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Everything posted by aerial.2000

  1. Marco just loves paper like that too !!!!!!!
  2. Sadly you just never know how much your bird is listening to you and when they are going to repeat something take for instance ... Thanksgiving. I was a bucket of nerves anyways because not only was my son bringing his gf and 2 children but her parents were coming as well as my other son and his gf and my best friend :eek: :eek: So I want everything perfect because its her parents first time at my house and Im just OCD about that first impression. I worked myself up stressing over this my BP shot thru the roof, but thats a whole nother story. So we didnt have Thanksgiving on Thursday because we were waiting on my son's gf to get her kids from the ex (he had them for turkey day) so we did it on Friday. Different but it worked. So my house is packed with probably the most people its ever seen, and there it was in the middle of dinner... Ms Marco (who was in her cage because of all the commotion and people there) says ..... Whatcha doing Fatty? ..... :eek: :eek: :eek: I almost dropped my fork on my plate, I couldnt swallow my food, Im not sure if anyone really heard it. Most people dont understand her or what shes saying until you tell them and then they are like ooooooh yeah thats it. But this was CLEAR as a BELL. Oh joy Marco has just now insulted everyone of my guests who are over to OVER eat on a "all about the food" holiday ..... UGH. Thankfully no one said anything ... and I just went about eating, but was mortified. Needless to say ... as you can probably guess we say that to her all the time :rolleyes: and she chose Thanksgiving to share with the family that she could say that for the first time.
  3. Marco likes to chase my hand across his cage. I usually get her out of her cage, put her ontop of the playgym area and play the "Got your toes" game with here which progresses into me swiping my hand back n forth on her cage and she chases it. When she gets tired of the game, she climbs up to her tall perch atop her cage and I duck down and pop up with Peek a Boo ... and she will swing her head to the side and pop it back towards me and say peek a boo back ...
  4. I have a huge filtration system at my house thanks to the Culligan Man .... so that is the only water that Marco drinks or that I use when it comes to her.
  5. That is kinda how it is in my house too Birdhouse. I always fix Marco's food first. I feed her anything fresh breakfast/dinner in a bowl ontop of her cage so its separate from seeds and pellets. She KNOWS thats where HER food goes and she'll happily pace back n forth (if shes not with me) waiting in that spot for her food. typically she doesnt eat until I come out with my plate and sit down for dinner then she will go to her bowl to eat at the same time as me. maybe only twice has she been brave enough to come check out my plate (scrambled eggs) and I let her eat them with me. She does however like whatever I am drinking (water, juice etc all bird safe stuff) and will put her beak to my cup if I raise it to my lips. Its kinda cute
  6. LOL ... aww you are all so kind and all of your directions are basically the same that the store gave me ... why cant I do this !!!!!! :rolleyes: I keep them in my kitchen to soak over night and then rinse morn/eve the next 2 days and keep it next to my sink after shaking out all the water I possibly can and dont get me wrong the one lil bean in there definately sprouted a little white tail, but I am just not so sure about the smell. It did smell rotten and I was not going to chance that but I could only get 1 bean to really sprout out of the mix I will wash the container really good when I get home and try again! Im pretty determined! I just thought it would all be pretty and sprouty and that she would love it but she looked at me like I had lost my mind :-|
  7. Ive come to the conclusion ..... I CANT DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have tried now twice and I just dont know what Im doing wrong to get these damn things to spout LOL .... :rolleyes: Im so frustrated. The kit included a glass mason jar and a piece of "screen" instructions said, soak over nite, rinse twice a day for 3 days and by the 3rd day they would be sprouting. Well ... the first time by like day 3 it smelled rotten so I threw it out... this time by day 3 after using less of the seed/bean mix, it didnt smell but only 1 type of bean sprouted. I dont know at what point its ready to eat ... I showed Marco she was HIGHLY unimpressed at my efforts LOLOL ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
  8. I would say if I was rehoming I would also want some sorta bill of sale as well like was said for the amount of money you would be exchanging its not over doing it, its just good business practice. good luck to your son
  9. marco is going on 3 she is a cag ....
  10. love that .. ty for the great info !!!!!! Im starting small with seed and will move up to bean I think lol
  11. so excited I got some stuff to start sprouting some seed .... I cant wait
  12. ok so Ive looked around ... SO many choices and so many words I cant pronounce ... how do I know what is safe for Marco? Peanuts, Mung Bean, Adzuki Bean. Black, Crimson, Eston, French Blue & Green Lentils. Green, Speckled & Bill Jump Peas. Black, Brown & Beige Garbanzos outside of peanuts I don't know what anything else is ?
  13. Please pardon my stupidity - so after I get this starter kit deal you basically put the "bean seeds" in the water do the rinse etc etc and they split open and sprout up and that is safe to then feed our fids? I just know nothing about sprouting. Do they eat the bean too? What type of beans/peas can go into a bulk mix? I need a "Sprouting for Dummies" book .....
  14. Does anyone do this? I wanted to look into it for Marco, but I haven't a clue how to do it....? Any suggestions? Help? Step by Step instructions? Please and thank you!
  15. There is no way I could go play with all them babies and not want to bring them ALL home !!!!!!!!!! What a great thing to do to help socialize them. I want that job! I fell into MBS but .... what I ended up doing was talking my friend into getting one and I will "help him" raise LOL see how I snuck my way into a 2nd bird but not really? LMAO :D well I thought it was genius jus sayin! I am just nervous how Marco would act if I ever brought one home for real to "her" house. I am sure there will be a day, I fall for some sweet baby and it'll be all over but for now I have her and a part time conure to love on that works. Heres a funny .... we are working on a new website for Marco and Dixie and uploading pics and videos. So I have been going back and looking through countless baby vids and pics of Marco. WHAT a trip down memory lane ... over 700 pics and vids. I dont even think I have that many pics of my own children and thats only been in a few years span. How the hell did time go so fast? She is going to be 3 in December !!!!!!!!!!! 3!!!!!!!!!!!! My baby is growing up!
  16. To Miss Marco I am so very happy that you are part of our family, we love you so very much. I would greatly appreciate it if you didnt eat mommys window sill :mad: when I step outside without you. Please dont eat the shelf that you know you arent sposed to be on either :mad:. Thank you for feeding the dogs from the top of your cage:rolleyes: they greatly appreciate you helping them out. Thank you for learning all the nawty cuss words the boys taught you so quickly but we still cant say mommy:rolleyes:. Thank you for helping redecorate the walls and floor with food and scraps of papers you have decided you no longer needed:rolleyes:. Thank you for taking a bath in only the fresh water bowl I put in your cage every night and have to promptly change again:rolleyes:. Thank you for eating the first 3 shower curtain hangers while perched atop of the shower rod as the curtain fell open while mommy was "ahem" you know . But mostly thank you for the countless smiles, pictures, giggles and videos and for being so very special in my heart.
  17. be famous would you rather a romantic dinner w/candlelight or a picnic on a blanket under a tree?
  18. getting ready to go decorate for the haunted hay ride tonight!
  19. I am not sure if you are a first time bird owner and/or grey owner but I will guarantee you everyone here will tell you NOT to rush. That you will need to let Peatree do things in his OWN time which is commonly referred to as "grey time" you have a long time to be with your new friend so take that time to build that bond and trust it could take a long time but you will be rewarded in the end by Peatree. (which btw is a great name) So talk to your new fid, sing to them, read to them, sit close to the cage, continue to give little snacks and treats. Change the diet to fresh and sit back and watch your bird flurish good luck
  20. can she pick her up with another perch and then slide her into the cage?? marco gets stubborn like that and i have to get my "spare" perch and sternly say STEP UP and she finally will and then she'll allow me to put her in the cage
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