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Everything posted by aerial.2000

  1. Oh I didnt know it was healthier to cook on even so there is like a bonus to it. I just gotta learn how to cook on it. My son is moving out so I offered him my nonstick paula deen set for $50 to put towards the new stainless cook ware. And yes I even thought of the bakeware stuff that will all go to my friend he'll have to be my muffin maker and cupcake maker! I just got a foreman grill for xmas that I will only use outside now (cuz I just cant part with it) and my neighbor is going to make me like a lil cooking gazebo so it'll be my lil outside kitchen I spent all last nite obsessing on what needs to go lol! I dont wanna take ANY chances. Thats a great idea to feed the baby in his cage WHILE Im going to be cooking so they are occupied. I love hearing great ideas! thanks so much smiles yes I imagine im a wee bit "change resistant" but I also found a thread on the home made cleaning products and things that I will begin to use now so Im a pro by the time my baby gets home! I so excited thanks for all the useful tips!
  2. wow this was really great and very helpful .... with the air fresheners .... I get that aersols are bad and I even get the carpet stuff, my question is if the candle/parafin wax is bad or the flickering smoke from the wick, what if you warm up liquid scented oil? I dont burn candles (persay) but I have scentsy warmers that melt scented wax to a liquid and put a scent in my house is that the same dangers?
  3. great advice specially since i want mine to be able to fly and not clipped
  4. great information ty everyone I have plenty of time to save and change all my teflon stuff out to stainless steel .... wow no way do i want to take any chances. So if you are all cooking even with the stainless steel non toxic pans, do you allow the birds in the kitchen with you?
  5. Hello all you wonderfully knowledgeable people. I have been browsing this forum for maybe a week or so now, reading and absorbing as much as I can. Here are my questions What do you all do when you are preparing dinner? Do you have your birds in your kitchen while you are cooking? I have read the dangers of the teflon being extremely toxic for parrots. So, do I just keep mine in a different room while Im cooking? I hope this doesnt sound like a dumb question. I am just worried as I browse my cooking utensils and seeing all the teflon pots n pans and cookie sheets I have and am now worried. How far away should they be kept? And as long as I am on the "toxins" worries, can someone also fill me in on the scented candles or candle warmers? If one is burning in a different room is it still dangerous? I dont obviously want to take any chances when my baby comes home. Any ideas and help would be awesome. Thanks so much Ofcourse as soon as I posted this I found a huge thread on the teflon/aresol warnings ... looks like the best idea is to buy stainless steel which I will be looking into !!!!!!! if you have any other advice Id love to listen!
  6. OMG !!!!!!!!! my baby hatched lol and will arrive at the store Jan 27th at 4 weeks of age :D Im almost shaking Im so excited! Man those people there are SO so so nice. I gave the guy my cell # and hes gonna send me a pic soon as they get there ... you know when that pic shows up Ima be CRAZY excited !!!!!!! wow wow
  7. i have 2 boys 18 and 17 and they are going to be moving out maybe even before my baby gets home .... lol I can totally relate to watching every grey video on youtube i have been doing the exact same thing i like the people from birdtricks.com they have great videos on all their birds! (and the website is really cool too) I have been stocking up on things for the baby when he gets home including toys and ice trays to make some yummy frozen treats and Im going to buy a small food processor to make really healthy foods for him. I am going to call the petstore today to see if the baby has atleast hatched lol Im going NUTS wanting to know *grins*
  8. oh wow that would be wonderful if you didnt have to wait and could help rescue that baby! Sadly I dont have facebook, just yahoo and msn messanger (so old skool) lol I do that so Im not tempted to spy on what my kids are doing and have to learn more then maybe I wanna know lol. I feel silly having put a deposit down on an egg but I sure wasnt going to let another chance pass me by specially when there was only going to be 2 coming in! wanted to guarantee one would be mine now its just the longggggg wait.
  9. woo hoo you were just hatched ;)

  10. Gosh I would love to find a club like that too! You are very lucky
  11. I just love the pic of your babies!

  12. wow it almost looks like a stuffed toy ...
  13. I like the new pic :)

  14. cant wait to hear all about your new baby :)

  15. I totally can relate to your story! My problem is we live in the country and there are no such things as "pet stores" round here. So I started online, cruising the local ads for greys for sale. Notice I said local, uhm, Im in Kansas and the 3 that responded one was in Great Britain one was in Michigan and the other was already gone. So, imagine how upset I was I came home and started just browsing the petshops within 200 miles from my house and none of them had much more then parakeets and things youd find at Petsmart typically. Finally on the last page, I found a store called the Parrot House........... COULD IT BE?! An actual store that sold parrots? So I called and the guy was so amazingly helpful and caring. I actually went up there last weekend to just go "look". They told me that the grey they had there (they hand raise) was already under deposit, but they let me play with it! Just further making me want one so badly. The owner told me, they would be getting 2 more in 3 weeks <eyes perked up> So without any hesitation, I put down my deposit on the baby and the most amazing cage! So now I have to wait until probably late March to bring my baby home. The wait is going to drive me crazy. I cant stop reading, researching, watching videos and course coming here or talking about it. Needless to say, if Im this excited and I dont even have the bird, once it does get here they will be peeling me off the ceiling! *giggles* So it looks like we both might become mommys about the same time! I cant wait either
  16. hey there :) Im new too ... still waiting on my baby to arrive

  17. you are a kind soul to have rescued 2 birds Im sure they are loving their new home! Welcome
  18. I hope that barnaby is doing better and you got some good news.
  19. HEY HEY :) thanks for the warm welcome! Im so excited you are like my 2nd friend Ive met and I cant wait to get to know you all and learn from all your experience. My baby isnt home yet still have a few more months (hence no picture) but I am trying to learn, read, discover and prepare myself the best i can before hand :D gosh Im so excited!

  20. Hey :) thanks for the welcome I am so excited to have found a forum like this :) I'll need all the help I can get! Cant wait to have a picture to post of my new little one ... :D

  21. WOW WOW .... I havent brought my baby home yet but have started collecting items, toys and things for him. The store I am getting him from hand raise the babies as well and encourage you to visit for however long you want but its a way smaller store but it is loaded with toys, food, cages and lotta birds hanging out lol. Seeing all that makes me crazy excited and I still have some months to wait before my baby is ready to come home ... *heavy sigh* but I love coming here and reading everything and taking in all your knowledge and experience has been greatly helpful :D
  22. That is just awesome ... congratulations to you!
  23. I just love these toys andI cant wait to make some for my bird. Im lucky to have a very creative friend that is willing to help me what wonderful ideas I have found here. I call her "bird" cuz I havent named her yet, she is still being weened I cant wait till shes home with me
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