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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Awww.... I want her autograph! She can chew my calender! LOL Nancy
  2. Thanks Muse.... but believe me, she is the " devil child" too! Everyday I do a big sigh, after witnessing some big mess! She either now understands what my sigh means, or she just times it well. I get a " WHAT?" Nancy
  3. I'm not sure! Sophie never molted even though she was DNA sexed a female.I am a better resource, for behavioral issues. I would be concerned too. I am sure others here can help Nancy
  4. Betadine is awesome! For preventing an infection with humans. The medical team LOVES it! BUT... it dries out birds skin and makes them itch more. No infection apparent, but an irritated area. Your doctor friend did an excellent job in making sure no infection was going to happen!As others said, alovera. Also showers and humidifyer if bird won't shower yet... Watch the behavior closely... I was always lucky to have Sophie under 24 hour watch when her " over preening happened." To me... it looks like an itchy bird Nancy
  5. I always worry about e-coli...As humans have that in their GI tract, I always treat my birds like their poop has the same! Am I wrong? Nancy
  6. Thanks all! Brat Birds I love her too and I will tell her! LOL She DOES have a " kind soul!" I hope all those that struggle with bites, rotten " baby bite syndrome", there CAN be a light at the end of the tunnel! It may take time.... but it was all worth it. Sure... she is a pain in the butt... I have poopy pads under four windows, one poopy pad under the bottom of my bed... but that is easy stuff. I know where she likes to hangout. Its moments like this where she really missed me that are so precious. The wagging tail always lets me know how she feels. Nancy
  7. I like the idea of cornstarch as well! Good point regarding their lungs! I think everyone should get a prescription for " dermabond". Its amazing! Its a glue with no side effects. Your bird may be a little purple.... but it looks good with grey Nancy
  8. LOVED it! Next to birds.... I am dog crazy! Nancy
  9. Poor Sophie! I NEVER work weekends, but did work two twelve hour shifts this weekend. After getting home at 8 pm Sunday, I was soooo tired! Said goodnite to the gang and went to bed. While everyone knows I have an open cage concept, I rarely even close her birdroom. Just laterally, so she can't go in the kitchen and family room. She can go upstairs, as the only room opened is mine. At 430 am, I could here someone talking to themselves. ( I am a very light sleeper). Next thing I know, there was Sophie on my shoulder whispering " morning". I whispered morning back. I just placed another poopy pad on my pillow, and she was quiet as a mouse until 8am Nancy
  10. Sophie burps, farts, coughs, sneezes... any sound my human boys make, she does it better! When my boys were younger, she would also wheeze. They both have asthma, but would never tell me when they were wheezing. If Sophie was wheezing.... I knew someone was sick and didn't want to tell me. I would find the wheezer and off to the doctor! They use to get soooo mad at Sophie! Nancy
  11. BEAUTIFUL bird, and quite happy with himself! Nancy
  12. I'm with luvparrots! Paper towels to clean bowls I chase the kitchen sink with chlorox. Lets gross Dave out as best as we can! I too would LOVE to see your petrie dish...Nancy
  13. ranaz Good luck! Dave has been so helpful! I was lucky Sophie came here at age two already DNA sexed. It was done the feather way Nancy
  14. LotusBloom wow! You are very patient and determined... a Greys cage is their domain! Don't stick your fingers in there...open up the cage when you are home, read books in front of cage, so they eventually climb on the door. Read books, provide cloth books to chew, and play games with family in front of cage. Once they trust you... rotate the bird to other family members. Sophie loves us all... a decade later, we can stick our fingers in her cage, but dont have too as she flies out the moment anyone is home. Nancy
  15. Glad all is well! Sunny does that as well, my sunconure Nancy
  16. When, and if the time is right... you will find that bird! We don't pick them... they pick us. Nancy
  17. It seems to me, that many of our parrents have their own health issues. I am sure that can be so stressful! Just worrying " who can help me", am I stressing out my bird, needs to be discussed. I would like to open up a dialogue with all of us, where owners can come to and discuss their health problems! I am lucky that I don't have any serious health issues. BUT... I suffered an injury three weeks ago where I lost five teeth, had a head concussion and rib fracture. I was lucky to have my son home to help me with my animals. Not everyone has that support! Nancy
  18. Many have birds of different species that get along. I had a grey, sunconure and amazon that got along great! ( we have lost our amazon two years ago). Three cages, two jungle gyms, but I would find them all in one cage. ( we have open concept). I went down from three cages to two. While they were all together all the time( they made this happen), I wanted one cage to escape to. I DO find Sophie my grey in that cage once in awhile. Just a place to escape and decompress Nancy
  19. Its important to have an avian vet, when that is possible! I know some don't have one in their area. Sophie is lucky to have one and he is amazing! He was amazing when I first met him after having Sophie for two days. She was sneezing and saying " achooo" within 48 hours. I thought she had a cold!!! I couldn't wait for her well visit and scheduled her appointment as an emergency!!!!!He laughed at me, asked me if anyone was sick ( my son was), and explained she was imitating my son. Who knew? ( I was certainly a naive mama!) He has expanded with several new doctors, but has kept his original clients. Sophie is one of them. She seems him yearly, and wags her tail when he has her stepup. He never orders many tests. He always tells her " you're a keeper!". She just wags her tail as she likes what he has to say Nancy
  20. I'll ask my birdstore guy for you. (I know.... I rely on him too much!) Nancy
  21. Thank God for Dave! Definitely a bird on a mission, but not sick by the pictures. The second picture she looks like she is nesting. Sophie never did any of this, not sure why, but I am ok with that! Beautiful bird Nancy
  22. Brat Birds Very good advice. I thought about it and am going to pay extra attention to her. I will put Ollie out first, so then I can focus on her. I really think she just got very spoiled for six weeks, but as we all know... greys are so sensitive. Sean coming home this weekend so she will be happy Nancy
  23. murfchck... ouch! BUT.... how amazing to have three birds on your head! Nancy
  24. There are soooo many rescue websites guys! ESPECIALLY around the age of two! Thats when I got Sophie. One more child in my opinion. While she is an only grey and rules the animal kingdom, she earned it! Everyone and all animals respect her. Nancy
  25. They all drive us crazy one day or another! Even though Sean was only home for six weeks from college ( way too long in my opinion), she really spent alot of time with him. Now the moment I am home, she flies out and grabs onto me by the bottom of my hair. Very strange. I always spend a lot of time with her but she is getting obsessive! Nancy
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