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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. This is a great solution Wingy
  2. I am telling people! This thread is an example
  3. Really good shots of Ellie, keep them coming
  4. I have two parrots, Susu is an Indian Ring Neck and he is 4 years old, had him since he was a baby. I wanted to add an African Grey to the family, so i got one and Susu never had any problem with him being around, unless! If DJ will come closer to Susu's cage, Susu will get really territorial and will attack DJ. I keep them separated until Susu accepts DJ one day "Hopefully"
  5. I was thinking of buying the bird off him, but then i said no as i will be supporting his business. There is nothing i can do "Unfortunately"
  6. What a smart bird!!! OMG, landed right on the girls shoulder, thanks for sharing. The story is awesome
  7. It would not hurt if you add a small plexi glass piece around the feeding area (The Bowl), this will minimize the amount of food spilling outside the cage. I am completely against covering the cage completely with plexi glass and i agree with everyone above. I think you love your parrot and if you really do, you will never want him to live sad and unhealthy, parrots and birds love freedom just like us. Take the right decision and please take care of him, maybe ask your mom to read this thread too.
  8. TWIX


    Looks like he is a very happy parrot, i love the photos
  9. I have made some research over the internet and found this link: http://www.mit.edu/~rei/Birds-sick.html It might be helpful. Good luck
  10. Amazing stories again and again! Welcome to the forums and i hope you can get closer to your parrot soon.
  11. I have already told you about my visit to the Birds Market in a city nearby where i live. Today i have been there again to buy some new toys and other stuff for DJ. Before buying anything, i took a walk with DJ on my shoulder, and what i saw has really pissed me off!!! I saw one of the bird sellers spraying water directly on a parrot's peak, the poor parrot parrot was fighting to breath and trying to fly away. His whole face was soaking wet and looked as if he will die anytime soon. I stopped and tried to film the incident and the seller immediately stopped and asked me why i want to film this? I told him i will take this video to the Animal Rights Society and will get him arrested for this. So he panicked and throw the helpless bird on top of a cage. I walked away but kept my eyes on him, and when he thought i left, he lifted the parrot from one leg and and started swinging the bird up and down. I went back again and asked him why is he doing this to the bird, he answered: I am taming the parrot!!! The Parrot was an Indian Ring Neck Parakeet, just like the one i have at home but a lot younger. He is also wild, been caught somewhere here in Dubai. So i could not watch anymore as i have seen more than one thing at the same time. I will never go there again, as i was going to punch the guy right on the face. I know this is sad and the government is doing nothing about it, i am really helpless and extremely sad. I wanted to share this with you as you know you will understand my frustration.
  12. Hi Louise, welcome to the family, i am new here and having a blast
  13. Beautiful shots, a very nice parrot and an excellent play stand
  14. Welcome to the forums, you are in the right place! I am new here as well, i am still reading the great threads posted by many members. I think i will finish reading everything within a month or two, lots to learn and 100% great feedback. Lots of experienced members who will also save you time and efforts when you look for answers. I have a CAG and an Indian Ringneck, a CAG is my first and they are way different than Ringnecks, more sensitive and they need extra care and patience. I suggest you read a lot before you get one, so welcome again and wish you all the best.
  15. That was a smart move when you move him to the sunroom. If it works for you it will work for many, maybe one day i will use your advice. Bravo seems to be a cool bird. Waiting to see the photos
  16. The seeds mix includes pellets in it too, it is Sunflower seeds free as well. I gave him the pellets alone and he didn't eat them. I guess it was just him being unhappy about the move, he is getting better everyday, i was switching bowls just minutes ago, one bowl full of mixed seeds and the other has the baby food in it. He eventually accepted the mix! Now he is eating fine, but not as he should be. I am monitoring his behavior and his diet, he is definitely becoming more relaxed and will be as happy as any other Grey soon.
  17. This is awesome! I will keep an eye on this until the babies hatch. Thanks
  18. Will see what DJ will do with that, nice pics
  19. Welcome to the flock, and hope to see some photos of him soon.
  20. Yes he did! Turns out to be very smart after all lol, he started flapping his wings on his perch as if he wants to take off, then i told him "Fly DJ". I kept saying that over and over every time he does that, and now he is doing it on command ha ha ha... So, if i say Fly DJ, he goes crazy and simulate a flight while he is on the perch :cool: Grey are awesome
  21. Very cute, i love your photos
  22. TWIX

    I found him

    I don't really know! I have started a new thread askig the same question but didn't get an answer from anyone! DJ is not eating his seeds mix, not any veggies, or anything else I am giving him. He only eats the baby mix I prepare for him! Today he tried to crack some seeds but he throw them as soon as he picks them up.
  23. Oh God, this eagle is really smart, landing on water was fine, but to use his wings to paddle !!!! That was shocking and enjoyable. These creatures demand respect.
  24. Susu my Indian ring neck always try to eat from my plate, all I do is take some out and give it to him. He then put it on the table and eats it. Both are happy that way. Talon, you are a gentelman
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