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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Awww. Dorian recovered quite quickly! Its always important as parents to be there and support them. NEVER show that you are nervous or worried, as they pick up on that. You were strong and supportive! I completely understand how nice it would be when your bird takes care of their feathers, beak and talon. Sophie does that now, but it did take her until the age of eleven to perfect it. It is a long process, but we know, everything is on grey time. Nancy
  2. Well the chandalier is not a fan, so has no blades. Just a chain, with electrical wires inside the chain. So on Saturday, I spent the entire day with her. I resorted back to what I use to do with her when she did something that was not allowed .Everytime she was on it, I put her back in her room after a firm " NO!". Ten minutes later, took her out again. We did this over and over. On Sunday, down to only two times on it. Again, I was consistent, said a firm NO... back to bird room, closed it for ten minutes and went and got her again. Sunday was much better. I can put plugs in electrical outlets, and can always anticipate her safety needs. I always dreaded her taking an interest in the light fixture, over the kitchen table! I thought long and hard today, about putting something in front of the light fixture to scare her as others suggested. The problem is... Sophie is not afraid of anything! ( except a shower.) BUT... she isn't afraid of a shower, just hates it and does it because she knows she has to do it. Nancy
  3. While everyone knows, Sophie flies out the moment I am home, now she is fascinated with hanging " chandalier". Electrical wires, my worse nightmare! I remove her, with urgency in my voice, so she stepsdown quickly! Within five minutes, she is back on the chandalier.Its limiting her " out of cage time!" I just need her to go four more weeks until I have a fantastic work schedule! I have already considered a towel on the light fixture... it didn't work. Any ideas? Nancy
  4. Welcome Speedygo and friends! You have your work cut out for you. Two greys, twice the work! Sophie and I welcome you all to our family. Nancy
  5. Jeez... I wish I did! A GREAT idea and we all support you! Nancy
  6. I couldn"t open it!!! I know it would just break my heart. Nancy
  7. Speedygo... Just because I disagree with your bird arrangement, doesn't mean I won't support you, in making your arrangement work! I will support you 100% to help you ! It isn't about us, just about our birds. Its just a text " I agree to disagree" Thats what life is about. Don't get offensive! No point in that. Everyone knows... I am NOT a supporter, in more than one grey. You are! There are others here that are as well... they know I will frown on that. We disagree, we argue, but it has NOTHING to do with supporting each other! We are a family, that loves our birds, and we put our " sensitivity", on hold, to make our fids amazing! We support you, to get any birds you want. We also, will respond " are you nuts? Its not an attack on you. DO what works for you! Sure, you don't know me, nor I you....but I support you 100% to have two greys, and any other bird you desire.We just have different beliefs, and thats okay! Nancy
  8. I am glad Ryan has Sophie! I am just being silent, letting him work thru his issues. Nancy
  9. Welcome Leo! You can " cooperate", or not, from your post. If you have a grey, or desire one, they don't cooperate, so why should you? LOL! Welcome... hope you come to see us! Noone dictates on this site, how things should be. Nancy
  10. Welcome! First... I don't support two greys in one home. Some make it work, but I have my doubts. I can count on one hand, naming three families, that have made it work. Now you want to add a Mackaw? YOU are kidding me? You want two of the most amazing species of birds to work together, and you have an amazing flock? Sorry... I can't support you with your plans. Best of luck to you, but I won't be behind you with support. Nancy
  11. Say WHAT? Brain damage? Just because her previous owners didn't teach her to fly, or Lucy didn't have an owner that fed her well, I don't see where she has brain damage! She has you! Now prove everyone wrong. Teach her to fly, develop those chest muscles! Give her healthy food. My Avian vet would FREAK if he saw this e-mail regarding brain damage. ( no.... he would just laugh!) Your bird is a young teenager, and certainly is capable of learning. Sophie flew best around twelve! Nancy
  12. Awesome! Sounds like everything is going well! I laugh to this day, how Sunny would march out and complain how the " girls", were sinking his rope! Baby Amazon was in love with him, and would snuggle him in his cage, then Sophie, decided she should snuggle on the other side! ( He didn't protest as much as he should have!) He would get " disgusted", and complain to me in his babble. Since he was known for " attacking human jugulars", wasn't attacking them or us, I told him to work it out.... go into their cage if he needed an escape! I rarely saw him complaining, but more like he was enjoying snuggles. Sunny had a good life, and was certainly LOVED! Nancy
  13. Me TOO! He still doesn't want to talk about something that happened. If Sophie knows anything... she is not spilling her beans! I am sure he didn't say anything to her. She has always been supportive with her awww"s and Ohhh's perfectly!She would make a GREAT psychiatrist! I am sure she has no clue what any of us are talking about when we need support, but she just knows when we need extra loving! Nancy
  14. Ryan and Sean, both off to college. They have worked together, when in different states, to get Sophie comfortable. She is doing great! Ryan skypes with her from North Carolina. He called me today, had a bad day, but didn't want to talk about it.Sophie was on my shoulder, he could hear her. He wanted to talk to her only! After hearing Sophie say awwwww... ohhhhh.... I knew Sophie was being empathetic, she was helping him. I felt it was important, to not get involved... Now, I am worried, that he has screwed up with college! Nancy
  15. I DID have doubt this year! Not with the kids, as Ryan and Sean ( even though in different states), make a timeline plan, when Ryan needs to step in.They executed perfectly! I wasn't there to " control", the situation! I was sooo busy with my new job, and was " stressed", the kids couldn't pull it off, without me running the show! Everything worked out perfectly! I have learned, kids can work with Sophie, don't need me to be a " control freak", and they can provide for her needs. She is acting completely normal. Nancy
  16. Devin... all will be good! Be patient and consistent,stick to your rules, but be empathetic! Sophie gets soooo mad, when she is annoyed with me! I just great her with patience kindness and love. Her achilles heel. Nancy
  17. It is difficult to get a Grey, to fly, if they have never had the opportunity! I believe in letting a Grey learn to develop the chest muscles when a baby, and trim back, as they go into the terrible twos. We practiced " flight", when Sophie was two. One to send off, one to receive. She did pretty well, but I knew she could do better. ( she also wanted to do better!) Even though she was the ruler of our animal kingdom, a Grey, Amazon and sunconure, I was surprised, when one day, Kiki my Amazon flew out to me( she is an amazing flier). Kiki landed, which she normally didn't do, then Sophie landed next to her. Kiki took off, and Sophie followed. I knew something was going on, and I needed to to not be part of it. After doing this several times, Sophie landed, following Kiki's normal flight sounds. I thought it was Kiki. It was Sophie.Sophie had learned to fly. She was 12 years old.I a. . No matter how old they are, they can learn to fly, not sure to this day, why Kiki decided to teach Sophie to fly, but she did, nancy
  18. The motion, is wanting to come and be with you. Unfortunately,sometimes when they are given the opportunity... they don't know what to do with it! As your sunconure could fly before... why are they clipped now? Believe me, I am a supporter of clipping with a baby, and slowly grow their feathers out. Any bird that can fly before, now gets clipped, affects their mental security. Let your bird fly. Practice over and over, if you decide to grow out feathers. Sunconures are amazing and our Sunny that recently died from old age, was fantastic! ( a rescue, that couldn't find a forever home!) We got him when he was older, couldn't talk, but he learned to babble, and practiced his " hello!" ( he was always proud of himself, when he got it!"} Nancy
  19. Welcome to you and GB! It is helpful to learn about a Grey if you have the time, but sometimes many of us just wing it, as it is a quick decision to get a grey. Mine was a quick decision, as the opportunity came up to get a two year old. More than 14 years ago! She came from a fantastic home, but her owner was a race car driver, that recognized, he wasn't home enough. ( needless to say, Sophie STILL loves to go for drives in the car. The faster the better!) Continue to practice step up, step down, and always provide a reward, after step down. I always practiced away from the cage... cage possessiveness is too distractful.I think you made the right decision to invite this bird into your life. You sound like a great parent, that is committed. We are here for you. There are so many stages of development that a Grey goes thru ( Us too!) We are all here on this site to guide each other. Nancy
  20. " Disdain", is good! If they could roll their eyes at us, they would! LOL! I know when Sophie is rolling her eyes at me.... pretty much all the time. Congo is growing in leaps and bounds. Certainly way past grey time. You are doing terrific with the developing trust. I would suggest the next time Congo seems interested in your home, give a little tour. As soon as he seems uncomfortable, back to his home and thank him for letting you show him your home! ( you may be sorry!) I'm sorry it was thru falling off his home! ( Dang they all fall!) As far as bedtime, we will all help you with that. The trust has to be there first. Stick to your guns about the time he needs to go to bed, while certainly regarding his fears. Do what you need to do to make him comfortable, but don't give an inch about the hour. ( certain lighting.... etc....) Let him know you are supportive, but bedtime, is bedtime! Don't get sucked up into " I need a glass of water!" Of course if scared, quickly respond and let him know he is okay and you are there for him. Nancy
  21. I live in Rochester, NY. Ollie my dog, wouldn't be a problem with any rescue. He LOVES all animals and has been trained to never attack any animal by Max my deceased Llahso Apso.. Sophie would have a problem, since her cage is open. I couldn't trust a rescue, or Sophie for that matter, they would have to be kenneled, and that goes against my belief of a cage. Cages for me, are temporary, and have their purpose. ( transport mostly). Nancy
  22. When I was a kid, I had a pigeon that came to my home for the summer. I LOVED him and named him Simeon. When my baby sitter, who was a foster mom. recognized her sun coner , that was out of forever homes, fell in love with my son, at age nine, I really didn't have a choice. Sunny choice our family. ( just my son to start!) He would fly out and attack people's jugulars! I got sick just a few days later when he came home to live, and moved onto the couch in the family room. I had pneumonia. Sunny fell in love with me quickly, and within a few days of being home, cage open, he was on my shoulder. I was sick, so had no strength to educate, just was there for him.When I got better, I returned to my bedroom, and Sunny would fly up to see me! In the end... Sunny LOVED Ryan, but loved me too. We could both care for Sunny! We lost him this summer.... but we were all there for him. He was with me for 12 hours. Sophie and Ollie were at our side.We had Sunny for fifteen more years! It was very hard for me Nancy
  23. I would LOVE to get a rescue bird, or dog, but the life style for Ollie or Sophie, would be forever altered. My kids are talking back and forth, and have decided to gang against me! I can't get a rescue, as it would change their lives. I work too much as well. I am interested in being more available for transport long distance. Does anyone belong to a rescue group, that needs help with transport? Please let me know Nancy
  24. They NEVER forget, whom they have loved and trusted! You just needed a little punishment, as others have said! LOL! Sophie sees Ryan once a year, but she talks to him all the time. When he comes home, she runs out to see him and loves him to death! He leaves his bedroom door open so she can fly into his room and snuggle his feet. ( she has a foot fetish for Ryan). The next day, she will play hard to get. He knows her games...plays the game, and she is happy. Within less than 24 hours, Sophie and Ryans relationship, is back on track. Nancy
  25. Greys take forever to adjust to changes, new toys, etc. Even though I have had Sophie for more than a decade, I have to make any changes, very slowly.I have spent a small fortune in new cages... California cage she spends around an hour or two playing in it. All of her new play gyms, she puts her nose up at. Her original metal play gym she came with at age two, has been resottered, fixed, and put back together again. She watches Sean like a hawk when he is fixing it! When he says it is ready.... she jumps on it, slides down the sides 90 miles an hour, and is thrilled! Same exact model... she has no interest in. Nancy
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