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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. You can always gain that trust back again as SterlingSL said! You have to be committed and not sway from that promise to yourself. You fortunately have " love and trust", on your side. Your baby doesn't understand what " limits" means. While Sophie came here at age two, she learned over six months, she was only allowed on my wrist, got on my and kids shoulder, once we trusted each other! When she loved us, wanted to be with us, it was sooo easy to train her!When she bit.... back into her cage. Routine, routine routine! When I was at work, kids would call and tell me what she did! ( Its too late to let her know her behavior was bad!) Bad behavior needs to be communicated at that moment! Greys dont want to be bad, and I believe they really want to please us, and make us happy....however.... when they are bad, they are BAD! Let your baby know! Sophie finally got it,and she is now a p I'm not a big believer in sticking my fingers in a cage, but I can do so. I tended to train off the door.oster child! Well.... NOT really.... she chews alot of things I prefer she didn't! LOL! But, once I open her birdroom when I get home, she runs out and says " ROM"( mom), she is so excited to see me. We haven't been bit in over a decade. Nancy
  2. Santaeid... Many greys dont like toys, but love to shred! Sophie my buddy loves to shred everything and anything! We have been doing this for over 15 years. Triming or what you say " clipping"". is not a quick fix. Baby needs to learn how to fly and develop chest muscles! All birds need to develop their muscles at least until the age of two. At the age of two, I was good with " trimming", so Sophie could focus on training. Trimming feathers, has NOTHING to do with developing a relationship with your bird. Thats up to you! Nancy
  3. I will try and figure out how to post video of Sean and Sophie. Ryan left today. It was exhausting, trying to keep Sophie safe. The doors opened once they left, Sophie was back in her element. While she was more confined then usual, she had alot to say! She exhausted her vocabulary. I could tell she was worried she had done something wrong! She is a little nervous with her new freedom that she has always had. While her birdroom was closed to kitchen and family room, it was opened to the upstairs.Sean tends to do computer stuff upstairs.She seeked him out daily in his room. He delivered. Let her know mom is very busy with work and keeping those dogs away! I owe him big time! Nancy
  4. KimKim.... no you won't! Because you are the parent, they are the child!!! Train AWAY from the cage. Stepup, step down.... essential! Nancy
  5. LOVED the video! Teenagers are a favorite with greys! Explore it Nancy
  6. Nonsense! Your son is human. Your bird is important to you! Ryan and Sean my kids, have jumped thru hoops to make sure Sophie has a safe home, and she has accepted them. They have always revered her to being " the devil child!" Why YES she is! Nancy
  7. It was harder then I thought it would be! Sorry I havent been here, but was very busy keeping Sophie safe.Sophie LOVED Ryan the moment he walked in the door. I knew she would. She remained faithful to Sean, so you couldn't tell whom she was more happy to see. Ryan had a new dog, as well as our adopted son had a new puppy. We had too many dogs that were new to our family. In the end.... both Ryan and Sean kept Sophie safe, she loved them both equally! She stepped up to both of them, when I made sure pups were caged. Ryan leaves tomorrow, so Sophie will be able to come out more. In the end.... I was the one who couldn't have their " best friend" out.I was becoming irritable! Sean recognized this! LOL Nancy
  8. bluedawg... LOVED the video! It was fun to see a grey enjoy water! Sophie never will unfortunately.... her one and ONLY pet peeve! Showers here suck! It has to be done, she knows it... we do it both sighing! After 14 years, we have done everything possible and I have resigned myself, to we just have to do it. Sophie has resigned herself as well. We enter the " shower agreement"... lets get it done, and then we can do something fun! Nancy
  9. If you are going to get birds of " different species", do so, when they are young!!!!! Sophie and my Amazon, Kiki, got along, but also " challenged" each other! They brought out the " best, as well as the worse", of each other. It was twice the work, and twice the commitment of the entire family! Nancy
  10. Happy New Year as I worked Christmas! Nancy and gang
  11. Sterling SL... you made the BEST choice! Learning more about your personality, I can't WAIT until Gracie starts reasoning more, and kicks your ass! You are going to have SO much fun! P.S. my rose breasted got adopted and I am thrilled for her! I got the details, and sounds like an excellent home. YAHOOOOOOOOO! Nancy
  12. lol sterling! I'm thinking Miss Dayo has nothing to feel guilty about! Sophie does the same on garbage left exposed.... its hers to dispose of. ( on the floor when she is done!) She hasn't questioned me yet on that garbage can that slides away! Nancy
  13. Now Sean is home.Sophie went crazy, as I knew she would. She can't get enough of him, and he is delivering. Ryan coming home in 48 hours, Sean has already mentioned, Sophie will ignore him once Ryan is home! ( I hope not!) It would be a perfect time for me to go on vacation! Nancy
  14. Greywings.... If thats true.... the aliens are going to skip our house! We are not so normal... I think the aliens would consider us to be a " hot mess!" Nancy
  15. My heart goes out to everyone that has struggled to acclimate birds, kids and spouses. It is very difficult. My kids now 20 and 23, still refer to Sophie as the " devil child!" While they all get along quite well, they know what she is capable of. It is always difficult when having a younger family member, to help them get over their fear, as the chances are, the grey will bite them. I know what worked for us for Sophie to love and tolerate my kids. Always think " out of the box", and I am sure you can make it work Nancy
  16. On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... four calling birds ( I can poop on your shoulder any time I want), three french hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree! nancy
  17. Great advice from everyone! Different perches are very important! Sophie loves the concrete perch the best! The only thing that I would advise differently, is not to give a favorite perch at top! All my birds are territorial, if at the top of the cage. THATS when I got a bite.I always had a step stool to be taller, when asking my bird to stepup!Many thought I was crazy.... tested it.... worst bite of my life from the Amazon! I went back to always being taller. I am lucky now, that no matter where they are on their cage, they stepup. Whether they are on the top, bottom, or just walk out or fly, they have a foot up telling me " stepup!" Its funny how the meaning has changed.... they want "me" to step it up.. whats for dinner? Nancy
  18. Awww... the bonding time for a new adoptive parent is really hard! I know you will give great advice to your son. Nancy
  19. I would have been scared! LOL! Just a trusting bird knowing his owner has gone off the " deep end", once again! LOL Nancy P.S. I wonder what goes thru those greyt minds? Nancy
  20. That is fantastic! We realize, when we have made progress! It is usually true, and the trust just keeps coming! Nancy
  21. Speaking of accents, my bird has none in my opinion... my kids friends say she sounds like a valley girl from California! Say " what"... she is NOT a valley girl, nor has their accent! Kids agree with me! LOL! She may have a New York City attitude.... but she is NO valley girl! Nancy
  22. DANG Pat! Take your girl out more often! Even the birds don't recognize her in dressup! Nancy
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