There are some things, situations, predicaments that these intelligent animals get themselves into that just make you shake your head.
We got home tonight from bowling. Egan was chirping so I got him out of the cage even though it was real close to bedtime. I put him on the playstand and I noticed this green, fuzzy thread. He had managed to get it wrapped around both feet, a few toes and it was connecting his feet (like someone tying your shoelaces together.) I had a HECK of a time untangling that mess! The more I tried to remove it, the more he moved around and made it worse. I didn't want to pull too hard because I didn't want to cut into his toes. At one point he flew away and I had to go grab him. I got it off the foot that was the least tangled and then finally got the whole thing off. We investigated that cage and found the source of the string. His boing is knotted at the top and has (had) a long fringe and he was tearing it up. The fringe got an extreme "haircut".
So what have your birds gotten into that left you saying, "Are you KIDDING me!!"?