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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Ryan was nine, Sean was six, when I got Sophie. Ryan is now 23, Sean is 20.Sophie skypes with Ryan all the time as he is in North Carolina, gets to see Sean several times a year.She loves them both. They were involved in her life at the onset of our adoption. Most greys will pick one owner, if you encourage the entire family with a relationship, it can happen Nancy
  2. SullysMom how did everything turn out? I would have suggested ice for injury, followed by warm compresses four times a day. I would be concerned for infection, or cornea scratch. Sorry I wasn't there for you Nancy
  3. bluedawg... Bedtime is their decision! After monitoring their bedtime desires for two months when they were all first together, they established the time... I just reinforced it! I always started winding down, an hour before. No extra stimuli at seven, books at seven thirty if I could work it out. Of course I always had a stray walkout past bedtime. A quick snuggle and back to bed. Now they put themselves to bed ( at eight). I miss those stragglers who use to come out! No... the birdroom is not closed, nor are they put inside their cage. They sleep where they want, whether on gym or top of cage. I put them on their door of cage when they straggle! Nancy
  4. Dorian will be easy to train. A beautiful baby! Think hard how you can always be one step ahead! Sophie still gets into everything, but she is good with NO! I don't abuse the word, but when I say NO, she knows I mean NO. She will backup three steps. Of course she tests until she knows " must be important to ROM... better not mess with that!" Nancy
  5. Many of us have struggled about bedtime. It IS important for our birds to understand what bedtime means. Sophie LOVES being read too, as this was part of her normal routine. I went thru hiring someone to come read to her when I worked late, kids were gone.There were times I rushed home and she was sleeping. I felt I let her down! She never was mad at me. Nancy
  6. Checkout the Parrot outreach society! Sounds awesome! Nancy
  7. LOVED GrecieMae's rules! These rules, have been effective for years with Sophie. Always hide the charger behind the microwave. She has no clue. Nothing china or glass available on the countertop for her to push over and destroy Nancy
  8. I too would discourage my children from entering police enforcement of any kind! Nancy
  9. Bedtime, is BEDTIME! Birds should go to bed around eight... not an option! If you as a parent, expect this, they deliver! Routine, is important! Sophie doesnt get to pick her bedtime Nancy
  10. Milo is doing well! He loves you and trusts you! When he flys out to your shoulder.... scoot him down to your wrist. Vacumn.... everything you normally do, do on wrist status only!!! Nancy
  11. All have excellent advice! I am just " old school", never bribed... ( but I would have if I knew better). If Sophie got to comfortable in any situation, and bit me....that would be a serious no no, return her to her cage. Her goal from day one when we adopted her, was to be with me or kids. When deprived of our attention, she was quite miserable. She learned quick, and developed a new plan to manipulate us, within usually an hour. Its was always hard, to be " smarter and more devious", than Sophie! She is just to sharp! Nancy
  12. I am not a coffee or tea drinker! I am sure our birds are not either! They just love... what WE love! I start my day with a rockstar or monster drink for the caffeine and of course Sophie wants a sip. NOT a drop my lovely girl!I LOVE our snuggles in the morning, and while she wants a " sip" of what I have... not happening, and ROM has no guilt! Nancy
  13. I know it is out of my hands. I sure do hope God is listening, and has a plan... my poor girlfriend suffered the same, as well as her son quit the police academy the day before graduation... I can't even imagine! Nancy
  14. Of course!!!! If you really want them to be at the table, whats mine is mine, whats yours is yours. Of course, sharing happens! If I share, you need to share. Normal human table manners are very different with greys idea of table manners. They want to please and are quite capable of learning manners. Nancy
  15. All have GREAT advice! A Grey loves to travel! Get the right safety harness, right temp, and off you go! Sophie's first owner was a race car driver. You can tell. She LOVES car rides, and wags her tail when you go fast. If you go to slow, she breaks out of her cage and climbs on your shoulder, which is a quick pull off the side! SIGH.... Sophie hasn't gotten the fast driving out of her blood to this day! Nancy
  16. The good, the bad, the ugly and the blessing... We got Sophie at age two, going thru the terrible two's. Fast forward thru some extreme training involving the entire family, suffering biting, changing favoritism, every emotion you could ever suffer! I wouldn't change a thing! She will be " forever two", so safety locks etc are in my future forever. While my birds have open concept, can't go lateral, but can go up... I am on vacation and sleeping in! Sophie doesn't think I should! This morning, Sophie on my bed went thru every word she knows ( and then some!) to encourage me to GET UP! I wasn't interested! She pulled the BIG GUNS.... singing " take me out to the ballgame". I critique all the time. I got up! LOL I suffered a serious blow after Christmas. My son Ryan, failed this semester in college. I took it hard, and Sophie knew I was very sad. When the kids werent around, I cried. Sophie was there in a heartbeat! She quickly climbed on my shoulder and snuggled me telling me " awwwww Rom" ( mom) I am sure she has no clue while I am sad, but she is there. Nancy
  17. Well I only have Sophie who wants to eat with us! Murfchck has her hands full! LOL! When Sophie leaves her " place setting", I say " NO Sophie! She quickly runs back to her spot. She knows what NO means, and understands the outcome of not listening. She goes back to the birdroom and door is shut. Repetitive action, and lots of interrupted dinners. It was worth the training, and having to get up and interrupt our dinner, because I LOVE having Sophie at the table. As any family, we talk the most at dinner, as she adds her two cents constantly! Even if she can't find the words, she breaks into baby talk to try and keep up on the conversation. Nancy
  18. Good to see other family members involved. Nancy
  19. I'm more partial with the parents! LOL! Jabber is already set to succeed having two parents there to support him. Nancy
  20. I am working! I will be there to keep you and your families safe! Nancy
  21. Just set their plate! Sophie eats with us.... is the best tester of any new dish and ALWAYS compliments me, Nancy
  22. I LOVED the age after three to four! Its amazing! Not only does their vocabulary grow, the " reasoning and understanding", begins. Nancy
  23. Happy New year Miss Dayo and family! LOVE the spoons! Nancy, Ryan, Sean, Sophie and Sunny
  24. Happy New Year all! May it be a GREYT 2015! Nancy
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