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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Open cage plan, takes alot of work! Sophie now is alone in bird room. I am rethinking things, as she and Ollie my dog, are the only members of our flock. They want to be together. They know I'm rethinking. Nancy
  2. As dave's post, was allowed thru, I would appreciate my response, to be allowed. Nancy
  3. Sidhe.... I have another suggestion..(.she is doing FANTASTIC with settling in), BUT... I suspect the name change is being a stress. I think Lucy, should remain being called Jacob. Its like telling a two year old, this is your new name. Who cares if you have a girl bird called Jacob.... thats her name! She is adapting to so many changes, and doing well. DON'T change her name. She identifies with her name, and changing it, I think creates an identity crisis. ( they freak out over simple changes!) Nancy
  4. Stephen... You are a GOOD daddy! Isaac knows this! This is just the beginning for you guys. Nancy
  5. Muse... I am soooo sorry!Jojo knew you cared for him. Nancy
  6. I LOVED all posts! They all act like they are two year olds! I noticed that, when Sophie first came home.( clueless for a grey, but quite able to handle a two year old human!) So, I treated Sophie according to the behavior she displayed. " Share Ollie"... you share too Sophie. " No bite"... good girl! "MINE!"... no Sophie THATS mine!!! As she got older, she would say " NO ROM.... THATS mine! She certainly understood the meaning behind our conversations. SHARE, NO and MINE! Sophie understands the meaning behind all those words, and can create many conversations with one of those words being the focus of her discussion. Nancy
  7. It was helpful to hear from my bird trimmer, that knew all my animals! He totally understood, no more pups! Ollie is doing just fine, and Sophie always keeps him busy. When I told him I had lost Sunny, I could tell he had something to say. I told him to " just say it!" He did. He told me that Sophie was going to need a " friend" in her birdroom. She is WAY to social, and Ollie was not going to be enough! I will listen and be open to finding Sophie a friend. Nancy
  8. What was I thinking, when I mentioned I loved Amazons for a rehome? Nancy
  9. Don't forget I heard SterlingSL willing to babysit! Nancy
  10. I don't find any issue with your vets choices. The Haldol, will calm your bird. The collar, will prevent your bird from chewing his feathers. A QUICK fix. I believe the move, is 100% the cause of your birds issues! You have got to get your bird to love his new house! Try frequent tours with you guys room to room. If YOU love it, they will too... Try playing a game with family and your bird, one room a week! Sophie is game crazy... she LOVES games, and is quite competitive!... she now will go to every room in the house, and it is not an issue. All rooms have provided her with a great experience. Nancy
  11. Awwww... I would empathize, as I am sure you do... but as it is a safety issue... I wouldn't feel one ounce of guilt! Whenever Sophie went nuts about time away from me or other family members, devoted to other flock members, we all just said " NO!" She would eventually settle down. Awesome that Inara wants to be with you so much! The relationship is strong, and part of being with mama or papa, is learning to " share" them! Of course, once you come back, it is always helpful to say " now its Inara's turn for mama or papa and deliver! Sophie doesn't freak out anymore and shares quite well! She gives Ollie a peanut, tells him to " share" his chicken! ( he does, and I have to remove the shell from his peanut offering!) As far as having your friend scarred.... LOL... When my sister comes to visit, she is scared all week! Nancy
  12. BaileysPapa.... Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! LOL Kisses and hugs Nancy
  13. No candidates yet....I'm not fussy... just don't want another grey. Sophie rules, and it is soooo much work to have more than one grey! ( kudos to multi grey owners!) I was more concerned about it not being fair to get another bird, their door would have to be closed until I got home. as Sophie's door is opened in the birdroom and i'm not willing to change her enviroment. My bird guy said that wouldn't be a problem. I am hopeful! Nancy
  14. I will NEVER forget the " bootie shake", when we adopted Sophie at age two. She was a rehome, and while driving home with her, she broke out of her transport cage, climbed on my shoulder while I was driving! Kids were screaming.... and Sophie was just wagging her tail on my shoulder! LOL Boy... have we learned alot from Sophie. She STILL does the bootie shake, all the time, but her family has learned sooooo much since then.... she still does the bootie shake, but mostly because her family has learned how to care for her, once she taught us. Nancy
  15. Looking forward for you guys! You have found a great site, that will be there by your side. Nancy
  16. So, many know I am still recovering from the loss of Zoey my pup one year ago. I lost Sunny my sunconure the sameday, a year apart last weekend. My heart is closed, to getting another dog, and I felt my heart was closed to getting a new bird. After going to my birdstore today, and talking to the owner that really knows Sophie... he encouraged me to grieve for the loss of Sunny, but not to close my heart to getting her a companion! He knows her well, and feels she will get lonely, even though when I get home, her door is open. He feels he can find me a " rehome" bird, knowing Sophie personally, and find the perfect match! I am excited, as well as hesitant! Nancy
  17. I sooo miss our Kiki, our Amazon! Mating season for her, she became a different bird! Nancy
  18. Chappie is doing great! I keep talking about doing the harness... I am going to commit myself to doing it this Spring! I'm also worried about the hawks. I KNOW she wants to go outside, as she sits in her favorite chair while I garden outside sliding glass door. Nancy
  19. Thats why I say work on the contact calls...I found it " instrumental", for Sophie's development! It taught her to talk more, trust us, and learn how to have fun with games. A quick whistle, Sophie repeats it... I add to the whistle, she repeats it plus what I added.This game ( done in separate rooms), has been important to her, and has certainly increased her vocabulary. I'm not sure if this will help your bird with plucking, but certainly will if feeling depressed, or anxious. Nancy
  20. How are all your preparation plans coming? Diet, cage, toys... we are all here when you need us! Nancy
  21. Thanks! I think that everyone is use to me taking in many animals that need a home...they are worried. I am down to Sophie and Ollie. We are all good! I have NOT recovered from the loss of Zoey, even though its been a year.I am having difficulty, opening up my heart to someone new! My friends and family don't understand. Nancy
  22. You need to focus on " contact calls". If bird says something, or whistles, repeat it from another room. Repeat it over and over! Our contact calls are sooooo important, I would say, Sophie's vocabulary, has grown by 75% based off of contact calls.We trade calls back and forth. Sometimes I make it more difficult, She responds...sometimes she makes it more difficult, I respond. This is her favorite game for more than a decade! When we are at a " draw", for complexity.... she steps it up and breaks into " rap"... I can't win!( damn those kids!) Nancy
  23. Bigwick70... Would LOVE to see you, family and Wilbur on this site more often ( like regularly!) Wilbur is doing awesome, BUT... there is usually a parent, or family, behind them to get a grey where they are. I know you can help with education, and how you got where you are today. As Sophie is always sitting on my shoulder, I showed her your picture. I found it " breathtaking! " She gave her squack of approval! Nancy
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