days yet...
Can you say stressed out??
She likes the palm oil. I don't give it everyday though. Been trying to get her to eat the greens but she just throws them. She eats lots of other veggies rice barley and grains as well as cooked beans. She picks at pellets. She also gets a bath every weekend. And air dries.
This am I saw one cere is wet . I will be calling the vet when I get to the office. She's acting different in any other way so hopefully it's nothing major.
Regarding the feathers coming out. So is it a molt??
She hasn't gotten any new tail feathers yet. She broke three though a couple weeks ago but the rest of the feathers didn't fall out yet. Here are some more pics.
I'm a little nervous right now. I found 6 feathers in Neytiri's cage when I got home and now two more came out in my hand while petting her. She now has a patch between her wings on her upper back that is just down feathers. She will be 10 mo on the 11th. Here's the feathers from earlier.
Thanks. Neytiri did try to taste the caique though. Any time close together was supervised extremely close. Don't want either getting hurt. So far things going great.
Neytiri is a big sister.
This little caique latched on to hubby and won't let go.
We don't have a name yet as we don't know if it's a boy or girl.
Happy to have him/her in our home.
Neytiri is talking!! She says birdie birdie birdie really fast. Didn't realize it till the woman at the bird shop said that is what she was doing. I also think I've heard her say "work" and "out". Can't wait to see what else she will say.