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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Arlene... I am soooo sorry! I hope Dave responds soon. We have always joked about Sophie not being hormonal, but can see it can be a serious issue! Nancy
  2. I want one normal day...just one! I want to know what it feels like to be lonely or bored! Nancy
  3. ummmm sounds to me like you are all getting " snowed", just as I did when Sophie was a youngster! LOL! Just shows how smart they are. Nancy
  4. Very tough indeed! We adopted Sophie after I got separated. Focus on your new move, take one day at a time! Nancy
  5. GREAT advice by Greywings!!! Before you know it... your bird will be everywhere and anywhere. They will always be two steps ahead of you. They watch us closely as they get older... and the games get more challenging ( for us, not them!). LOL! Sophie still likes her new toys left on the countertop in the kitchen. As the family meets in the kitchen all the time, I think she thinks the kitchen is just another playstand and its her favorite area. She LOVES to test new things on the countertop as we all talk and discuss our day. Nancy
  6. I don't think so... but Sophie pretty much eats with us for dinner. I'm just good at grilling and Sophie waits at the table! Nancy
  7. Greytness... we want to see! We aren't judging.... just want to see and be " tickled pink!" ( I need a life!) Nancy
  8. What I love about this site, is we can talk about our birds, but we can also talk about our children! Our disappointments, our fears,our goals! As Sophie is treated like the third child, the goals are similar, and we always believe in them when they disappoint! Nancy
  9. As Sophie gets older and older.she has her pellets, freeze dryed veggies. A diet picked out by her trimmer. A few seeds... but she really enjoys fresh fruits and veggies and dinner with us. Fruits are minimal, but she has a diet rich in protein and veggies. As I have become obsessed with grilling, she is now eating zucchini, squash, you name it, I am grilling it! I'm sure she is trying it, because I am excited for everyone to try it! LOL Nancy
  10. samansad... of course dont rush the trust. Do what your instincts tell you. I wouldn't go crazy regarding toys either.Some greys like them, some don't. Sophie LOVES to chew and destroy, so thats what we bring her home. Shreddable toys like pinatas, Sean when hunting finds blocks of cheery wood for us to clean and for her to destroy.As we are usually in the kitchen, thats where she wants her new toy. All greys are different. You definitely are on the right tract in developing trust. I would encourage you to read a childrens book in front of cage nightly, as well as have the family play a board game in front of your bird with door open nightly.Sophie still loves playing board games, as well as me reading to her every night before bed. Fun habits to get into. Nancy
  11. Muse... No one can top that! With great respect, Nancy
  12. zeevah... I would at least insist this women use your birds name... Nancy
  13. Aww...hang in there! Charlie will amaze you i am sure! Sophie just lost her " painter". Done painting the outside of the house. She LOVED climbing in any window to chew his ear off.I am trying to remain strong and not get her a friend! She has Ollie, but he is getting more tired as he ages, and is not as entertaining as he use to be. Nancy
  14. So could you take a picture of my spoiled, but beloved Sophie and create something amazing? Nancy
  15. tankaray....LOL! Sophie would be thrilled! She rules like a " drill sargeant!" She has one fear, and one dislike. She HATES water.... but FEARS a hormonal bird. As your bird is a boy, no problem! We have never seen Sophie go hormonal, so we always teased her that she was asexual. Our Amazon Kiki, was a different story. Sophie would give her the shirt off her back if she had one to make her happy and stop freaking out! Sophie is DNA tested, and definitely a girl. We just were lucky she never has been hormonal. ( maybe a little if making love to my sons feet counts!) Nancy
  16. Having an open cage concept ( with some limitations), is taking a toll! Its been her way of life for years!!! No to kitchen and family room, but she can go " up"! She has never focused on it! NOW....she knows where we go.. and LOVES UP! Bedrooms and bathroom are closed. Thats okay.... I will wait outside, knock on your door, and will be patient! I told my youngest son Sean, we are not meeting something she needs....pick her up, go back to birdroom, and pay attention to her in her room. We are both doing that,but she continues to NOT stay in her birdroom at bedtime. ( she was always like clockwork!) 13 years.... routine! Something has changed, that she is unhappy. I know her animal kingdom has unfortunately become less....any suggestions would be appreciated. Nancy
  17. Welcome to all! You all have found the " balance", thru trust! I can only ask you this.... " What would you like to change about your current relationship if you had the power?" Nancy
  18. They can be pains in the butt as well! My outside of the house is being painted. My painter, LOVES Sophie... she talks to him all the time. Ollie my pup has been barking alot, Sophie is busy correcting his behavior. The windows are open, so she is coming to the window, asking him " Whats he doing?" Laughing at him...saying " UH OHHHH!" ( perfect timing per him). Of course, he asked if I would be interested in giving Sophie up for adoption, he would be interested! Not happening! LOL( Its always fun to hear how your bird behaves away from Rom!) Nancy
  19. Me too! Only at weight watchers!Sophie is always a lady... and a lady never tells! LOL! LOL! Nancy
  20. Misty will never know if done after bedtime! Nancy
  21. We now have eleven more positions to fill! We are gonna have to let the newbies in... Once we have a team of 22 positions filled, we are going to need a team to go against!I hope u are all okay with Sophie being the coach. I think she would be awesome! ( especially as she refused to be weighed!) LOL! Nancy
  22. LOL! Noooo Escher gets to be center on offense! Now I know the football positions, and we need to be one team. DANG, there are alot of positions.I am moving Sophie up to coach position, as no one else applied. She is quite bossy, but fair, AND can say " come on guys! LETS GO!" Brutus-470-490 grams defensive line Graciemae-490 grams defensive line smokey-575 grams defensive line ShaneO-488 grams tackle Greyness-470 grams tackle Timber-276 grams -quarterback jazz-470 grams-end gracie-370 grams-wide-receiver Tankaray -310 grams-fullback Tee-325 grams-tight end Escher 250 grams- center
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