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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. A new adventure, and it won't stop there! LOL! I've got four window sills that need fixing, but not sure why I should, as Sophie would chew them again! NOT horrible... but " Sophie was here!" Maybe time for a harness? Nancy
  2. Ray.. My extended family doesn't get it, but my kids do. they are such an important part of our family! Nancy
  3. Sorry... started my new job this week and have been going nuts trying to get launched! I took this job mostly, so I could have better hours to spend with Sophie. I'm loving it... but with anything knew, takes commitment, so I haven't had much free time. I'm going to measure for u tomorrow. I remember when Sophie was young, and Kiki, my Amazon was a baby. Lack of coordination. They would get " stuck", or " fall". I contacted my bird trimmer, talked to my vet, and had them agree on the perfect cage for me! I will measure for u this weekend Nancy
  4. SterlingSL... off to the gym for your bird! LOL. I wonder if they make birdie treadmills! Nancy
  5. Please identify, if you have a congo or tag.... age is important too. Nancy
  6. Timbersmom...Timber may be a light weight, but has the heart of a GIANT! Nancy
  7. Sophie LOVES the Chinese fingers too! Nancy
  8. What a happy baby! Many, have discussed the safety issues and covered it well. Nancy
  9. Sophie loves her veggies grilled! She really just likes what we all eat, has her own place setting at the table. I know that sounds shocking...but... we DID choose to adopt a grey! They want to be a member of the family. She is considered as " the baby", even though she is 15. She eats very well! Nancy
  10. Sophie looks good! Mean and lean, but refused to get on the scale! I will try tomorrow again. She was not interested...... Nancy
  11. WAY too much passion! Lol! Nancy
  12. I'm gonna measure it tomorrow for you. I will let u know! Sophie has two cages... one for sleeping, one for playing and eating. She has become soooo spoiled! Nancy
  13. Sophie always tells Ollie my pup " out!", or go out and pee! He runs for the door. If only she could hook him on his runner..... LOL Nancy
  14. Devin Corso... In the end... you need to re-establish your relationship. It shouldn't take long, but u have to be committed. Sophie has had relationships with my two kids at college, so I understand the difficulty it takes to continue with the trust.In the end... if one kid comes home from college, that she hasn't seen in a year... she will " knock u over", to get to them! She doesn't have to see them... she just has to hear from them weekly! It doesn't take Sophie long, to reestablish her trust! Routine and consistensy... Nancy
  15. Invest in a "Heavy duty vacumn"... not plucking as others said. Nancy
  16. Elvenking...Isaac is going to be amazing! You have decided that! Isaac will learn thru u, thats your expectation, and he will deliver! Sophie is amazing now. Changed my job status to keep her that way this week. Eight hour shifts, as 12 hour shifts stressed her. A very spoiled girl, and want to keep her that way! Nancy
  17. AWWWWW... I also have a chest of feathers and foot prints in a box. I haven't kept up on it! Poor Sophie has that " last baby syndrome". We love her to death... but don't collect like we should! ( we do take alot of pictures of her!) Nancy
  18. Cardboard anyone? LOL! Sophie is a cardboard fanatic! My friend at work, works the supply room... he always saves cardboard for Sophie. She doesn't love toys.... but loves to destroy cardboard! Larry always thinks of her! Nancy
  19. I'm not sure!!! I know many struggle with hormones... Sophie was never a hormone crazy girl. ( we had Kiki to do all the hormonal stuff!) I was never big on refusing a regurg, as long as it was in my hand. ( Sophie usually did, after having a very fun day, and wanted to leave me a gift). She still does! You have to know your bird, understand sexual aggression, then make a decision Nancy
  20. neoow... PLEASE NOT morning!!!!!!!! Sophie learned it several months ago, and morning day or night, its " morning!" I told my son, I wasn't going to teach her the meaning, or context of this word, and let her run with it! I found it cute, as I usually correct her, or teach her what the word means. I know, she has heard Sean and I greet each other this way, so she likes " morning". We are " morning" probably 20 times a day! She is fascinated with the word, so morning it is! Nancy
  21. I remember that in 1978, my dad always changed my oil! Nancy
  22. Remember too... look at the eyes! Eye pinning can also indicate a very unhappy bird! You will learn your birds " I'm MAD!" After having Sophie now for more than a decade, I know when she is mad or frustrated! She doesn't have to say a word. She also knows when I am mad or frustrated, and we just work it out. NEVER go to bed mad! LOL! Nancy
  23. Sophie is sooo not going to tell me " google". I can barely keepup with internet, and damned if she is gonna get ahead of me! ( she already has!) Nancy
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