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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Thanks Chezron. I appreciate your experience! Its been a year since we lost Zoey, lost Sunny our sunconure the same day a year later. It was a tough few weeks after. Kids stepped up, while off in college. Ryan skyped more with Sophie, Sean came home every two weeks to make sure everyone is ok. Sophie and Ollie are more close and both are doing just fine! Nancy
  2. AWESOME! What do you mean it doesn't have much meaning? Thats HUGE! Its the beginning of a conversation... and in " grey terms"... I'm talking to YOU!!!! Its a beginning, and while we as humans don't understand the importance of it... I now do! Its just the beginning. Nancy
  3. He sounds awesome! Focus on the trust, as well as the education that is so important! BOTH... are so important, and while it may take a few years... thats what grey time is! For now... trust, toys and diet. Remember, trust is not just you, but other family members. If not dealt with, they will choose one family member. ALL members need to be involved from the start. Always focus on the concept " stepup, stepdown"., and teach it! For me... it is the number one concept birds need to learn, and they can when they are young. I believe in doing it off the door. I am not a big believer in putting my fingers inside their cage. Its their domain, and none of my birds ever appreciated my hand inside their cage. So I never did, nor did I suffer a bite. Focus on the needs of your bird, and all will go well Nancy
  4. Well isn't she a keeper! Nancy and Sophie ( Sophie liked the latest pictures, and gave her squack of approval!) Nancy
  5. Ollie has it made! He has two new friends on the left and right that both love him, and Sophie, that adores the ground he walks on! Zoey just bossed him around, and while I miss my Zoey.... she wasn't nice to ollie when it came down to getting my affection. He misses Zoey.... but is getting much more attention. Nancy
  6. Or just a mommy who doesn't take potty breaks! LOL! Just wait... BUT I'm hoping you can stay one step ahead of our beasts! Sophie sometimes beats me...( okay... she beats me alot!) I have a package for Ryan I need to mail out... its hiding on the kitchen table underneath my bathrobe.Sophie knows its there and has been watching it like a hawk! She's thinking... ROM is gonna put on that robe, sooner than later.... I'll just wait patiently! HA! NOT going to happen! LOL Sophie and I play this game all the time,and we both respect each other for the effort we both put in to win! She is loosing lately with the computer! So glad Sean encouraged a laptop! ( Sophie... NOT so happy!) Nancy
  7. Ryan is definitely bonded to Sophie since he was nine years old! Their bond is freaky! She can skype with him, and only see him once a year and they act like " it was just yesterday!" BUT...I need to be concerned, that if anything happens to me, my girlfriend will take care of Sophie, until Ryan is capable. My girlfriend, knows my expectations Nancy
  8. Happy birthday! Nancy, Sean, Ryan and Sophie
  9. Beautiful flight! Now add a harness! They freak out... get off the focus... and are gone! I believe in what you do, I did it when Sophie was " slightly trimmed"... she flew away too far for me to feel comfortable EVER again! A decade ago. Bluedawg has reminded me to give her a chance again... Sophie, I know, will do good with a harness. ( at least I'm willing to try!) She will be fine with the harness... its me that will be concerned! Of course, if a parent is worried... they will be too! I'm going to try once i feel confident. Nancy
  10. Olie is in love with the new pup next door to the right... pup, a rescue, is in love with Ollie on the left. He is getting alot of attention! I bought him a new runner today, as he is escaping the old one. Two escapes in one week was too much. He could have been hit by a car. He won't be escaping.... but his new long runner can get him in both directions where he wants to be Nancy
  11. He hasn't felt well past several weeks, got boarded... he may not be at his best right now. Maybe his " taking it out on you", is more he is feeling you betrayed him! ( they do that with the ones they love the most!) Don't feel rejected or insulted.... give extra attention... one on one time. Sophie has gone thru several periods in her life that she felt " I betrayed her!" She is such a drama queen! I NEVER betrayed her, but she felt I did... extra attention, all about Sophie... she was quick to forgive for something I never did.Its always about our birds... even if we don't always understand what we did wrong! Nancy
  12. Well as far as the bank...lol! Too cute! Nancy
  13. The decision is final.... no new pups or birds. I thought long and hard about it. I don't want to " outlive any new animals." Ollie, probably won't outlive me... but Sophie probably will! I have a plan for her with friends... I thought Sean should take her, but Ryan wants her! ( she is bonded mostly with Ryan). I felt Sean would be more responsible... but he has plans to get his masters and doctorate in Germany. Ryan is " insulted ", that I would EVER consider anyone outside of him. ( I am concerned how he can provide for her). Nancy
  14. I reread your posts... trying to find, something that is a change... can't find one! See if you can find something that has changed in their enviroment. ( even just relocating the cage a few feet is a change!) Nancy
  15. Thanks Madi! Ollie my pup escaped today off his runner! I found him trotting next to a dog walker, with a dog that looked just like him! I recognized his walk while driving around the block looking for him. LOL He really liked his new friend chewy ( how embarrassing). Now Chewey's owner wants a play date... I'm SO embarrassed and HATE... when I suck as a parent Nancy
  16. My oldest, owns a motorcycle! ( we can only keep them safe up to a certain point!). BUT.... as crazy as it sounds, Sophie is my third child... and she is NOT capable of making a safety decision, so it is up to us as a family to keep her safe, which of course, we always do! Its the difference of having a " pet ", vs a family member. Nancy
  17. Awww. Scooty is fantastic! I agree, always listen to your bird! Learn about diet, toys and cage. Learn stepup and stepdown. Once you get to the trust level and Grey " to make everything about her". manipulate their desires..... you can be a successful Grey parent! They are too fun, and Sophie has been such a joy in our lives. She is Way too social, but we appreciate her attempts to be " all about Sophie". Nancy
  18. Cute video... but don't do it! Greys can be loving and trusting. They are forever two years old! They don't understand " human danger" and will do anything we ask of them once trust is established. If the trust is there, we should respond as parents to keep them safe. Nancy
  19. " resistance"... is very hard! While I always had a plan with my birds, the plan changed. Not by me, but by circumstances. Now bird trimmer feels Sophie needs a new friend ( he is not looking to earn money, but to give me a rescue or rehomed bird.) My friends tell me Ollie needs a new pup. I was excited initially... but now the struggle of getting a new bird vs getting a new dog... I am not sure why I should do either as Sophie and Ollie are best friends! I would only do it to " save" a dog or bird, but I am getting older now, and don't want to put a dog or bird in a situation that they out live me Nancy
  20. I agree! I apologize... Accappella... I am sooo sorry! Sleep apnea, is scary, and it is so hard to adjust to the apneic machine. My sister had such a hard time! She felt she was " suffocating", when on the machine, and would wakeup panicking.We talked daily about it. Nancy
  21. tommiekris....awwww....Onyeka is falling in love with you! Looking forward to hearing more stories! I LOVE hearing Ryan and Sean trading stories about Sophie! She has been part of their lives for many years. Nancy
  22. All_Hail_King_Rufus... First... LOOSE the attitude! Don't snap your fingers at us, and expect answers! If you want it in a " nutshell"... your baby is too young, needs to be weaned. Find a formula that works, as well as introduce pellets with a healthy diet. I will be MORE than happy to help, but you need to learn patience! It may take several months of a " mesh" diet, while introducing pellets. Its GREY time, not yours.Birds wean themselves, and you... just " listen", to their needs. You need to listen Nancy
  23. Not really sure! I will be honest! Off to get food in next few days, I will ask my trimmer. Nancy
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