I totally can relate to your story! My problem is we live in the country and there are no such things as "pet stores" round here. So I started online, cruising the local ads for greys for sale. Notice I said local, uhm, Im in Kansas and the 3 that responded one was in Great Britain one was in Michigan and the other was already gone. So, imagine how upset I was
I came home and started just browsing the petshops within 200 miles from my house and none of them had much more then parakeets and things youd find at Petsmart typically. Finally on the last page, I found a store called the Parrot House........... COULD IT BE?! An actual store that sold parrots? So I called and the guy was so amazingly helpful and caring. I actually went up there last weekend to just go "look". They told me that the grey they had there (they hand raise) was already under deposit, but they let me play with it! Just further making me want one so badly. The owner told me, they would be getting 2 more in 3 weeks <eyes perked up> So without any hesitation, I put down my deposit on the baby and the most amazing cage!
So now I have to wait until probably late March to bring my baby home. The wait is going to drive me crazy. I cant stop reading, researching, watching videos and course coming here or talking about it. Needless to say, if Im this excited and I dont even have the bird, once it does get here they will be peeling me off the ceiling! *giggles*
So it looks like we both might become mommys about the same time! I cant wait either