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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. robopetz.... I apologize.... I was not kind to you when I stated " you should not have gotten this bird before sixteen weeks." It drives me crazy when birds are not fully weened, setting them up for failure! I didn't know your story, nor did I appreciate the hand feedings you must have done! I am sorry. Please tell us more about your baby. I honestly am interested! Nancy
  2. I agree! I will check your site out! I liked the last toy the best for Sunny! There has got to be a market out there, for greys that don't go crazy for toys, as their family is their toy, but LOVE to shred everything in site! Give my girl a phone book, or bills, she is in HEAVEN! Nancy
  3. Happy birthday Corky! Ray.... when are you going to come back to us? Nancy
  4. I am not good with feather plucking, as I am lucky to have not had that experience.( I wouldn't wish that on anyone!). Obviously, you have a feather issue. Giving a healthy diet with fresh fruits and veggies, and a balanced seed diet, are very important. Skip the supplements! As others suggested, shower opportunities and natural sunlight are extremely important! Time out of cage, chew toys, and monitoring when your bird is attacking feathers, are very important . Nancy
  5. DAMN.... you are a short order cook! LOL! Would you notice if there was a request for an omelette with sharp cheddar cheese, bacon and onion? ( that would be for me!) Nancy
  6. Thanks all! I;m going to tell Dan, he needs to leave his pup at his dad's when he comes here. One night only, he can bring his dog, and I will put Sophie in my room as suggested. I'm going to tell Ryan to bring his kennel for Kallie. Sophie to be in my room during the day when i am at work, then when I get home, Kallie gets kenneled so Sophie can enjoy time with Ryan.Ryan will be here for just a week, so I am sure we can work it out. I am just grateful, Sean will be home from college as well and he will make sure everyone is on the same page when I am at work.Seam loves her as much as I do (although he tells me she is a pain in the ass, while petting her!) Sean is sure Sophie will treat him like " pfffff", once Ryan gets home. I'm not so sure.... she goes CRAZY when Sean walks in the door and she see's him monthly at least. Nancy
  7. As Ryan my son, will be coming home in December for two weeks, he will be bringing Kallie, his pitbull rescue. Sophie met her before, but she was recovering from major knee surgery, and spent alot of time in her kennel. ( Sophie really liked her!) Now my adopted son, will be bringing home his German Shepard, whom is now six months.I am excited to have both boys home and their pups, but I am worried for Sophie's safety.I'm thinking it is too much! As I will still be working, I don't feel I can trust the situation! I am asking my boss for extra time off, but don't know if I will get it. Both boys love Sophie, but I feel her " safety" is an issue. Nancy
  8. Vacations are the toughest! As I don't close their cage and they have their own room, it was very tough for me in the beginning. I went to my groomer as I trust him, but Sophie couldn't be loose which I understood. She would have gone crazy.... so I told him to let her out on the playstand ( huge), all day. She interacted with customers all day long. When I came back, there were several " offers" for her, which my groomer told me he had to say. It kinda freaked me out... last time she went to the groomers! I have a few teenagers that I have known since they were little, that I now hire to care for her. She has known them all her life. They just move in. Now when I get back from vacation ( even though I will talk to her daily), she just says " where have you been?" No punishment, no transition.Nancy
  9. Don't go crazy with toys ....yet! Sophie is a destructive machine, but really doesn't like toys that cost a fortune. She LOVES destroying paper towels, my bills, hardwood like Cherry that Sean will give her from his discarded pile after doing woodwork. She LOVES a good pinata that I buy her. If it shreds.... she is your girl! LOL Nancy
  10. As Greywings said... we LOVE hearing the progress!Keep us informed. I think we are all a crazy bunch as we want to know details, and never get tired of hearing how other friends and birds are doing. Nancy
  11. Miss ixta is well on her way to trust! Congrads Nancy
  12. I didn't get that cute baby... My groomer knows I am tough, and Sophie comes first. I want her to be adopted, we have played together for several months! She is a keeper! In the end, if she doesn't find a home, he knows I will take her. I really don't want another bird, but my groomer knows if she isn't adopted, she is mine. I just don't want Sophie to be jealous! She will be possibly! I think Sophie would like her! My groomer has encouraged me to bring Sophie around,to see Nancy
  13. Loved the video! Tobey is giving " delightful squeak!' Nancy
  14. Greywings.... congratulations! Eight years.... is a good sign! Its NOT just about our birds, but their owners. Nancy
  15. I would meet you at the airport! LOL! How interesting, that we all work to make our birds successful in life. We all have different plans, but one goal! If you lived next door, we could trade.... You have your strength and so do I. Sophie would drive you crazy within 24 hours! LOL Than again, me training Sophie would drive me crazy as well!I wish we all lived closely, and could meet in one room. Can you imagine? Nancy
  16. dhorje... your baby is amazing! What are your expectations of your baby? Do you want a grey that is amazing with knowledge and flight capability? Or one, that is a family member, that loves you to death, can empathize? I believe you can have both, but I think you are seeking it backwards! Greys tend to follow the normal progression of infants to toddlers just like children. Routine, consistency and trust. Sophie trusts us, can fly quite well, but I don't push her for exceeding my expectations. There are times, she feels challenged , and " nips it". She makes her point. Nancy
  17. I can't even imagine! I am ashamed, that I complain about Sophie's behavior. Nancy
  18. We practiced stepup and stepdown off the cage door, as this is where she would comeout to meet us. We were lucky to have 24/7 coverage. We all practiced with her once she was on the door. I would say we averaged around eight times a day. It also helped, that we all were involved, so I am sure thats why she learned to stepup to all. Once you have a grey's attention, to all family members, WATCH OUT! On Dec 20th, when Ryan gets home, she is gonna go crazy! She is going to have three people home that she loves and she will be in " high gear"! ( I barely survived Sean being home last week!) She had no interest in birdroom door being closed, wanted to be with Sean 24/7... waited outside his door patiently for him to wake up. Nancy
  19. LOVED the video! I LOVE your baby.... so much potential! Awesome training. Can I send Sophie over for flight training? She needs it ... she may be a social butterfly, but she wouldn't do what kilaya did Nancy
  20. YAHOOOOOO! I am so excited for you! I know you will need to have followup, CT scans at 3 months, six months than a year.... I have gotten so close to many patients through the years. I DO have to say, I see more positive results than negative. We are hear for you and rooting for you all the way Nancy
  21. You should not have had this bird until 16 weeks. Nancy
  22. Trust takes time! As they take " forever", I am a BIG believer, in developing that trust quicker, than later! I would work on step up and step down off the cage door. ( I don't believe in sticking my hand in their cage!) Its their domane, I am not welcome! We as a family, did most training and practiced stepup and down away from the cage. It really took Sophie around six months, but we were all committed and on the same page Nancy
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