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Everything posted by Barbara2

  1. I just want to say that the boing is a FANTASTIC purchase! I got one that has two acrylic rings with toys hanging from them. They are meant to go at either end but little Egan does his own rearranging. I also purchased one of those "chime" bells and hung it at the top. He absolutely LOVES that thing! It was to the point of worrying me yesterday because he gets to the top and seems like he can't figure out how to get down. I took it out of the cage for the night and that was a BAD idea. He was not happy and just kept scratching at the bottom of the cage in the corner. So I put it back in. I was watching him on it today and think I know why birds like it so much. It has some give (bounces) and sways a bit like a real branch might in a breeze. Anyway, it was the best $15 I spent on accessories.
  2. I agree. I have to stay away from Craig's List and other sites like that because it is too sad. Sometimes people are forced to give up their much loved birds due to life situations but trading one bird for another? That would be like trading one child for another. I agree with you 100%.
  3. Great bird and very nice set up you have there!
  4. Barbara2


    You mean you point at your wife?
  5. We've had a little bit of adjustment anxiety tonight. I have a boing in the cage and he climbed to the top but then acted as if he didn't know how to get back down. Twice I physically took him down so he could get food and water. So I decided I should take it out for the night. I put him back in the cage for bed and he was VERY antsy. I brought him out with me and cuddled for awhile and he was acting sleepy. I put the boing back in the cage, he climbed to the top and now he's sleeping. He still needs some time to learn how to get around in his cage. Oh, I did break down and give him a little formula for a snack as well. It seemed to help calm him.
  6. Egan is home! He is 12 1/2 weeks old. He is currently getting used to his somewhat scary funhouse. The one photo shows him enjoying a piece of spaghetti.
  7. I spent a lot of time at birdbreeders.com before deciding on a breeder. I was fortunate to find someone 20 miles from my house. She is recommended by avian veterinarians. I am able to go visit my baby as much as I want. I go once a week and enjoy the visit with the breeder as much as the visit with the bird.
  8. The closest I have come to it is having a "duplex". It is a cage with a divider down the middle. The divider can be removed to make it one bigger cage but I have the Senegal on one side and the Hahn's on the other. I have had both birds for 17 years. They used to be in two seperate cages but I needed to get something bigger that couldn't be knocked over by the 100# and 80# dogs. So they got the duplex. They still don't like each other and occassionally fight through the divider.
  9. Wonderful to meet you! Matilda is beautiful!
  10. I really love your Ziggy updates. It certainly gives a diary type look into the adoption of a grey, both the good and the bad. The rest of the story is yet to be told.
  11. I was thinking that it might have something to do with the change in locations. In the beginning, he may have been calling for his "flock". When that didn't work, he switched it up. I think a time will come when he will start calling his new "flock" with the calls of the house.
  12. Nice to meet you too Tyaris! The initiation for this place is that you have to post pictures. (Just kidding! But I would love to see your love!)
  13. Most definitely a sweet baby! Thanks for sharing the pics.
  14. Congratulations Netty! I'll be checking this thread for stories about your grooming adventures.
  15. I don't think it can be too big but the bar spacing might be an issue. Some say their CAGs are fine with 1" spacing and others say no more that 3/4".
  16. The only thing I would add to that would be your bird first aid kit. It is also recommended that you clearly mark your bird carrier with your name and contact information along with a statement indicating a reward for the return of your bird.
  17. I was watching a segment on the news and they were commenting on the way several species of animals at the zoo reacted to the recent earthquake before it occured. It's possible that during an actual emergency your fids will go willingly into the carrier.
  18. Hello Nelisthan! Do you have a parrot or are you thinking about getting one?
  19. I have thought about that. When we get reports of possible tornados overnight I make sure the bird carriers are close to the cage. In that case, we only have to get to the basement but we still have a plan for it. If necessary, I would towel them. Better a little trauma then losing them entirely.
  20. That's hard to say. It is entirely up to the bird. I think the first thing you would want to do is get a check up with an avian vet for him to make sure he is well and doesn't have any deficiencies. If your primary reason for getting him is to have a talking bird you could be disappointed. Or you could be wonderfully surprised! If your primary reason for getting him is to provide him with a loving and happy home and raise a happy bird, you are sure to be rewarded.
  21. That is terrible! I don't know if there is any recourse. When I got my grey, the place I got him from gave me 3 days to get him into a vet to be tested. They wouldn't be responsible beyond that.
  22. It's Wednesday so that means another update. Egan is eating pellets and could be coming home next Wednesday.
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