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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy


    She usually sits on the perch in the kitchen ok. It's when I'm carrying her back to her house with the food that she nips cause I'm not going fast enough.
  2. Sassy


    A certain little feathered smarty pants is being a pain in the tush. She was going nuts for this bean, rice, veggie thing I made for her to the point of nipping me if I didn't get it fast enough. Now she won't touch it. Wonder if I made it wrong this time. She's still eating her fresh veggies but I'm afraid that's not enough for her. Any suggestions? Thanks Sassy
  3. yeah she has me pretty well trained...
  4. She's definately starting to express herself.
  5. Yeah. Thought it was funny though. Tonight she is being a priss cause there aren't enought beans in her dinner. At least that's what I think the issue is..I added more bean veggie chop to the rice mix she already had and now she's eating.
  6. This morning Neytiri was on her t-perch in the kitchen... she decided to fly the 5 feet over to the seat of the chair by the window, however the lid to the garbage can was sitting on it. Needless to say she fell to the floor and the lid fell on top of her and rolled off. She was obviously not happy about that. I went over nearer to her and she waddled over to me and promptly BIT me... little brat. It's not my fault you fell and the lid fell on top of you. WHat was funny though was that it almost landed in a way she would have pop up through the opening. Silly little baby... Sassy
  7. yeah it does... spent about 2 hours last night cuddling... felt soo good...
  8. oh that's funny... I'm going to have to try that...
  9. She flys all the time. It was just the first time she got lift. She has previously only gone level or down. That's why up was a surprise. Incan also be sitting two feet away and she will jump fly over to me. It's really cool when she flys to me cause she wants to be with me.
  10. Neytiri was wandering around last night on the floor a little... I walked in from the other room and she spotted me.. next thing I knew she flew up to my arm... Guess she's gaining a little lift now even with the slight clip. Just goes to show she's getting stronger. Sassy
  11. Thanks. Just wanted to check.
  12. Neytiri is 5 months old. Is it normal to see lots of little white fluffs everywhere? I don't see any other feathers though. Thanks Sassy
  13. She is fine. She is playful as ever chewing down on rice, beans, carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and green beans. She's loving it! And stealing my chicken. (is it wrong she likes chicken) She let me feel her legs and wings and nothing was sore (she didn't bite me, lol) I think she was just wore out.
  14. When I see her in person if she is acting any bit out of the norm I will take her... hard to tell on the cam what's going on since it send stills every 2 sec.
  15. she was definately laying down... i was very worried... I thought maybe she fell and got hurt...
  16. luckily my vet is open till 8... the biggest problem is that I'm at work for 50 min yet... then have an hour drive home... Neytiri does love playing on the floor... she has numerous balls that she attacks and chases around.... just checked the camera again... whew... she's up on her boing moving and playing again... I'm such a nervous nelly.... Sassy
  17. If a 5 mo cag was playing a lot (running around the floor of cage, swinging, and generally carring on) is it possible they tired themself out to the point of laying on the floor and taking a nap? I'm trying not to panic but i don't see her moving much on the camera... she stood up once and it appeared that she stretched and now she's laying down again... thanks Sassy
  18. I'm in he same boat. It's only been about 4 weeks she's been home and hubby was away the second week. I hope that she at least stops growling at him.
  19. Sassy


    Yeah and found out last night at his sisters he was talking about Neytiri for over an hour even showing them the webcam of her. Someone even said that he said he wanted a 'too but I'm not sure about that.
  20. For hubby anyway. Lol Hubby hasn't been the most thrilled with Neytiri. But I have caught him talking nice to her and saying bye to her when he goes out. Well last night he was giving her a treat with his palm flat open and she climbed up on his hand!!! I thought he might freak but he was calm and when she saw me she came to me (no surprise there). Wish I got a pic of it. Now if she would stop growling at him other times we'd be in really good shape. Sassy
  21. Sassy


    Neytiri is back doing fantastic. Yes the clipping and chipping happened at different times. She was not put under either. Her clip is very light to limit lift but she can still fly all over the place and enjoys it. She is eating wet pellets and lots of veggies. She's down to about 2tsp of formula at night. She really is such a good girl. And so cuddly at night.
  22. I didn't need any surprises like that. So she's got a big spring clip locking her door closed. And yeah I know where she is because I now have a webcam to spy on her. Lol
  23. Sassy


    Update. Neytiri seems to being doing much better. She's not doing the baby cry as much and she's eating wet pellets. I still offer her a variety of fresh items. Her weight is also improving. Yeah!!!!
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