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Everything posted by aerial.2000

  1. Sorry I've been gone so long! Just a quick update .... as you can see my latest tattoo of Miss Marco on my arm. LOVE love love it! I had surgery back in April and was out of work for almost 10 weeks. Getting back into the groove of everything has been hard especially not sleeping all day lol. :rolleyes: But I am doing TONS better now and glad I went through it. Marco has definitely hit her terrible 2's for sure. She's very nippy lately and more possessive of her "stuff" then she's ever been. Course she isn't really nipping me as much as others in the house. She has been holding onto my finger when I go to put her down and not letting it go lately. After poking holes in my finger she had a little manicure done! Man they were sharp. I had her groomed and since the store that I got her from closed I took her to the vets. They have a huge Eclectus there so I figured she was in good hands. Dear Lawd, how wrong I was. I will never ever do that again! I've never felt so horrible in my life but she took it like a champ. They have since began to grow out and she's regained some flight. Her vocabulary has absolutely exploded and we have been trying to keep track of everything she knows. Her latest word is graham cracker. Shes a nut for sure. ALmost holding full conversations with me now. It amazes me how quickly she's learning the words. Course the dogs don't have a minute of quiet since she knows all their names and has begun bossing them around. "Toby lay down" "Turbo go potty?" "Cricket... cricket" She is still very attached to only me (which I'm totally ok with *winks*) and just a sheer pleasure to have in our lives. I hope everyone is doing well I will try to get back soon. Miss talking to everyone! So what's new with any of you?
  2. I like to take Marco in the shower with me, she will sit on the curtain rod until Im done then I'll bring her into the shower with me ... but shes always loved the water. She is great if you spray her front not so happy on her back but she tolerates it
  3. love being outside with Marco too .... the harness is a great tool to be able to do that
  4. I can not get Marco to lay on her back at all .... and your baby looks so peaceful on her back. Anyone else's FID not enjoy being on their back? is it something I can try to train her to do you think?
  5. I think Marco totally is adapted to my schedule and she knows even if Im home later then usual, she still gets to come out of her cage before bedtime to spend time with me as well as playing in her toy box etc. I dont think there is such a thing as spoiling them to much tho, the HUGE tote of toys I have for her in the other room might suggest otherwise :eek:
  6. lol thanks ya'll ... you cant make stuff up like that. it just amazes me that she held that conversation with me and in the end it was like she was thinking .... I asked you first but since you asked me .... bwhahahahaha
  7. I find Marco wont touch the pellets any more hasnt for probably over a year. I still keep them in her cage but usually throw them out when I change her bowls as they go untouched. I do however find she eats them if I hide them in her birdie bread so its all good!
  8. Soooooo.... normally when Im in the kitchen, Marco sits on her swing so she can watch and be a part of me doing things in the kitchen. Now that shes 2+ her vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds. Now it only seems to take DAYS for her to repeat something shes heard (or so it would seem) Flash back to being in the kitchen. Shes on her swing, Im down just a little ways from her doing dishes. We are doing just typical normal banter back and forth. She likes to ask what you doing etc. We havent been in the kitchen very long but still enjoying the bonding time with her and then this .... Marco: Whatcha doin'? Me: Washing dishes, getting ready to make some dinner. Marco: Are you hungry? Me: No, are you hungry? Want some Dinner? Marco: Apple? Me: Do you want an apple? Marco: Come here Me: What do you want? Marco: Come see me Me: I gotta finish my dishes ~~~ Dramatic pause while she plays on the swing a bit quietly..... Marco (a few minutes later): Hi Marco (in a super sweet soft low voice .. just love when she does this) Me: Hi Marco whatch doing over there? Marco: Is Marco a good girl? (it caught me off guard I stopped what I was doing and looked at her and said) Me: I dont know ....... IS Marco a good girl?!?!?? without a split second of hesitation .... she replies excitedly Marco: FK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  9. I found that familiarizing Marco with the PERSON first before bringing her to their house helped TREMENDOUSLY when travelling or needing to drop her off to be watched elsewhere besides home. I also have the aviator harness and she loves being outside with me. Welcome to you and your new little baby ... great pics btw
  10. marco also has tons of different perches that were sposed to help her nails but doesnt seem to, she gets trimmed every few months and since the parrot house closed I have started to do it myself. I have to towel her clip and then use just a reg. nail file. It goes pretty quick and it makes MY ARM feel so much better when she climbs up on it lol
  11. He was giving it away because it wasnt what he expected. he has a 2yr old and they dont get along and the bird picked up the babys cry and he didnt have enough time with it. I did pass up the amazing opportunity to get Teddy but Im ok with my decision.
  12. thats what I do with Marco too ^^^^ raise my arm up and down so she has to flap but she holds on for dear life lol. I had to try to toss her off my arm last nite with her death grip to fly from the doorway to her cage top. we are working on "landings" shes never really landed on one of us but she'll fly to her boing or cage and she usually flies into the kitchen and lands in/on the sink lol or the laundry basket a few times. Its great that Dorian took the chance and flew like that ... skies the limit now watch out!
  13. How old is Rio? I can remember thinking as people would be posting that their baby said their first word at like 9 months old that Marco was going to be the one parrot that was just not gonna be a talker because she took her sweeeeeeeeeeet time before the flood gates opened up. Now that shes like 2.5 yrs old holy smokes she is a jibber jabber and frankly picks words up quick quick quick now. But she has her more chatty times during the day and then course right before bed then the rest the time shes a very quiet bird.
  14. If anyone is interested and lives in Oklahoma ... its listed on Craigslist .... in Grove Oklahoma $500 for the 8mo old Eclectus (Teddy) comes with beautiful cage, tree stand, food, toys, travel carrier etc. Owners name Dustin.
  15. Thanks for the input ... no doubt things I thought ALOT about. It did help to spell it out though and you are very right. Marco is a handful and does require alot of time. I did call the gentleman back and told him even though hubby said if you want it get it, as we talked awhile about an addition, we really didnt have space for another cage of that size and I wouldnt of been happy to have the 2nd bird in a different room I am just crushed, Ive always wanted an eclectus because they are just beautiful. I read on this site about them being easily stressed and becoming pluckers and the diet issues and perhaps its just more then I need to be taking on at this time. This lil baby was so precious though and the price was AMAZING for everything!!! <sigh> I do want another parrot someday perhaps something less challenging to raise. Thanks for your responses
  16. So I have an opportunity to buy an 8mo old Eclectus parrot ..... someone tell me what Im getting into lol. This is the information I was given ....... Eclectus are alot more difficult than most birds. They require beta carotine in there diet. Last i knew you will not find it in any of the bird foods on the market. It is only in certain fresh fruits and veggies such as carrots, broccoli, cooked sweet potatoes, kale, and i think spinach. This is a very important part of there diet and they should eat it almost daily. As far as nat pellets that is better than colored for eclectus but you have to watch giving them to many vitamins. It is hard to even find a food without added vitamins in it. Eclectus often end up over vitamined which can cause problems. They have a more challenging diet than any other parrot. In my experience they do not get along well with other birds as far as sharing gyms or cages but do not usually go out of there way to fight with them. Hope this helps So outside of the natural pellets which I could also give to Marco ... Marco already eats all that other stuff already carrots and broccoli and sweet taters .... so is it REALLY going to be THAT much more difficult with 2 birds? My concern is how marco will act with my attention split now etc ... and/or getting along w/another bird. I know they wont share a cage or a stand Teddy comes with his own stuff but just in general .. jealousy issues etc.
  17. LMAOOOOOO ... you still havent been given a better name then that? it makes me giggle every time you say that. Marco actually calls me by my first and last name now .... kinda like your parents did when you were in trouble when theyd use your first and middle name ... mhm thats marco now lol
  18. marco like watching other grey vids on youtube its like shes really listens and watching cuz you can see her head moving and tilting back n forth
  19. Marco kinda like her mommy likes her sleep ... one night i had suprise company over LATE (my son and his gf) they were making all sorts of noise it was maybe 11pm Marco had been up since probably 9. The noise continued for maybe 30 mintues until Marco certainly voice her disapproval of the late night visitors VERY LOUDLY :eek: :eek: :eek: scared me to death thought she was hurt it was just one huge loud scream ... once I shushed everyone down she went right back to bed lol so definately bedtimes and grumpy birds LOL
  20. giggles at the upside down pic and Timbersmom's repsonse welcome what a huge flock you have ... your little linnies are sooooo sweet looking. Im curious do they all get along for the most part? Are they free flying thru your house? Which one is attached to you? give us some fun stories of your huge flock ... glad you stopped in
  21. Marco likes to sit on the shower rod too ... shes a peeping bird !!!!!!!!!! heh
  22. its worth investing in a small recording device or use your cell phone if you have the capabilities Im soooo glad I had one while marco was a baby!
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