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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. TOTALLY framed! LOL Nancy
  2. As Sophie has gotten older, she takes better care of her wings beak and talons. I provide the right perches, and she does a good job. She USE to see our bird groomer at least four times a year, where he trimmed all. She didn't mind. Last weekend was a serious grooming day for her. She hung on her favorite gate separating kitchen from family room.I was in family room watching TV... but then just watched her for an hour cleaning the down, separating each feather making herself beautiful. It was interesting to watch! Of course I told her how beautiful she looked... got a wagging tail! Nancy
  3. I dont recommend getting a baby before sixteen weeks. That is not always what works for some families. I can imagine the work it takes to take care of those unweaned birds. I got Kiki my Amazon at sixteen weeks, but it took her an additional nine months to be fully weaned. YIKES! Yes,,,, she became the BEST eater of veggies and healthy stuff and taught everyone else how to eat right, but it was alot of work! EZfrag hang in there! Nancy
  4. AWESOME! Whats the name for a girl or boy? Nancy
  5. Say WHAT???? I missed the forum about pellet gun shooting! Can you repeat it??? Nancy PS.... MY blood pressure is rising
  6. QWERTY... I am soooo excited for you and your gang! I felt like I was a " DEBBIE DOWNER".... but wanted you to know the facts. You are committed and CAN do it! Of course, we are all here for you anytime you need us! Nancy
  7. Sophie eats boiled chicken all the time! Ollie my pup eats half a chicken breast 2.5 ounces as well as his dried dog food daily ( a long story why he eats chicken). Sophie brings him a peanut in the morning, he gives her a piece of chicken! She has eaten chicken forever. I guess they consider it a fair exchange I do watch her protein, push veggies. She is a great weight and her bloodwork is always good. Whats wrong with chicken? Nancy
  8. I am soooo proud of Bongo! He is getting so comfortable to be himself, and be bad! THATS when you know they are happy! Nancy
  9. QWERTY... I noticed you said " ouch." I hope I didn't offend you in anyway. I didn't mean to offend! We all have different opinions and never mean to say " my way is the right way!" I have complete respect for anyone that has more than one grey.I just can't imagine having twin two year olds! Nancy
  10. I couldnt hear it for some reason, but I could " read the parrots beak." LOL NOT a screaming grey but vocalizing. Being partially deaf does has its benefits. If you want to hear ear splitting screaming, get an Amazon! OUCH! Even Kiki could hurt my ears. Luckily she only screamed from 300-315 on a daily basis.(pm thank goodness!) I could hear her four doors down when I walked Ollie in the summer with windows opened.I just pretended I didn't live at that house. Sophie CAN get really loud.... I just say " shhhh" and she quiets right down.I suppose I did train her to do that, but dont think of it as training. Just a normal human response to a very loud bird! Nancy
  11. Oh no! I am so sorry for your friend! I will ask my friends and co-workers. nancy
  12. Jeez guys.... you are all scaring me! I live alone since kids went to school! LOL! I would be freaking with hinged door sounds and would make Sophie sleep with me! ( of course, as she LOVES to sleep with me, she would do it more!) Nancy
  13. Dave said it best. LOVED the picture, and can imagine the work Dave put into them!!! I also agree with luvparrots as well! I am very selfish, and can only do " one grey". If you have two... you have to put in 200%. If you can do that FANTASTIC!!!!! You WILL be subtracting quality time with baby Rio and possibly stressing him in the future and only you can decide if its worth the risk Nancy
  14. EZFrag... Willing to help you if you need it Nancy
  15. Inara welcome back! we really missed you! Nancy
  16. bluedawg I LOVE your excitement regarding your future career!You love what you do and will go far. Nancy
  17. LOVED the video. Settling in nicely! I am also big into contact calls. Follow your birds lead when away from each other. Sophie would NEVER eat fruits and veggies until our relationship was established. Contact calls became her favorite game. Nancy
  18. Sophie has the patience of a saint. She will sit there for a minute while you wash your hands with one foot up waiting to be picked up... I do worry... she has sooooo much trust, and I am concerned lately, since my injury, that I can't always be there for her. She is so trusting Nancy
  19. I love my girl! She loves routine, and rules the animal kingdom including my dog, but she will adjust when needed. I recently suffered a head injury and was lucky to have my son home to help. He ruled and everyone needed to follow his instructions. He did a GREAT job Nancy
  20. Muse... let me know how I can help you! I would be glad to travel and help with transport! It KILLS me... that I can't foster. My open cage concept makes my living arrangement limited. I promised Sophies owner, that she would have a good life and would always be first.I have a GREAT gym that Kiki loved and Sophie doesn't care about. Would be happy to donate,,, let me know how I can help Nancy
  21. Why do you have this bird so early, as opposed to the normal sixteen weeks? I am not being critical.... just curious. Nancy
  22. LOVED IT! Dorian and Sophie could have had sooooo much fun! Right up her alley. I am careful to avoid regular newspaper and phone books as the ink is not good for them Catalogs and flyers are a favorite. I leave them on the countertop and pretend to be clueless. She destroys right on! Nancy
  23. chezron... I appreciate your support of the enviroment. I do too so I feel guilty. I can't stand to use a sponge more than a week even when I put it in the dishwasher.I wont let my kids use a washcloth when they shower. ( liquid soap only). I guess we all have things that gross us out! Nancy
  24. E-coli is easy to pass on! Of course washing hands is the preventive method.... C- diff is rampant in hospitals and passed on thru feces. I just am very conscious of handling feces. I run human dishes and bird bowls and toys separately in dishwasher. Its worked for us all. Birds are healthy, and so are we. As I am crazy about washing hands and have taught my kids to do the same, I am sure we have cut down alot of illnesses that could have hurt all of us. I'm sure we wash our hands too much. ( wash before and wash after handling a bird). I worry more that we can introduce infection to the birds. Sometimes Sophie is very impatient when I get home from work and wants me to pick her up. She sits there with her foot up and ready while I wash. If she could roll her eyes she would! Nancy
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