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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Jay and Maggie, welcome back to the forum. As I look back with Corky I know who is in charge and it`s not me, but that's OK. We let her be herself so she can be all she can be. Their take over of our life is very special.
  2. Hay birdhouse don`t worry about your cross posting as your intentions are from the heart with the best interest for all people and their companion pets. I have done the same thing myself. We have many members in Texas that we worry about when it comes to them and their companion pets along with everyone in the path of devastation, and now it`s going too be the East Coast getting it. Try to help anyway you can because you never know when we may be next. We at the Grey Forums care for all, members or not. Great post birdhouse.
  3. I would also like to extend my welcome to the both of you to the Grey Forums. That walnut-sized brain is one to behold and love as they work their way into your life and heart. Oh yes, at what point do you lose control and they take over??
  4. I think awesome is the word of the day !!!
  5. I love your comment on your wing clipping as we all need to be clipped from time to time to adjust OUR attitude.
  6. Greys are not known for over eating. They will eat what they need and go on with their business. Amazons will eat them self into obesity, but a Grey, not so much. Enjoy your time with your Grey and in time it will prefer a head scratch to a treat. Time spent with your Grey will become more important to them than food. They become a life long companion. And that's good. P.S. When they step up always reward them with praise as in time they will look for that over food.
  7. The rougher the road, the more we appreciate the end.
  8. Something us African Grey owners have known for a long time is never underestimate what a African Grey Parrot can tell the police. They can tell all weather you like or not.
  9. Not sure if you have an African Grey or a Polar Bear from the looks of things.
  10. If she is taking the time to crush the pellets than she is trying them. there are different size pellets for your birds depending on their size. Myself I stay away from the colored ones because they are dyed and the color is of no value.
  11. Toos have two kinds of toxic issues, One is dander and two is noise toxin. It`s the later that would get me. You know them toos.
  12. Did the servant bell thing. Corky would not stop ringing it.
  13. Humans only have compassion if there is a dollar bill attached to it. ===JMHO=== Ray
  14. We will all pull together for more good news.
  15. We are with you all the way.
  16. I second that. Corkey is very good at making the rocket sound and the explosion sound at the end. She makes her own fireworks sounds all year long. The noise is not a factor for her.
  17. The amount of trust that she has in you is awesome. For her to let you toss her up and down like that has to be a great relationship of trust and love.
  18. Hay, it`s a grey thing. Corkys middle name is ROTTEN. She is rotten spoiled and she has the rotten part down pat. and she is good at it.
  19. That red marker is a flag so you can find them if they get stuck.
  20. Ray P


    We all know what flight feathers are, the long, stiff feathers found on the wing and tail of our parrots, but. Did you know ? Each of these feathers contain up to a million threads called barbules .
  21. It`s good to see how well Mrs. G has progressed over the years when it comes to how fast she can get over her personal trauma and get back to her self. I have reread many of her trials and tribulations and she has come so far thanks to you.
  22. We all stand together with prayers for Timber.
  23. When you talk to a person who is not a parrot lover they may say that a parrot has no facial expressions. Well we know better don`t we. It`s the look we get when we did something wrong even though it may have been in their best interest, but it was not on their agenda at that time. Their feathers stand straight up on their head and wings and they look at you straight on with that look in their eye called STINK EYE Just one of many facial expressions your grey is capable of. Can you name any other facial expression that your grey can express how they feel.
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