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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Jeez... I've learned so much about child life, music therapy, all aimed to distract! Sophie would LOVE it! She would be thrilled if someone was playing the guitar and singing to her while her nails and beak were trimmed. Nancy
  2. Starting a new job this week. I will only be working eight hour shifts. It will be better for Sophie. I can be with her more. I was very worried about orientation, as the new job will be with alot of pediatric patients, and wasn't sure if I had enough knowledge.I was so happy to see, I had LOTS of knowledge, am feeling more secure into second day. How funny, that the orientation of taking care of kids. was so similar in taking care of our greys. Nancy
  3. Welcome Becky and Peanut! Nancy and Sophie
  4. I am so happy Miss Gilbert is getting into trouble! LOL! I know what you mean...while it drives me crazy, how much Sophie gets into( especially when I don't hear anything for a few minutes... I know its bad!), I am grateful that she is happy, well adjusted.I also appreciate when I make a new recipe ( chicken marsella and rice tonight), we didn't like it, but she thought it was awesome! ( she took a few bites of rice!) I always get high praise from my girl. nancy
  5. samansad... you can do it! I've watched you in action.I just worry about your face getting a good bite. Maybe others have gotten their bird to come out off of a closed fist? Nancy
  6. Alfie looks great, and not so traumatized! Good idea letting him come out of his carrier when ready. Nancy
  7. It gets better guys! I promise... I found the age of four to be fantastic.Now down to three windowsills that she chews occassionally...poopie pads underneath. She is a snuggler and a keeper. Nancy
  8. Shaken Birdie Syndrome! When is mom coming home? LOL! Have fun Nancy
  9. SullysMom...so happy Sully is flying! It is always amazing to hear their wings....( or farts!) LOL! Sophie talks too much and goes on and on! She can't hide even if she wanted too. I made this comment once to my kids, wondering why... they got very quiet, and I got it! They think I talk too much, and she is immitating me. Fine! Nancy
  10. Acappella... the day has come! Welcome! Now you have to always be one step ahead. Get a laptop and dont forget to close it. I got tired of investing in keyboards. Get smart and put a toy in the area Dorian will destroy. ( Sophie THINKS she is destroying something I don't know about, but I left it for her in the first place.)AH HA! I try to outsmart her, but she usually is one step ahead of me. I get very frustrated, when she is two steps ahead of me! Think of safety. Electrical plugs in outlets, ceiling and regular fans. Always remind Dorian NO and remove from a dangerous situation. Sophie understands a firm NO and will jump back three steps. It truly is like having a permanent two year old.15 years later... I get her safety issues, anticipate her destructive mode, and have a " counter measure" for her areas she likes to hangout and destroy Nancy
  11. Try some catchy phrases... Sophie LOVES kotchiekotchiekoo... she says it all the time! Read some poems that rhyme. Sophie especially loves Thomas the Tank Engine, and LOVES cloth books. ( I've been reading the same book for more than a decade). She loves new songs that are whistled to her. Nancy
  12. She KNOWS what haunts you, and your weakness! What a very smart birdie! Gotta love her Nancy
  13. So much advice, and all so different. Follow your heart and instinct. For me... I focused on stepup and step down, always being taller, but followed their lead. The one time I followed the advice that being taller, didn't matter, I got bit...We can all only advice, but in the end, you have to follow Alex's choices.If you don't like his choices, its up to you to give the alternative. Always remember, you are the parent, and that is the goal for Alex to comprehend. That means.... I am here for you, you can trust me as long as it takes! I will always keep you safe, feed you, and provide you with the social enviroment for you to thrive...I've done that for Sophie. When thinking of a new pup or bird, I always think " how will it effect Sophie?" All my decisions are focused on her. I think my choices and decisions have helped Sophie to be the most amazing Grey I know Nancy
  14. Messing with their cage, is a serious stressor! As its temporary, if she prefers her travel cage, give it a try! Nancy
  15. No! Injury to the birds leg, will happen! I'm working on " planning" the harness. Getting ready to do it. ( Sophie is gonna be soooo annoyed!) BUT... she wants to be with us all the time, and the harness is the only way. Sean and I were opening the pool today, Sophie sitting in her favorite chair by the sliding door, yelling ROM.... SEAN... HELLO!Sean says no... I say " why not". He points out Hawk attacks... if we lose her, its my fault! Nancy
  16. I'm not really sure, as I got Sophie when she was two. She came from a good home, but was still doing alot of baby talk, but I only met her twice before adopting her. Her daddy did say she imitated lots of sounds farting, burping, coughing... he wasn't kidding! LOL! I discovered within a week, she enjoyed " contact calls", I'd say something, or a sound, or a whistle...she would repeat it! It became a game, and when she won... I would go get her and praise her. Its her favorite game even today. More than a decade later, Sophie chews my ear off, but if she doesn't have the words, she goes back into babble! ( she talks nonstop!) Nancy
  17. WOW! Looks great! I still give Sophie that peanut, gotten from my bird store! Remember, even if they don't like it at first.... try and try again! Focus on veggies Nancy
  18. You are a natural! Alex is going to do well under your care. He is hesitant, but wants to trust you. Routine, routine, routine! Establish the trust. Watching the videos, Alex is a very healthy grey, both physically and emotionally. He is going to thrive! Work on stepup and step down off the door for several weeks. DON"T go anywhere. Stop with the kisses on the face. Greys need to learn wrist status only, for as long as it takes,until they trust you, then get shoulder status. Be taller than your grey, when educating...a difference of opinion on this site. Nancy
  19. Hope the alternative works! Rooting for you Nancy
  20. katana600... Miss Gilbert LOVES you, and does love your color of human! She knows you are her " safety net"... and without you, her stress level would go for a 10/10!!!!!! Small steps.... grey steps! Nancy
  21. New stressor for Sophie... I'm not sure if Ollie my dog is feeling okay. He is eating and drinking.... but later in the day. Not greeting me at the door like he always does. Sophie is calling him like crazy to come out and pee ( more than normal). All's she talks about is Ollie Ollie Ollie. I carried him down tonite to go outside when I got home and he was happy and playful outside. If she is stressed... I know something is wrong. I'm gonna wait until Friday, but I'm feeling concerned like Sophie is. Just not sure what could be wrong, as he was happy and playful when I let him out. First time he has never knocked Sophie over, to get and see me when I came home. Nancy
  22. Greytness....That will change someday. Just Grey time... Nancy
  23. Timbersmom... Sophie loves that wrapping paper... it drives me crazy! She tends to try and open everyone's gift, since she loves it so much. No interest in the roll ( what the heck)? Sean was wrapping his dad's birthday gift with Christmas wrapping paper the other day. He asked me why I still have Christmas paper out? I just looked at you know who! Nancy
  24. Mistyparrot....I think it is an excellent idea to tell your bird what you are going to do! Learning manners is a must, and I am all for it. Sophie at least says " NO THANK YOU." to her shower. Kat... you are an excellent mommy, and protect your baby just the way I protect my girl Sophie, as Acapella said. It DOES get a little fuzzy, whom I gave birth to! LOL! The old " you love him more than me" arguement, gets my kids laughing very hard! They say I love Sophie more than both of them! LOL Not true... I love them all the same.I'm just glad the kids don't chew on wood, Nancy
  25. Alex is a very healthy bird! Normal responses, and is going to do great! He needs time to get use to the door, as I am sure, he is not use to being outside of his cage much. Get him comfortable with his door, get a step stool and start working on stepup, step down off the door. Praise like crazy when he does it. ( no going anywhere!) Once Alex is comfortable with stepup and step down, go on a tour of your home. Return, when Alex is uncomfortable! We did this like crazy with Sophie. She LOVED her tour, and wanted more. Stepup and step down, are obsolete for us now. Her foot is always up and ready to go... that should always be the goal. Nancy
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