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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Steve...Misty, is DEFINITELY a male, as he is very untidy, BUT, may be a female, as he makes" sense ". BACKATCHA my friend! LOL! Nancy
  2. Amazing... how many people have trouble with step up, and step down. First thing....practice stepup and stepdown, off the door. I have NEVER put my fingers inside their cage for ANY reason! Its their domain, and they dont appreciate your fingers. Open cage door, play games in front of cage. Include entire family. Once your baby is interested, they will come on the door, or climb down to check things out. Sophie learned stepup thru games. In all the years that I have had her, I have never put my fingers inside her cage other than to clean it. Of course I can put my fingers in her cage now to stepup, because she loves and trusts me. I still tend not too, as I respect her cage as her domain. I let her know when I am planning on cleaning it, she immediately goes to her gym. Nancy
  3. I've had all my guys DNA sexed.... but I promise you.... If I didn't, I would know. Kiki and Sophie demonstrated girl traits,, Sunny demonstrated boy traits! Nancy
  4. Greywings with excellent advice! I also agree, that if baby slides back, and wants the formula, give it. Progress to a spoon. ALWAYS satisfy the oral stage. My Amazon still wanted an occassional formula feeding off a spoon for nine months. She became our best eater of veggies, fruits or anything new! I also always supported the " regurg" into my hand. I know many don't as they consider this as sexual aggression, but I never felt it. If they produced a " gift" to me, I always thanked them, and gave a " gift" back! I got a wagging tail for my effort. I am no pro with sexual aggression, as none of my birds displayed it outside of Kiki. When she was hormonal, we all kissed her butt and gave her room to deal. ( that included Sophie and Sunny!) It was funny to watch Sophie NOT be her bossy self! Nancy
  5. They are ALL adorable! I'm now saying " morning " twenty times a day! LOL! As this is a new word for Sophie, and she REALLY likes it, we have decided NOT to teach her what it means in context. She knows it is some form of greeting between us humans. She wags her tail when she says it, is quite proud of herself, so we are too! Morning to you all even if it is 8pm! Nancy
  6. BaileysPapa... Bailey is doing GREAT for the age of two! This is the most difficult year for parents, in my opinion. Terrible twos, biting, no interest in listening or learning... I could go on and on! Stay strong... develop a plan for the entire family that you all follow exactly. ALWAYS be on the same page. This was the year I was strict about wrist only, for the entire family, discipline was done by all for Sophies biting. It took six months of hell.... but we all stuck together, and now more than a decade later, have a wonderful girl. Nancy
  7. Awww... Inara is doing so well! Shows that you are patient with her. I LOVED when Sophie understood more the " context" of our conversations! It was amazing! It continues today. Never give up on the snuggling expectation. Sophie snuggled more after four ( my favorite year). If you " don't expect it... they can't deliver!". Encourage snuggling time always....of course they set the stage and tolerance. Nancy
  8. Alfie is soooo cute! A " dainty chewer" Takes his time, LOL. We need to invent a vacumn that is amazing, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Shop vacs are great...but....I tend to use my regular vacumn and go thru them like crazy. Nancy
  9. We all do different things! Any new owner, needs to investigate the care and commitment it takes, to have a grey. Once you commit....you can checkout experienced owners, see what they do, etc. I am all for full flight, trim back during terrible twos.... full flight again! Many hate that plan! That doesn't change my plan. ( although I have the best trimmer, which helps). We listen to others, make a plan with our instincts. I have always listened to others with suggestions, but have always followed my gut instincts. Nancy
  10. Sophie didn't do that hormonal stuff when we got her at age two. She did some terrible twos stuff, but raging hormones...NOT! Some loving with kids feet is all she has ever done. So she has a foot fetish... we dont care. She never displayed bad behavior, when ignoring her foot fetish! She did, and will always hate a bath. It just gets done. She knows we empathize....Nancy
  11. Thank you all! Ollie wears his heart on his sleave. He is sad. Sophie has been much more needy past few days. Thank goodness Sean is home to spend time with them both, while I am at work.He was such a good bird, and never put up with Sophie's nonsense and let her know it! Never a bite.... but a squack " STOP!" Sophie always did. I am now feeling " cursed" during St. Patricks weekend!
  12. Better yet.... they LOVE to chew the book you are reading! LOL! Nancy
  13. Thank you! No new pups or birds.Sophie and Ollie are best friends... I am glad they love each other.I know it wasnt meant to be... for another dog or bird to be part of our life Nancy
  14. chezron Your feelings were very hurt! Brutus didn't mean to betray you! Nancy
  15. The loss of Zoey and Sunny on the same day...one year apart, tells me... no more animals! Nancy
  16. Elvenking...I think, if you deprive Issac of love, and normal affection, it won't go well. Love your baby... dont worry about the sexual aggression. Sophie LOVES ryan and Seans feet. When they sleep... she does a mating dance! We are aware.... and it doesnt change anythimg Nancy
  17. ..... I can't believe, I lost Zoey and Sunny on the same day, one year apart! I was still grieving for Zoey... then I loose Sunny! My friends have been bugging me, it was time to get a new pup! I was considering it, but then Sunny left me. Just a sign for me.... no more animals! Nancy
  18. Definitely, establishing dominace. Not really different, from fighting! Having two greys, is twice the work, but there are many owners that have made it work. Nancy
  19. I am so relieved! Before we got into the bird world... kids were tested as they both have asthma. No allergy to birds. THEN.... our world got taken over! Nancy
  20. When you hire someone to care for your bird, it is a contract. What you ask for... needs to be delivered. No matter what their belief is! It is important to find the best groomer. For me... our groomer, was just as important as our vet. While I believe new babies need to learn how to fly, I am supportive in trimming back during terrible twos. Yes, they can fly... but need to land and learn. My groomer trimmed Sophie and Kiki perfectly! A quick landing... a little less ADHD...Nancy
  21. Poor Sunny... he is in birdie heaven. I couldn't find him yesterday when I went in the birdroom to clean it and feed them. I found him under the secretary. I knew he was dying. ( he is very old). We spent the day together. Wrapped him in a towel to keep him warm and secure, and I never left his side. He would wakeup occassionally for some water and his favorite yogurt.Ollie my pup, knew something was wrong with him, insisted on being with us. Ollie sat by our side thruout the day. His breathing was easy, and he appreciated the pets. At 630 pm, he slipped into a coma and died peacefully with us all by his side.I am grateful he didn't suffer, and I know he knows we were with him. Nancy
  22. I agree with all the posts! Important to always monitor dogs, cats and birds! No matter how much they love each other! Usually Ollie my dog sleeps with me, and I will be honest, there have been times he has chosen to not sleep with me and as Sophie has an open cage and can fly upstairs,I sometimes find them both scratching at my door to let them in.I do need to be more diligent in keeping them separated! Ollie can't get in the birdroom...but Sophie can fly upstairs and Ollie can meet her there. Nancy
  23. All have great ideas! A chance.... as suggested by murfchck...is certainly reasonable! Sophie turned out pretty good when we got her on a whim! We were clueless when we adopted her at age two. She wasn't aggressive, but entering the terrible twos. Her, " welcome home", was leaving her travel cage open in front of her cage, abandoned her when we found Teddy the guinea pig missing. We kinda forgot about her as we scrambled looking for Teddy! LOL! She joined in the chase and she found him. She fit right in right from the start. ( of course we had our biting issues for the next several months!) Nancy
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